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From nsing for Couglis, Colds, Sore ïhroat and Incipient Lung Trouble3 It is pleasant to the taste and will cure tlie inost obstinate cold. Prepared by ' FLEMINGBROS., PITTSBÜEGH. Soia by all dragffists at 25 ceats per bottlc. Iusist ou Jaaving it CARTERSl CURE Bick üeadache and roliovo all tho tronbloa iacfdent to ft biliouB etnte of the syfltom, Buch oa DizzincsB, Nausea, Drowsinosfl, Distrcua after eating, Pain ia tho Sido, &c. Whila their moafc remarkable success haa boon showu In curing SICK neaaaeha. yct CRrter'a Llttlo Llver Pilla ara eiually valuablo in Conatlpation. curing and preventing thisannoyingconiplaiut,wbUo thoy algo correct all disorders of thostomach.8tlninlato tho livtr and regulato tho bowols. Even lf they only HEAD Acbo thoy would boalmost prícolcssto those wtao euflur t rom thla distressing coiuplalnt; brfl f ortunately theirgoodnen8 does notend here.and thoaa whooncotry thom will ñnd thoso littlo pilla valuOblo in bo many waya that they will not bo wllÜng to do without thom. But after allsick head ACHE Is tho liane of so many livos that hero is whero we mako our great boast. Oui pilla cure it while Others do not. Carters Littlo Livor Plus aro vory ümall and very easy to tako. Ono or two pills mako a dose. Thoy are Btrictly vcgotable aud do not gripo or purgo, butby thoir gontlo action picase all who usothern. In vialsat 25 centB ; ilvofor$l. Sold by druggiats ovorywhero, or sontby mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Vork. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE lf You Have CONSUMPTIOM COUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFüla WastingofKesli Or any Dlsease tilirro the Throat and Luntjt aró Xnflamcd, JLack of StrengiH or iïerv Poteer, you can be rclicvcd and Cured by SOOTTS EMULSIÓN PURE CODLVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ash for Bcott'ê Emulsión, and let no explanation or solicitatton induce you to accept a stibêUtute. Sold by all Druggists. 8C0TT & BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. To cnro Biliousncss, Siek Ileadache, Constipation. Malaria, Liver Complaints, take tlie saie and certain reinedy, SSVXITH'S BILE BEANS Cse the S1IAI.I. Size ( (0 littlo Rnniisto tlio bOtllc). TlIEY AUE THE MOST CONVENIENT. Suitalïlo tor ill Agrs. Prlcc of eitlicr siz.c, g."c. per Bottlc. KISSIMG"7-'7-70' IvlUVBsalUl Mmk'Jforets. (eoppcriorrtump), J.F.SHITH&,CO.SIkcrsor-E!LI!I!KANS,fST.tOÜIS MO. Mortgage Sale. DEFADI.T UAV1NG BEEN MADE IN TUE conditione of a certain mortgage executed by Chanccv W. Ri"cs to Kowana Kigfc's, dateil the 9th day of Februflry, A. D.lSSO.and recorded in the oilict! of thu RegiBter of Ueeds for the County of Waehtcnaw and State of M fchtgan, on the 8th day of Octobcr, 1880, in Libcr 53 of MorteaRee on page 652, and which said mortgage waa duly asaigiicd by deed of asslgnment, bv the sald Rowana Riggs, mortgajreo, to Olara H. Riíígs, on the lSth day of April '] S5, which eaid asoígDment of fiitd mortÉTage is recorded in the oftlce of the Register of in eaid County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan inLiberS of Aspignment of Mortiyagee, OD page 472, by which gaid default the power of eale contalned in said mortgage has become operativo and no snit or proceedinfp, in law or cqaity, having been lnstituted to recover the debt secared by said mortgage, or any part thcreof, ai:d ttit mhh of $275.00, at the date of this notie;, being cl limed to bo due on aid mortgage, notice is therefore hereby given that eaid moitgacewili be forecloped, by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein described, or some part thereof, and that the premiees are described ín said mortgage as follows, to-wit: All tha'. certain piece or purcel of land situated in the Townhip of Sylvnn in the County of WauhtenawaDd State of Michigan, and describcd as followe, to-wit: The south east qnartor (%) of the Houth-cast quarter of pection thirty-one in townehipnumber two south in range three east, at public vendue on the IBth day of May, 1890, at noon of said day, at. the north front door of the Court Houpc in tbc City of Ann Arbor. in sald County; That bclng the place of bolding tlie Circuit Court in Baid County. Datcd Fub. Ulh, 1891. CLARA H. RTGOS, A. J. Sawter, AeBignee for the Mortgagec, Att'y for A süignee. Kowana Rigss. Commlssioncrs' liotice. Q TATL OJ? MICU1QAN, County of Washtcnaw. The undereigned having been appolntcd by the Probate Court for said County, CommiaPloncr to receive, examine and adlust all claims and demanda of all persons agalnst the estáte of John Oeddes, late 01 said County, deccased, hereby givc notice that pix months from date are allowed, by order o eaid Probate Court, for creditors 10 present their claims agalnst the estáte of eaid deceased, and that they will meet at the Ann Arbor Savinga Bank In the City of Ann Arbor in said County, on Monday the teaih day of Murch and on Tuesday the tentti day of June next, at ten o'ctock A. M. of cich of sald days, to receive, examine and adjust aaid claims. Dated Dcpmber 10, 1880. S ll.LIAM D. HAKKIMAN, )„„ , , _ CUAIiLES K. HISCOCK, [ Commissioners. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, Notice is hereby given, thatbyan order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw made on the 27th day of November, A.D. 1889, six months from tbat date were allowed for creditors to present thcir claims against the eBtate of Julia M. Porter, late of sald county, deceaeed, and that al) creditors of sald deceaaed are required to present their claims to said Probate Conrt, at the ProbateOfHce, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatlon and allowance, on or before the twontyMnrenth day of May next, and that ench claima will bc heard before said court, oh Thurpday, the twenty-seventh day of Pebruary, and on Tuesday, the twonty-feventh day of May next, at ten o'clock h the forenoon of each of sald daye. Datcd, Ann Arbor, Novembei 27. A. D. 1889. J. W1LLARD BABBITT, Judire of Probate. Hotice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWashtenaw SB. Notico la hereby elven, tkat by an order of the Probate Court for tho County of Waehtenaw, made on the 28th day of October, A. D. 1889, -1' months lrom tbat date were allowed for creditors to Sreseut thcir claims against the estáte of Charles N. [aioes, late of said county, deceascd, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present thi ir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for cxamination and allowance, on or before the 28th day of April next, and that auch claims will be heard before said Court, on Tuesday the 28th day of January and on Monday the 28th day of April next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Datcd, Ann Arbor, October SBth. A. D. 18H9. J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judgeof Probate.


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