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Of True Irlsb IIeu,rts the Detroit Free Press says: "A great play, beuutiful ■cenery, and a good company." On or about Tuesdaj', April 8th, Weleh Post G. A. R , expect to have givcn tl LJniversity Hall, the famous lecture "One Year in the Rebel Service," by Rev. J. M. Barclay, of Detroit. Music for the occasion will be under thedirection of l'rof. Dady, asslsted by the Amphion Club and the fatnous Chequamegon orchestra. Tlie sroceeds will be devoted to the relief 'and of the post, a most worthy object. The St. Nicholns Song Concert which was given by Unlty Club at lts last program, will be repeated on Thursday jvening of this week at the Unitarian church parlors. The Clnclnnatt Enquirer saysof "True [rish Ilearts:'' "A beuutiful story, and alayed by a great company, descrves tlie ;acked houses that greut theni this week." On Alonday evening Janauscheck drew one of the fiüest auJiences ever seen In the opera house, and although it certalnly cost her an efforc yet she evidently bent all of her energies to piense in her part as Lady Macbeth. But it is quite app;irent that Janauscheck has seeu her best 3ays, and should cling to her promise that this should be her farewell tour. 3he is getting too many yeiirs apon her shoulders to put the neeessary lite and vigor into the parts that she takes. And yet it would be hard to improve upon some scènes that she portrays, that of the sleep walking scène in particular. The other members of the company were excellent, and taken as a whole the entire entertainment was satisfactory. TUe heavy rain of the evening made the nlgbt an uupleasant one, and the hacks reaped a rich harvest. ''True Irish Hearts" had a pai-ked house and gave great satisfactiou. The best Irlsh comedy or drama seen here " years. - Slontreal Gazette. Tlie 8econd llterary eutertüinmeut given by the Young l'eople'B Society of the flrst Baptist church, will be held in ludlence room on Priday evening, March 21. The program will consist of ings by Miss Carrie Berry Phelps, rradnato of the Monroe College of oratory, Boston, Mass., with music. . "True Irish Hearts,'' a beautiful story, and playea y 8.ot oompnny doserves the paeked houses that greet them this week. - Cincinnati Enqulrer. At the Unity Club meeting next Monday ercning Mrs. W. V. Campbell n 11 read a paper on Prof. Maria Mitchell, and Mrs. Prof. Stevens will gire a description of "A Visit to Alaska," Illustrated by stereopticon views. The St. Louis Globe -Democrat has this to say of the play which is to appear at the jrrand opera house on Monday evening, March 17, 1890: "True Irish Hearts," which opened at the Standard last night to a crowded house, is as pivtty an Irish play as one wouiü care lo see, and is very approprlately set iu scenery. The company, too, is a guoA oue. Dan McC'arliiy is a strong leader in the cast, and MicritsiUl the atteutton he receives. Heisa very clever actor, and In hls slnglng brlngs down the house. Tne olher meraters of the cast do thelr work commendably well. "True Irlsli BearU" will continue through the week with the usual matinees.


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