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Sir Kuights will bc Intcrcstcd. The Detroit Commandery, K. T., will erect the Casino Tabernacle bootli, t tlie Detroit April flower Bhow, aml they promisc a unique and imposing slructure. It will represent a fortiess on the islami of Malta, and. like tliose fortifications for 800 years. will bear the colors of the Kniglits Templar. A detail trom the Commandery, in ancient cliain mail armor, will be constantly on guard to protect the garrison of the " helpless laaldens," wlx will wear the CoraniaiiUcry colors of black and white. "We greatly dislike to iind fault with any custom of our beautiful city," says a Dakota editor, "but we must nevertlu-less insist that people keep their swine out trom under the Tribune Palladlum. While engaged at our desk wrltlng a leader on "The Stability of our Territorial iDStitutions" one of Senator McBriile's razor-backed hogs bumped up his spine and began scratching hls back on the beam under the iloor, jarring the whole buildinfr, mak log it neeessary for us to stop work on the editorial, crawl under our office, welt the critter along the side with a column rule. This interrupted our train of Uiouht, nd the editorial is not what we wish." Scaly Skin Siseas es Paorlanl 5 years. covering face. licad, and eutire body with white Mates. Mi in red, ftchy, and bleedtng. Halr all ïuii'. Spent huiidredsof Dollar, l'rououuced incurable. Cured hy Cuticura Remedies. Cured by Cuticura. My discase ipsoriasis) first broke out on m lel't cheek, gpreadlng across my nose, and almos covering my face. It ran inro my cyes, and the physician was afrakl I would lose my eyesight altog 'ther. It spread all over my head, and my halr all lell out. untll I was entifely bald-headed ; Hthcn broke out on my arma and fhoulderp, until my arms were just one eore. It covered my entirc lii'dy, my face, head, aud ehonldcrs belni; the worst. The white scabs feil constantly from my heud. sboulders, and arms ; the nkin would thictten and be red and very itchy, and would crack and bleed ffscratchcd. Aftcr spending m:iny nundreds í dollarn, I waa pronounced incurable. I heard of the CimcURA Remkdii, and after uslng two boltlcs Cuticura Heuolvknt, I couldseeacbane and after I had taken tour bottlos, I was a'inost cured; and when I had used six bottles of CuriririA Kksolvbnt and one boi of Cuticuba, and one caKe of Cuticura Soap, I was cnred oftha dreadl'nl frum which I hud Biift'i;rcd for flve yeare. I thought thu dica?c would leavo a very deep tcar, but the Cuticuka Iíemediks cured it without, any rara. 1 cannot express with a pen what 1 suftered before ueing the CuTiovnA Hkmkiii They saved my lile, and I leel it my dnly to rec'Miirru-nd them. My hair Is rtwtored as good as ever, and so is my eyeugbt. I know of othurs who have received gruat benuflt from their u-c. Alus. HOSA KELLY, Kockwell City, Iowa. Cuticura Resolvent The ncw Blood and Skin Purifler and pnrost and best of Uu n:or Remedie?, internally. and Cdticuk, the trreat Skin Cure, and Cuticuka Soap, an exqiiisite Skin Betuitifier, exiernally. have cured thousands of wliere the sheadinïf of scalee measured a quart diii'y. Ihe pkin ernckt-d. bleedlDg!, ImrniiiL', and Itchlng almost beyond human endurance, halr lil'elcss nr all gono. enllVrine t-rrlble. What other icinedius hnvc made sucti cures y Bold fv(?rywhere. Prive Cuticuba, TjOc; Soap, 25c.; Kesol'vknt, $1. Preparcd by the Potter Dkuo ani ChkmicaIjCorporation, Boston. 13J Send for " How lo Onre Skin Diseanes."' 64 pages, 60 illusirationa, and 100 testlnioni .Is. piIWIPIES, black f I IVI oily skin prevented by Cuticuba Soap. J J IT STOPS THE PAIN. 0p] Backache, kidney pains, weakuHH, KnBy rhenmatism and muscular palns r-Jslfftr lieved in one niinutr by the f B ('iiticurii Aiiti-Piiin 11hIoi'. The iiii nuil only instanuineous p dnkilling piaster. Real Estáte For Sale. OTATEOF MICHIGAN, county oí In the Matter of the cetate of David W. Noyes, deceased. Notlce ia hereby given, that In pnrsuanco of an order erantcd to the undersincd Executor of the la-t Wlll and TeAtASloaf of said deceased, by tho Hon. Judgc of Probate for the County of Waehtenaw, on the eleventh dav of Marcb, A. D. 1890, there will bc sold at Public Vcndue, to the highegl bidder, at the dwelltug house on tl. e p remises below dcHcrlbed, in the township of Anti Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuiisdpy, the twenty-ninth (-9) day of April, A. I). 1890, at ten o'clock ín tbeforenoon of thatdav, (subject to ill euctimbranceu by mortgHge or otherwie exiatlug at the time of the Ueath of sald deceased) the followiiiji deecribed Keal fliHtate, to-wii : Lote Number Scventecn and EIghteen, accordin to the plat tf the subdiviHion, of the Kaet Qaarter of Section NlneteOD. Town Two (2), South Hunge Six _ü), East (Ann Arbor) in the State ol Michigan, a recorded in the Kegteter's offlee of Wasbtenaw County, in Liber M.of Deedötoa page 274, contiiininj; iour and aixty-four huudredths aerea, more or less. MICIIAEL J. NOYB3, March llih, 1809. Exocutor. CommïS8ioner8' Roticc. QTATE OP M ICIIIGAN,Connty or Waehtcnn w,s8. O Tho andcrslgned liaviu boen appolntèd by ttM Proba tt Court for said County, Commii8ioiitirs lo n'Ctivir, exauiinc and Adjust all claims and demolida if all persons apiiwat th aatata of WÜHam W. Denn ate of -aid countv, duceaned, hereby givti notice hat six months from date are sllowed, by order of tald Probate Court, for credit ore to preneut tlx-ir claims ngaingt the estáte of suid deceaoed.and that hcy will meet at the tore of Dean !fc Co., 44 S. Main street iu the city of Aun Arbor, in naid county, on Tucsday. the 25th iluy of Fttbrnary and un Muinijiy, the tZfitb day of May next, at ten o'clock A. M. ofeachof fiftid days, to receive,examiue and u-ijn-t said claims. Dated, November 35, 188. JOHNT. FULLEK, Pnmm{tntiPr FREDEKICK Iï. BliAUN, f Commissioners.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier