Ann Arbor Savings Bank!

TZHZIE Ofanlzed 18C9, umler the Genoriil Banking Law of thls slate. CAPITAL $50,000. TOTAL ASSETS $873,660.12. Business men Guardiuns, Trustees, L&dtM anti othar persons will find thts Rank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT PLACE At whlch to miike Deposlts and do business. Interivst Is Uowed0n ill Savliic; D'-po-lts of $1.00 aml upward, wording to the rules Ol iho bank, a:ul Interest oompoaodad oml-auujaliy. Moo.37 to lioaii in Suaas of $25 to $5,000 Secured by unlucuinbered Real Estáte and other good sccmitles. DIÜSOT0S3 - Shristlan Hack, W. Winss, W. D. Soniman, Williaaj Ceuïle, David Einsov, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Smith. OFFIvSIlS-whristian Masi, Presüsat; W. W. Wines, Viee -President! C. E. Eiscosï, Oashier.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier