
The Governor of Senegal notified the French Government on the 3d oí a battle betwoen tlio French forces and the troops of the Kin of Dahomey in which 100 of the lattor ware killed and wounded. lx the British House of Commons on the 3d Mr. Gladstono made an eloquent plea for justice to Mr. Parnell and the othor Irish leaders. '_ The newly-eonstructcd great railway bridge ovor tho Rivor Forth at Edinburgh was opened on the 4th by tho Prince of Wales. The bridge is 8,298 ioet long and 4!0 feet high. Iv tho Canadian l'arliament on the 4th the Minister of Customs stated that the total Chinese immigration into Canada last 'yrar was s'.tt. Fouu persons were killed in a railway colusión at Carlisle, Scotland, on the 4th, and fourteen were injured, soino fatally. A BILL waslntroduced in the Canadian Parliamunt on tiw. 4th for tho suppression of polygamy. Aukaham Lincoln', tho 17-year-old son of United States Minister Lincoln, diod at Löndon on the morning of the 5th. The long and p.iinful illness that resulted in his denth was causod by a carbunclo under tin' armpit. Sevkn omployes of u SbdB factory at Weissenfels, Saxony. lost their livos by tho burning of the building on the 5th. It was annoumccl on the 5th that new beds of giiiuio had been discovered on the coast of Peru which. it was estimated, would yield ),"üO,OOO tons of excellent quality. Advices ol tho Gth say that many deaths from stiivation had occurred among the Indians at Dunoegan, Han., and sevoral casca of oannibahsm wero reportod. The house of Williara Robinson at Parry Sound, Ont., was destroyod by flre on tho Oth. and three of his ohildren, aged 18, 16 and 9 yoars, wero burnod to death. ADVICE8 of the (Kh say that anothor fight had taken placo in Western África botwecn tho King of Dahomey's troops and the invading French force in which 400 of the fornier were killed. The United Statrs men-of-war Atlanta and lioston of tho ovolutlonary squadron sailed from Genoa on the 6th ior Naples. Skvkral carthquake shocks occurred on the Tth in Asiatic Russia and three villagcs were destroyed. '
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier