Wagner & Co.

SPRING OVERCOATS.- Would you like to see a handsome line of these garments that can be bought for $ 12.00 each. BLACK CHEVIOT SUITS.- Sacks and Cutaways made of this cloth, will be in great demand this Spring. &jpH the abovc nies we have some very desirable neiu things..-Q& Lr.t$The goods are well cut and made and elegantly trimmed.Ss 5: CRAYON PORTRAITS FREE. % We want to GIVE you something that you will appreciate. For a limted time we will give, free of charge, with every ready-made Suit sold for $15.00 or more a CrayOfl Portrait, U by 17 inches, copied rom any good photograph you may have. These Portraits usually cost from $10.00 to $12.00. See sample in our window.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier