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How meekly now the gentle fair, Bend lovely heads in lowly pruyer, And ttiank the Lord in divers ways Thai Lent remains. but forty days. - Washington Star. Next Jlonday is St. Patrick's Day. Henry Linde was admitted to citizcnsliip last Satimlay by the circuit court. Bishop Vincent ia to address the Wesleyan Guikl on Sunday evening, April Och. Frank Lewis was sentenced to one day in jail last Thursday by Justice Pond for being disorderly. Thcrc were 7ü candidates ezamlued for teacher's certificates last Tliursday by the the county board. 'i'he Clicquaincgon orchestra went to Ypsilanti lust evening to play for the Janauscheck entertainment. Among the last list of pensione, we notice the name of Susan, widow of LiiiciiH Brown, of Aun Arbor. Huiuired? of men and women and boys and girls walked arouod the boulevard last Sunday- it svas a perfect day. Amoiifr those recelved into membersliip at the Piesbylerian church last Sunday, was one froiu Sált Lake City. Tlie regular mouthly school board meeting wliicli sliould have taken place last evening v:is adjourneil for one week. Rev. Dr. Turnbul!, of Calvary church, Detioit, will occupy the pulpit of the Pnsbyterlan church next Sunday evening. ïliere is sometalk of liavins tbe streets of Uie citv renumbcrcd, using the Chicago plan of 100 N03. to e:ich block. A good I lm. Will F. Stimson let tho contract for liis new house, to be built on E. Liberty st. Monday, to Winslow & Ilowe. Work will becoinmcnceil at once. The entire press of the city trere agreed on onc thlng laít week, viz: that Mie council did a sensible thing when it resolved to settle the old cemetery matter. The block at the southeast corner of Main and Hurón streets, occupied by the Farmers' and Mechanica' Bank, has been sold by the Jus. Iï. Oott estaie to Junius E. Beai. Work s being continued right along tliis winter on the M. C. R. R., ea9t of the city, gettitig the bridge abutments ready for the doublé track to be laid between liere and Ypsi. Some of the cittzcns in that vielnity are wondering what has becoroe of the flag for the first ward school. They do not reniember of sceing its stripcs and stars sinee the prcsentation d:iy. The ice on the Cornwell mili pond was a lively scène last Saturday afternoon and evening. In the evening there were estimated to be 1,000 skaters on the ice, lifteen hack loads going in olie party. "Plnying with Hearta" is the name of a serial story written by Louis Jay Liefcmer, of the Washtenaw Post, and being published in the Siimlay News. It has a thrllling opening and bids fair to créate a deeided sensation. The second trial of the case against Addison C. Collius, known as the Lyndon sheep stealing case, wbich bas occupied the time of the court slnce last Wednesday, lias called a large nnmber of people here from the western part of the county. The memorial services in honor of Dr. Frieze wil] be held in University hall on Sunday next, at 3 o'clock p. tn. The address will be given by President Angelí. The niU9ic wül be furnished the Choral Union, under the dlrection of Prof. Stanley. Bishop Thompson is to dcliver his fifth lecture bcfore the Guild to-night at Hobart hall, subject : "Kingdoms." On Saturday nigbt at same place, sixth lecture, subject : "The Law of the Situation.1' On Sunday evening the last lecture at St. Andrew's church, subject : "The End." Everyth ing is being done that can be done by the company having the franchise for the street railway in this city. At present arrangements are beiug mide for the furnishing of power for running the electric dynamos. There appears to be good prospect for the building of the line. Mr. Sunderland will begin next Suuday morning at the Unitarian church a series of four sermons on " Fundamental Uellgious Beliefs," including: why we belleve in God; wby we believe in the permanency of religión; wby we belicve In immortallty. His evening subject w!l be George Eliot." The question of improving our liijjhways still continuéis before the people, and is aflorjing much discussion all over lie couDtry. It makes little difference how rauch roads ure graded and drained, in spring and f all, and at all other times when we have long contiuucd rains, they will be rauddy just the same. The only way that mud c:in be climinated is to grade up the roada in proper simpe and cover them with broken stone or coarse gravel. Until that coutee is taken we will have to continue to wallow through mud ! mud ! ! mud ! ! !- Dexter Leader. I 'Twas aftor the ball, 'Twas dark In the hall. Hor "good-nlght" was not very emphallc 'Twas 8uch a good chance Kor weetest romance. And I lingered wlth longlng eestatte. 'Twas dark in the hall, 'T was af ter the ball. 'Twas after the bal!, 'Twas dark lu the hall- Such a chance for a partlut romantic ' And- she was not cold; W hy was I not bold ? When I thlnk of It now I m frantic. 'Twas dark In the ball. Just dark - tbnt was all. - Judge. Tlic roVins are getUns here all riglit. Some of the ncw designs of wull pane ttaat Georffe Wabi bas reotdyed are ex qulsite beauties. On Sundny brenoon next, Bisliop Thompson wlll occupy the puljiit at St Andrew'8 Churcli. Chas. Phalen was sent to jail for two days ycsterdnj by Justice Butts for begging on the Street. At the gospel temperance meetino; a Oopscy's hall ncxt Sonday, Rev. J. ï Sunderland wlll speak. The usual rain, slusü and mud set in again Monday. Couldn't have a few days or right smart winter. George Rauslieiiberger was fined $4 10 costs lor asm!t upon llenry Spiegelberg, before Justice Pond last Wednesday. Dlck Kearns of this city, was on tlie postal car of the Lakfi Shore train that camc near running into the wreek on tliat road last Tliursday, ne:ir Búllalo, N. Y. The K. O. T. M's have to hold special meetinfja nearly erery week to initiale candidatos. On Friday evening they expect a vUit from Hip grand district deputy. The parents of Qerhard Josenhans, of tilia city, who live south of B.illne, are to colebrnte their golden wedding on tlie ötb of M:iy next, if noihing happens to interfere. Memben of the Tappan Guild listened to a very entcrtaining address from Dr, RadclifFe, of Detroit, last Monday evenlng, lus stiliject being "The E'irly Counclla of Our Fathers." Supt. of the Poor Mason reports that the County House is sliort on ice this year. Twenty-four tons only lmve been harve8ted when thirty-flve tvins should have been secured. Dr. Kfipp 8 havlng his office repapered and renovated, makiiip a place so handsome that one will almost want an acciddiit to bannen to hirn so Mint he could rest tlicre for a time. Our model Baptist churcli n one respect 8 like the temple of Solomon. In two panels nenr Mie pulpit platform t has some benuttful specimens of wootl obt&lned from the world renowned cedara of Lebanon. The S.iline Obíerver hal tliis sensible remark:"Tlie Ypsilantian thinks the fairs of this county should form a "trust" and unite in one good fair. Our dea, too. Let it be held alternatel}' at Ypsilantl and Ann Arbor.'' The papers read at the Baptist church Sunday evening, by Prof. Clieney, (read by Prof. Putnam), by Prof. Kelsey, and Eev. C irman, on the life and work of Dr. Anderson, wcre listene! lo with great attention. A new scliedule went into c-flcct on tlie M. C. H. R. last Sondar. A coir.'cted time-table will be found ia tho proper column. If yon ure ntorested it might be well to sUuly it np before atarttng for the station. The reunión of the 20th regiment will be Iield at Williamston, on Wednesdny, April 9tb, t beliiff the 25tli anniversary of Loe's surrender at Appamattox, in whlch they took nn active part. Chas. S. Fall of tljls city was a meinber of tliat regiment. Aldennau E;irl Ware of the Stil ward has been appointod extra mail carrier in placo of A. F. Frubauft", resigned. As bas been suresteil Aid. Ware would now mnke an excellent ohairman of the sidewalk committee, for lie will probably llave a chance to 11 nd out all the poor wal ka. CityAttorneyKearney has filed a bilí In the circuit court to quiet the titls of the city of Ann Aibor In and to the old cemetary property. Mr.Whitman bas deeded bis tille to the city and the same bas been recorded. The business bids fair to be setrled fimicably and quickly and w iselj'. On Sunday evcning tliere were scores of people wlio failed to secure an entrance in St. Thomas church to listen to the eloquent Hev. Fr. Dowling, of Detroit, in bis lecture before the Foley guild. It was au eloquent dlscourse on the labor question, the entire audience beinr enthusiastic. Randall bas an old paintin; of the University campus, made by the now celebrated artist J. F. Cropsey, in 1855. It is a view lookinj west, the one from which the carly steel engravinjrs of the University were made, and the picture is now considered very valuable. It was formerly in Dr. Tappan's collection. It seems as though the University should own the picture. The accidental deatli of Win. Riley, a brakeman on the II. C. H. It., at