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Epitome Of The Week

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A nit.t, w;i ]i;issrl In Míe Uiiltod States Senate on tbcSd lixlng lúe salaries oí LfnitAü Stutos district juilitx at s,KX). BllUwera Introduoed to repeal tüe Iohk atut Hhorl-haul clause and the pooling seviiaii of ihe inter State oommerce act; to inquire iiito tho advisabillt.y of increasitig the duty on Imported hops (rom eighl conts to twcnty osota per pound In the House bilis wcre introducid uppropriattng Sttíi.OOO for a monument to the división of regulars on the (jcttysburg butt letleUi ; to regúlate the appointirig of fourth-class posttnastcrs by competitive wrltlen anti personal examination, and glvlug the Postmaste.r General the appointlnf? power. Mr. O'Dunxll presentod a petition of the Seventb Day Adventista protest ing against thc enactmenl of auy law in regard to Subbuth obeervanco. Thb time oí the Senate on the 4th wos mostly oceupied in exocutlve session Utscusslng the accounts publlshcd in the papers of matters which were undor consideration In former executive sessions. A bilí was passed approprlating Í30.000 for a monument to commeinorato th bat tío of Tronton, N. J In tho House a bilí was lntroduced to lnoruase tho duties on barley, barley malt, beaus. peas, hops, potatoes, hay, bidés, cggs and apples, and to take the duty off blniling twine. The constdcratlon t tho Arkausus contested eleetton cas of Tcathrsto:iu vs. Cate oveupied ncurly the entlre dar. The bilí appropriating $100,000 forapubllo building at I.afayette, Intl., was passed in tbe Senate on the 5th. Senator Stockbrldgc prosentod two rcnionstrances againat iny bilí in regard to the obsérvanos of the Sabbath or the adoption of any resolution for the amendment of the constltution that would sanotion legislatlon upon the subjeot of religión In tho House the contested electlon oase of Fcather ■tone vs. Cate from tho Kirst Arlcansos district oceupied the entiro session, resulting In the seating of tbe contestue (Foathcrstone) by a vote of yoas, 14A; nays, 133. Both gentlemen most interested are Democrats. Biti8 were introduced in the Senato on the flth for a monumnnt to John Ericsson; for the punishment of offloers and others selecting Jurorft with roforenco to political afnllatlons. Bills wero passed glving a pension of $75 a montb to the daughter of Major Goneral W. J. Worth, and increaslng to $100 a monlh tb pension of tho widow of Major General G. K. Warren.... In the House a pwtition was presented asking that two ornen be appoinlcd on the world's fair commltteo of 189d. Bills wero passed for public buildings at Lanslng, Mich., Galeburt', 111., and Ashlund, Wis. On the 7th hills were introduced in the Sen ate appropclatlng SIQO.OUO for a public building at Muskegon, Mtch., and 3,681,000 for the lmprovement of the Mlssissippi rivor. Tho lílair educatloual bilí was further diücussed. AdJournefl to the lOth. ... In the House a bilí was lntroduced placlng carpenters' and blaokimiths' tools and all agrieultural tniplemonts on tho freu llsl. The direot-tax bilí proposlng to repay to oltlzens and States the amounts by them respeotlvely paid undor the direct tas of $20,000,000 provldod tor by the uct of August 6, 1861, was favorably reponed. DOMESTIC. Qoveux.ment otlicors on the Sd seized thrao largo illioit distillürics in No Man's Land. Seven men añil a boy wero sufTocated on tho 31 in a burning mine at Wilkesbarre, Pa. ïhk building at Now York oceupied by II. fe C. Mayor, hoslery and ffloves, and Hason & Eaton, uinbrellas and parasols, was burnod on tho 4th, with a loss of 8300,000. Andrew Ai.i:x.xiku was burnod to death in hls saloon at Woodsido, Ind., on tho 4th, and it was tliought the building was ñrod by inon bostilo to the liquor trafBc. Fi;i:kzin( weathor in Alabama had on tho 4th dostroyod early vogt;tables, tho loss to Mobilo Counl.y alone buing placed at 8400,000. YVim.iam H. Pope, teller of the Louisville City National Bank of Louisvillo, Ky., was on the 4th said to bo 860,000 short in his accounts. Ho had flod. Thomas Bisnop, a Moxican war veteran and ponslonor, about yo years oíd, was arrosted at Pbiersburg, Va., on tho 4th on BUBplvion of bavlng niurdered his wifo. Conoiíessmax F. W.'s mammoth ship-yai'd at West, Hay City, Mich., was roported on the fttu to have beon sold to an Englisli syndicato for S3.500,000. Kf.poiíts concerning the allegod Bchemo to colonizo Oklahoma with negroos had on tho 4th arousod the sottlors to a high pitch of exoitement. R. R. DoNxin.i.KY & 8oN8, printers of the city directory, and one of the oldest printing and publisliing houses in Chicago, failod on tho 5th for $100,000. The jowelry store of H. .1. Ounning at Kansas City, Mo., was robbed of $5,000 worth of diamonds and watches on tho 5th. At Jefferson City. Mo., it was oflicially statod on tho 5th that the allegod shortago of Stato Troasurer Noland would roach over S:!0,000. Mus. Catiiaiuni; Dhakf. was burned todoath on the 5tii at Zanesville, O. She was 84 yoars of age. Her clothes caught fire from a grate. Tuk first gnow-storm of the season at Cnarlóston, W. Va., occurred on the 6th. The Stato Temporance Allianco of lowa in session on tho 5th at Des Molnes olected J. A. Harvey, of Polk, as president, and adoptod resolutions against the repoal of the present prohibltory law and favorlng a third party in politics. A neobo while plowing in a field on the 5th noar Nashvlile, Ark., turned up a jug containing Sl'i,0U0 in gold. i Tiie large saiiitiiry pottery of Maddock, Sons & Co., at Trenton, N. J., was burnod on the 5th. Joss, 8100,000. At New Yoik on the 5th a numbor of Bupposed packages of macaroni from Moditerranean ports wore found tocontain fine shawls. There wero 140 boxes and ton bags soizcd, all being consigned to Chicago. An "underground route" forsmuggling Chinamen into tlin ('nitcd States was discovered on tho 5th at Port Huron, Mioh. Four workmen were killed and as many injured by an explosión on the 6th in a coal mine at l'lyrnouth. Pa. President' II AiiniaoN on tho 5th approvod the act providing for an As8i8tant Secretary of War. TnE mercury ranged from 25 to 40 dogrees below zero at Ashland, Wis., on the Hth, and refistcred 20 bolow at Cheboygan, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Courier