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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY. AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on band. BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retatl Trade. We sball also keep a anpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Ostoom's Oold Dust Flour, Buckwheat Flour, C'orn 93eal, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Kutall. A general stook of &R0CERIES ant PROTISIONS Uonstantly on hand, wlilch will be sold on as reattonable torma ae at any other house In the city. Caeh pald for BUTTER, EÖGS, and COÜNTHÏ PRODUCE jrenerally. Goods ddivercd to ny pari of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE ! $29,000,000. Secnrlty keld for the protection of the policy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the foüowlna firat-clafs companlep, of whïch onc, the Etua, has alone paid $56,000,000 lire lossen In sixty-flve yeari : Etna, of Hartford $ 'J, 12,014 Franklin of Philadelphia 3,118,713 Qermania, N. Y 2,700,7-29 ' Germán American, N. Y 4,06ü,9G8 Loiidon Assunince, London... 1,4)6,788 1 Michiifan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,67e National, Harfford 1,774,505 l'hcenix, Brooklyn 3,7.59,036 T.opses liberally adjusted and promptly pald. Policies issued at the lowest rates of premium. llDltf Is the oldest and rimst popular srien tillo ard raechanical paper publishud and hns the lanieet clrculatlon of au y paper of its claaa in the worlcL Fully Illustrated. Best claas Of Wuod Kiiyruvinjrs. Published, weekly. Send for ipeotmoo copy. Pricc $3 a year. Four nnmths' trial, tl. MÜNN & CO., PUBLlSUElts, 3Ü1 Iiioadway, N.Y. ARCHSTECTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scientific American. O A reat 8uccess. Kach lesue contnlns colored JithoKruphic plates of country and city roeidencea or public buildinc;. Numonjiis enffrarlngi and fiill plan? and ipeciHctitiuiis lor the ase Ol suchas contémplate building. Prlce $2-50 a yeta, 25 ets. a copy. ML'NN & CO., PCBLlfiHlitS. DATERÍSSl ■ 40 years' experience and liave made over H HIO.ÜUÜ apjttlcations for Amorieiin and Kor ptjn patents. Send for Handbuuk. Correnpomlence atrlctly contldential. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark 1 not rcKtatered in the Patent Office, apply to Münn & Co., and procuro Iminedtate protection. 8end for liandbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, churu, wups. etc, quickly procured. Address lUlNN fc CO., Patcut Solïcitors. UfNEllAL OFFICK: Wl BttÜAUWAV. N'. V INSURANCE RáAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamllton Bloeit. Partles deslring to bny or geil Real Estáte wlll flnil lt to thelr advanlage to cali on me. represent lSfirst-class Flre iDBnrance Coinpanles, havlug au aggregat capital over f30,uoo.ix. Rates Low. Losses Hberally adjrsted and promptly pald. I also issue Life and lovestruent Policles in be New York Mntual Life Insurance Comany, Assetts, 875,000.00. Persons deslring Aoident Insurance, can have yearly policles wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurnce Tickets lssued at Low rates. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Office bours from 8 a. m. to i in. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Harailton Block. Michigan (Tentral "The Masara Falls Route." Time table taking effect March 0. 1SH0. CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. ■„.ONS. i fa J Jjj p - A.M. A.M. P. M. P.M. P. H. A. M. Chicago.. I.v 7 55103. 3101010 925 Kalamazoo 1 2ó 255 7 21 4 0-1 i !! 