Warne last Thursday evening caused ïuuch regret and sorrow among bis many friends in this city, wbere he resiiled, and was known is an bonest, faithful, hard-working man. He leaves an aged mother, a wife and live children to mourn hls untimely end. Some 15 or 20 years ago he was un apprentice in the old Journal olliee. Afterwards be became nigbt watch at tlie M. C station here where he remalned for a number of years before goir.jr upon the road. Funeral services vvero held Monday a. m., f rom the St. Thomas' church. There is some talklng up of candidates for mayor now, but the great trouble seems to be to flud men who want the honors. Among the democrats promincntly inentioned are Herman Hutzel, Jacob F. Schuil, Kred Schmid, I). Oramer, Wm. D. llarriinan, Chas. II. Manly, Moses Seabolt, John L. Dufly, W. "W. Watts, and others, not the least among whom Is the present mayor S. W. lieakes. The party would like to induce Cashler F. H. Belser of the Farmers' and Mechanics' bank, who is now president of the council, to take the mayoralty nonmiation, but some way he filits sby of tlie honor. M r. Hotzel bas some warm supporters who believe he would makejust the man for the pluce. In the republictin ranks there è little agitatiou. A few names have been casual ly mentloned, but no name is pu-lu-d to the front. The fact is the republicana have such a long list of good names to select from tbat they do not agitate the question much uutil time for action comes. Adam Bohnet has been admitted to citizenshin. Cbarlie Gibson's barber shop lias beci moved from Ilurou streel to E. Ann st. Gcorge Krautli, of tlie 5th ward, drew the íírst wáfch at VVatt's store Monday nifflit. All the boys are after the next one. Sltl W. Mlllard hns startod a iob printing offlee over J. T. Jacobs & Co.'s store haring bought out S. C. Andrews & Co.'s printlng malcriáis. Grand lecturcr Aitliur M. Clark wil] hold a Masonic school of Inslruction In Ann Albor on Thursday evening Jlarch 20th. Thls announcement is one in wliich tlie fraternity are very much interesteil, and will be plcased to liear of. Thecallingof Congressman Allen to the Cliair eo frcquently, by Speaker Iieed, is a coinplitnent to the abllity of that gentleman as a presiding ollicer, uid one that s appreciated by the people of this district. It pays a district to keep a a man in congress who has worked liis way to intluence. Last Thursday wbile E. R. Curtis was driving ncar the M. tracks, ieadlng a oult behind a bujtgy, tlie colt got scared, jumped into tlie rear end of the buggj scared the liorse attached to the samr, and a runaway ensued that resultetl quite dlsastrously for Mr. Curtís, who was quite seriously injured. Witli thecomplimentsof Dr. H. Gibbcs we have received three of liis recent pubcations: "Some Observatlons on the Orgin of Ovarían Cysts,'1 "An Investlgation into the Etiology of I'hthisis," and a reprint from the Annals of Surgery of Miescher's or Rüiney's Corpusclcs in Aetiiiomycosis." All works of muoh iiuportance to the medical profession. A fine start ha3 been made toward a building fund for the Wesleyan Guild. Besides the $500 subsciiption recently made by Bishop Newman two $1,000 subscriptions and one $500 subscription have been made. Mrs. H. A. Beal making one of the former and Miss Mary D. Beers the latter. With tilia start the Gulkl fond ought to go booming on to success. The mission is a noble and worthy one, deserving of tlie generous support of Methodlsts everywhere. M.s Zjrelda G. Wallace, of Indiana, vil 1 Instare in the M. E. clmrch, of this city, on the l'Jth and 20th of this month. Wednesday night, "A Whole Humanity,i' and Tursdny night, "Scriptural Attitude of "VVomen," will botU be well worth íearing. Mrs. Wnllace is well-known as tlie ideal mother of Ben Uur, the jifted aiitlior showing tbis high appreclaion ot her ttoiling cliaracter. Lectures ree. Begin 8 p. m. promptly. TheHartoi d Times glves her the following notice: Mrs. Zerelda G. Wallace, of Indiana, who Is tupplng in tilia city wlth her eister, Mrs. QaUlng, for a few days, luis been ecured to givo a leciure in Uuity Hall, next Monday vening, Maruli 10, od woman, as connected wltli Hit) progresslve moveuients of the day. Mrs. Wullace has oue of the brlghtesl and nost philosophical of mluds. She has the Dtirage of her convlctlona, but these do not urry her to unreasonable extremes; she ;rasps the "golden Dieau" every time. 11er words iré the words of wisdom.


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