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JNauoiKil UMe-BalI Loaguo tho coming season: New York, lioston, Cleveland, Chicago, Brooklyn, Pblladelpnlá, Washington, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and Indianapolis. W. 11. Kakmi m. of Milwaukee, for twenty-seven years asslstant cashiorot the Northwestern Mutual Insurance Companv, simt hhnself to doath on tho 6th. Temporary Insanitywoa the cause. FlFTKEN stores and dwellings at Reading, Mass., wwre burned on thoöth. IIknüv Kwi'P mndo a bet in St Louis on the Bth that ho could drink scven ponios of whi-ky on top of half a beer glass of gin. lic won the bot but died four hours later. A Kiiiio on tlie Gth at Madrid, Neb., destroyed sevon buildings in tho business part of the town. Tiiii Chicago expresa train on thoLako Shore road was wrecked on the niglitof the 6ïh near Hamburg, N. Y., a Pullman and two day coaches being piled in a heap. Ten porsons wore reported killed and about twenty-five moro or less sevorely injured. J. VV. Cai.loway, a LittleRoek (Ark.) tax collector, was on tho 6th found to bo 812,000 short in his accounts. The American wire, rod and nail milis at Andorson, Ind., wero burned on tho 6fh. Loss, SI 00, 000. During the absence of Mrs. Eliza Moore on the Oth her residence at Columbus, Ind., took fire, and two of hor children woro consumod in the fiamos. Johx Giuxky and wifo and thoir sorvant woro found asphyxiated at their home in Philadelphlaon tho Oth. Da.niki. D. Ki.akk, a mili employé at Fall River, Mass., was informed on tho 6th that ho was heir to 81,000,000 by tho doath of an uncle in England. Neah Petersburg, Va., a sand-bank caved in on the 7th, killing Lewis Stowart, John Dawson and Archer Griflln. These wore 218 business failuros in the United States during the sovon days endod on tho 7th, against 190 the provious seven days. Tho total of failuros in tho United Statos Janunry 1 to date is 2,758, atfainSt 2,948 in 1S89. Eight persons were soriously injured, , some of them fatally, in a runaway accident on the 7th at Haldwin, Wis. The dweiling of Aloxander Stokes, near Ridgely, Md., was destroyed by ftro on the 7th, and Mrs. Stokos perished In the Dames. By the capsizing of a boat on the 7th near Knoxvillo, Tenn., the two sons of William Maples and a son of William Baker were drowned. Fukthrr advices of the 7th say that six persons were killed in the recent wreek near Hamburg, N. Y., on the Lako Shore road. The villago of Liberty, Ky., was consumed by fire on the 7th. Pateick Ckowk, of Omaha, wanted for stealing diamonda, was arrested in Chicago on the 7th by Oflicor Linvillo on Clark street. Ho shot the oflicer twico, shot a bystander who interferod, and then kept an immense crowd at bay uutil he reae.hed the Pullman building, fatally wounding Offlcer Kriscoo on the way, who had attemptod to stop him. At tho burning of tho house of Mosos Feldman, a Boston poddler, on the 7th, throo of hls children inhaled so much smoke that they could not live. JAMES McJkTOSU and twodaughtors of James Evans wero drowned on the 7th near Spirit Lake, la., ly driving into an air-hole in Lalte Okl)ogi. As assignment was made at New York on tho 7th by tho brewi.g firm of Monroo Eckstein for 8193,000. Tuk private banking firm of Bolloc i'rercs. at San Francisco, Cal., failcd on tho Ttli for f300, OilO. Fki.ix Kami-f w:is lianged on tho 7th at Charleston, V. Va., for tho murder of his daughtor Mary, aged 'JO years, and bis son William. Ciiaki.ks FrkkMan committed murdoron the 7th noar Sacramento, Cal., by holding tho head of his victim in a tub Of water until diiath ri'sult.eil. A DKK.wi.Ki) freight car near Cisco, Cal., on the Tth caused t.lie collapse of soventy foot. of snow-sheds, and twenty hem! of cattle killed. The town oi Caaov Hill. Pa.. w.!i stood over .in abandoiied mino, caved in on tho 7th, and many buildings wero wrecked. A few hours aftor getting married on the 7th John N. Hodgson, a book-keeper at Clevoland, O., shot himself with a revolver, causing death instantly. Ko cause was known. Three boys- Fred Sachs, Oeorge Crawford and Willio Cheatham - wore burned to death on the 7th in a firo in tho Armstrong farniture factory at Evansville, Ind. iH portions of New York and Vermont the mercury ranged from 2ö to 35 degrees below zero on the 7th.


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