7 10 Jacktuin 8 45 4 5i 9 05 B 81) 4 ,'0 3ó Cheleoa 4 30 7 18 5 27 10 15 Dexter 143 7 S3 541 1027 P. M.P. M.P. M. A.M. A. M. A.M. Aun Arbor 5 151 5 5tt 9 5 7 52 6 00 10 43 Ypnilantl 5 37 6 U8 10 10 8 OS 6 17 10 55 WayneJonc fio 8 33 (43 1113 Diitrol:....Ar 6 45 7 0110 58 9 20 7 3 U60 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. 6TATION. d g. V (g A.M. A.M P. P.M. P.M. Detroit.... I.v H 10 8 U0 105 3 50 800 10 18 WayneJnnc 9 50.. 480 8381051 Ypsilanti N10 8 17 152 4 55 900 1110 A.M. A.M.Il'.M. l'.M.II'.M. P M. AnnArbor 10 43 s5i)203 5 15 9 1T 11 3:i Dexter 10411 540 945 Cheteea 1055 6 10 95 Jackson 118511000 3 00 650 1045 1225 Kalamazoo 32511100 4 43 940 110 2 27 Chican". ..Ar 7 ,rw J :i3 9 0() i 7 00 7 45 O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Afeut, Chicago. Aat., Ann Atbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Michigan Jíallwar. TIME SCHEDULK. Takiog effect November 2ütli, 1889. Tralne ran by Standard Time. ; Qotng North. i Si 3- 31 I p STATIONS. 1 P. M. A. M. P.M. P. M. 3 25 6 UO Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 110 4 17 6 47 Dundeo 10 ld 12 -il) 4 88 7 1 Mllan 9 5$ 12 04 4 ; 7 11 Urania 9 45 116 4 6-j 7 22 Pittalield 9:111142 5 07 7! Ann Arbor 9 9 tl 80 5 31 7 50 Leland 9 07 II 15 5 47 8 05 Whltmorc Lake b 55 11 02 6 i 8 45 Howell 8 17 10 25 7 15 9 35 Durand 7 10 9 Sñ S 55 10 55 Kust Saginuw 5 55 7 45 8 00 10 10 ....... ..OWOMO...... 6 86 9 OS 9 07 1145 Ilhaia 5 32 7 50 0 15 12 45 Mt. Pleasant 4 85 6-15 .... 3 !0 Oailllluc OSO .... 4 4.1 9 05 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 P. H. P. ■ A. M. k. M. Oolng South. South Lyon Urancli. NOBTII BOUND. STATIONS. fOUTH BOTTOD. Train 18 Traiu 17 A. H. . M. 6 00 Lv Ann Arbor At 8 16 ti 4 Wordcne 7 .' 7 00 Ar Sonth Ljon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASHLEY, Genera! Mrnacrer A. J. PAISÍ.EY, OKO. II. UAZLKWOOD, Gen'l. Pas. Ticket Aeem. Ical Ai;ent. Estáte of Artliur M. Potter and lïonrj B. Potter- Minors. STATE OF MICUIÜAN, County of Washtcnaw at. At a fP9s:on of the Probiite Court for the County of Wtthtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city oí Aun Arbor, od Monday, the tenth day of Marrh, in the ycar une thoupitnd eiijht hundred si (I niiuty. Present, J. Wülard ttabbitt, Judt'c oí probara. In the matter of the eRtute of Arthur M. Potter nnd llenry Ii. lottcr, minora. fíotth W. Chcever, the guardián of eaid warde, comes into ctmrt and repreenti that la dow Drspar0d to render hie anuual account as suchguardlaD. Thercnpon it in ordered, thnt Kriday, the fourth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the foreiiDon be urignod foi extnnlniniï and allo w los 6nch accotmtand thatthenextof kin of paid wurd and all other persona Intareated tn uid 8e tatuara r(juired toaopear at aeession oi'HÍd Coart,then to be DOldon at the Probate Office iu the city of AnnArbnr, in said county, and show cause, if noy there be.why the eaid acconnt should not he allowed. And it ík further ordered that sAd RUJtrdinn ive noticc to the persons intorestOd in s;i!d estáte, of EDfl ptuidi-ncy oï saiu account anti tri'1 neanng thereof, by caiisiiiíí ft copy of this order to hr. pub liehed in the Ann Anor Courier, & newspaper printetl and circulating in Mld coiinty, three sucoessWe weoks ir rloiu t safd day of h'!arine. (Atrae copy.) J. WILLAU1) BABBITT, Jude of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. THIS PAPER k. I niV ■ Ml ■■■■ KOWELL A COS Kcwspaper Advcrtlsing Bureau 10 Spruoa Street) ,wheroolvcr. iPllf Urtni tlsinRcotitractsmay MhIM W IIKR be maUo for it ia ISbfV I Ulll%s Mortgage Sale. Wiíkrkas defaiilt hls been made in the condi tions of' & certain mprlgagfl whereby the power of sale therein contained has bccome uperattve, exeented by Ge rge K. Bierce and Nettle Bicrce. hts wil'e, of the township of Sylvan, Washtenaw county, Mlch., mortg igors to Tbomis Wilkinson of the same place. mortgagM bearlnir date December lst, A. D. 1831, ackuowledged December 3d, A. D. 1BSS. and recorded tn the otlice of the Registor of Deeds l'or Waehtenaw connty, Micbigun, on ihc 4th aay of December, A. D. 1883, In Llber 62 of Mortgages, on page 611 ; which mortgagfc was ouly !isi 'in'tl by laid '1 homns Wllkluson to Junlns E. Beal on ihe Bi day of December, A. D. 1883, whlch asignment was recorded on December 4ih, A. D, 18s3, in the Register of Deeds office tor the county of Washienaw, State cf Mickigan, tn Líber 8 of Assigumcuta of Moitgngi'S, on page 1M. On which mortgae there i claimed to be due st the date or this notlce the siini of ($t 50) thlrty-üve hum! red and flfty dollar, and no actions or proi-e-.-íliiiL'í at, law or iu rqnlty have been instituted to recover the debt secured by said moi'tg.igeor any part thercof. fsotice i h reby givcn that by virtne of the power of gaie coi tained in said moriggc and of the atatute n uch caai's mude and provided, the said mortga-'e wiii be foreclosed by ale oí the mortg 'g'd preml&ea th-reln descrlbed, which aale will oe inadi: M toe we?i door of the couri house. In the cily of Ann Arbor, in the coumy of Waabtenaw. Statu of Michigan, that belng the of holding the circuit conrt for aid oouiity, ut public ïuctlon, ly the sheriff of said coirity, on Sat'irday the ïath day of April, A. D. 1S9', at lu o'cloci in the lors'ioon of said day, to s itisfy the amonnl which shall thcu be due on s.iid munsaïe. : he premi-en decrihed iu -ald mirtgigeto be cold u tt)ov; spectfled are : The wcsi hall of Iho norihwest quartcr of section 14, also ihe nouth sixty ncrea ol' the cast liittTof the northeavt quarter of section 15, btlng all tliat part ol' suid lol that lies south of Mili treek Dttcli, running through the same, nlso a trip of land lwo roda wide long the ensi sidc ol the west hall of the souihwcsi qarter ol secMOD II, drom the territorial rotul nortii ol ihe norlh line Ol Kaid lol. all in Ihe townahlp of, connty of Wahtenaw, 8iat of MlcSIgon, Ann akbok. Midi.. Jan. 21, 1890. JUNIL'S E. lítíAI., AsBignee. Sawteh & Knowi.t k, AUorueys. Mort gage Sale. DKFADLT U.W1NG BEKN MADE IN THE condUlons of a certürn mortsiage execured hy Lo.vl Johnson and Mary Ann Johimon hlë wife, to ( luu-e Do, diti-d the tweniy-thlrd day of February A ü. 1SS4 and recoMert in the tllce of the Kegis-er of Deeds for tlie County of Washtenaw State ol Michigan on the twenty-third day of Kibruary A. D. 1881 in Liber (3 of mirlgagce on page ;:!, which said mortgnge was duly asiirned hydeed of Klgnmnt by the aul Chase DoymortKngeeto Richard J. Zebbi on lire elihl tlay of Decmier A. D. 18KS whlch tuid aéslscment ol said mortgage iu r-c(nie ín the office of t'ie Ketritcr of Ueedi for said Connty in I.lher 10 oí assigtinents of m rtcatfèa on pnge '00. by wh ch suid deiault the power of BBle conainel In fUl mortgage has hecome opvra ivo nr.d no procedings in law or equitv hnv ing been Insiltdted to recover the debt secured by said morig gu or any pirt thereof, and the nm uf one hundied and seventy dollars being now claimed to be doe oti f ueli mortgKge. Nolice I hereby given tbat ihe caid mor!),' ge will be forcloned by a sale of themorrgiffedprt-niUei theraia described ir f om lun ineraofvlz: Lot nuniber twenty-eig'.it and the north half of lot number twenty-nine in Brow and liach's Addillou to the City of Ann Ari-or Wa-htenaw Connty Mlcbigan accordina to the recordcd plat or said addlttOD al p ibllc vendue atthe east duor ofthe Couri Heuse In the city of Ann Arbor In satd Connty tttiat being the plRce of holdlrg tbc Circuit Court for said Couutv) on ihe twcniy-fourth day of April A. U. 18!XI at ten oc'oi-k in the forenoon of that day. Dated January 2!rd, 1890. ÍUCUAKD J ZKBBS. Ass guce ol Mortgagce. J. P. Lawkk-jce, Atty. lor Asegaee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUI.T HATING BEEN MADE IN THE couditions ol a mortjíage exetuted ly Everaid 11. ÏMorgan and Alice M. Mtrgan, hls wlfe, to Janius K, Boa) Field, bearlnff date the 'ird day of May A. 1). 18M, and recordea In the oflice tl the Kegister ofDreds for Washtennw Connly, Vichigan on the 3d day of May A. D. 1884 at : o'clock p. ui. of that day, In Libr 61 of montages on page 810. by which defiult, the power of sale contaliied in eaid mortgige beeime operative, and no snit or proceeuings in law or equity havlng been instituted to recover the üebt securea by said mortgaee, or auy part theieof, and ihe suin of WJW1.7Ï at tbe date of this uoiice beiiig claimt;d to be due on said mortgage, and that at tbedale of said mortgage the lull num ■■ of the said morteügee, was Junius K. Beal Field; that after said morlgage wis mude aud exeented, said morlgagee upplied to the l'robate Court, for said Conniy of, tn wrlting,! pursuaice of the statute in snch m nd provided, and on the iiSth day of July A. 1. 1881, he obtalned au order of sald Prohnte Conrt chaning his iiame from Junlus K. Beal Field to Junioe B. Beal. a in and by the records of said Probate Conrt in that matter, relercnce being thereto had will more fully aud at large appear. Now therefore uotiee ie hcrt'by given, tbat s-iiti in rlg,tge will bu loreclosed byasaleofthe mortgaiíed pn mises therein docrlbed, orsome purithereof, and tüat theon iii'si are described in said m rlg ge a follows, tuwll, all that certain piece or prc"l of land sitinted and being in the ïownship of PitUffield. in the Connty Of Waihtenaw. i:id State ol' Michigan, descrilied as follows, towii: Beginning at a point In the weit side of secrion ncmber four (4) iu said Townsblu nlnteen (19) r.baius and seventy-nine (79j links from ihe norlhwest corner of sald geettoo line, thence norlh eighty-seveu (STjdegteesaBd ïli'iy toll) minutes eivgt ihree (X) Chain and ihrty six 8) liukstoa siake one chain and tweniy -even (27) links in;ui a cherry tree ten inchee iu diameter, wliich hears s:imh etgbty-aeven (87) degreei west, thviH-r .-out h lwo C-) desrew ast flfiy-1'our (,l) links, thence outh eighty-nlne (80) degrees and ten (10) minutes cast six (ts) chaius and eightv-iighi (88) link toa stakethtrty six and a half (86)4) liks froman apple tree fllieen Inches in diameter, which bears south Iwenty-eight (2S) degree weet, Ihence soulh sixty-elght (ü) degreee t-ast onu Chain and t-iirhiy seven ($7) links, thence soutll etghty-four (S4) degrees east four chalus umi fltly-iour (1) links to the inierseeUon of two diti hes, thuLCi; south six (B) degrees cast eleven (11) chains aud twenly-two (22) link? to the recoguized east and west quartcr line thence wtst the quarter line sevenleeu (17) cbains aud nventy (J0) liuks to the recogí. l.ud quarter sUlke, thence north on tbe section lhie thirteeu (13) chains and tiity (50) links to the place of begiuulnif, coutaluing twenty-one acres of land m re or less, at public vendue, on Thursday the tirst day of May IH), at noon at the north front door ol the Court House in the City of Aun Arhor, in said Coiintv, that being the place ol holdiug the Circuit Court lu m'.d County. Dated Jan. 29 th A. D. 1891 JUN1US E. BEAI-, Mortgttgei, i'ormerly Junios K. ISeul Field. A. J. S ï EU, Atty. lor Mortgagec. Estáte of DatW W. Xojes. STATE OK MICHIOAN, County of Washtenaw as. At a session of the Probate Court Tor the County of Washtcuaw, holden at the l'robat ■ Offlce, In tbe City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eleveuth day of February, in the year one thonsand eiebt hundred and mnty. Present, J. Willard Babbltt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of David W. Noyei, deceaced. Onrendingandfilingthepetition, duly veriiled. of Michacl J. Noyes, executor, praying that he niay be llcensed to sell the real estáte wuereof said deceased died aeized. Thereupon it Is ordered, that Tuesdiiy, the e]eveuth day of March next, at 10 o'clock In the forcnoou, be a.ssigned lor the hearing of iitd petition and that the devíseos, leñatee and hi-lrs at law of said deceaeed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appcar at a seeslon of eaid Court, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, iu the city of Ann Arbor, and ahow cause, if any there bc, wly the pra.ver of the petitioner ahould ot be gran k-d. And it 1h f'urt ïtur onlered, that said petitioner givenotice to the persons i nteivsted in said estáte, of the pendcncy i said petition, and tlie hearing thereot, by causiug a copy of thls order to be i-ublished lntheAnuArborCoiiri!r,anewHpapeipriiited and circulnUïd in said county, three stlCC66ftiV8 weeks previouf tosaid day ol hearing. (Atruecopy.) J. WILLAKD BABBITT, Jadee oí Probute. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Reglater. Chaucer Notfce IN pnnoanC60Dd by vlrtne ofa final order and decree of the circuit court lor the Cuunty of WHöhtenaw, in Chanccry, In the State of Michigan, made, dmed and t-ntered on the tweuty-aevenih day of May A. D. ISSíí, in a certam cause tberein pending whereln dedgwlck lean and Honry 8. Dean arecumpiainantti and Gik-s BferrlU and Ellen Men il t tlt't-ndanta. Nnticc in lifrby givun thatl phall sell at public auctlou t( the higbest bidder at ih1 eat front dour oí the conrt buiine {r.iid fri)Lt dHr beiiig.the Kourth reet entrunci' to taid court house) iu ihe city of Ann Ar hor in said Ct uuty ot Waehtenaw and State OÍ Michigan - taid court house being ihe place íor holding the circuit court lor said couu'y- oq Saturd'iy the nlnetwntb day of April A. D.'JSIH), at ten o'clock in the forenoon to ralse amount cluc tt me sam (unipminamt1 ïor principa-, ínter st and costa In this canee, all of the followmg dencribtïd parcel of land mentiout'ü and set forlh in.Mld deiree, to-wlt : All Uut cnruln piecc or parecí of land wituaLe and beinj; in ttie tovvuahip of York in uit Cmuity of Waahtenavv and State of Michigan and deserfbed as followi, to-wlt: Lot number Fonr in Gay's Plat of the Village of Milan on section number Thiny-flve of iald township of York, sald township beirg Town niimlier' Four 8OUth in Rtinu nnnibcr ux e&st, iu accordanctí with the term of said decree. Duted, Ann Arbor, Mlch.. Mirch 3d, 1S90, l'ATHICIv -MrliKKN A.N, Circuit Court CommlBsloner in and for Washteuaw Coiirty, Michigan. Z. 1'. Kino, Sollcltor for Complainant.


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Ann Arbor Courier