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üregory is a money order office now. The ice houses at Clielsea are said to be full. Frank Stafliin, of Chelsen, gnt in 200 tons of ice this winter. The new steel track between Chelsea and Dexter lias been all laid. Tbere were 80 converts made duriug tlie revival meetings at Clielsea. A new-fangled ballot box did well at its trial at the Clielsea charter elcction. A new outfit of chemical apparatus has been purchased by the Chelsea schools. There Is to bc a contest at Manchester over the cliange of locatlon of the postoffice. Five boxes of clotliing were shippcd f rom Brighton to the Dakota suirerers recently. The Deestriot Skule will be held at Lima Centre, lnstead of at S3'lvan, as at first proposed. The Pittsfleld Union S;ibbath School will meet on Sunday March 2öth to organize tor the summer. - Wlien the snakes begins to crawl and frogs begin to bawl, the front gate begins to fall. - Enterprise. How do you know? The Observer wotild like to have SaUne's cro3s walks elevated a little so that the water might run off instcad of upon tliem. The library of the Presbytcrlan Sunday school at Saline has had 30 new books nddecl to it and has been rectalogueil and put in gooci slinpe. The Patrons of Industry have liad meetings announced twicp, at Saline, and each time their speaker failed to come to time. Hard luck. Several ladies of this place met at the G. A. R. Hall last Friday evening and organized a Woman's Relief Corps with Mrs. A. G. Miller as president. - Stockbri'lge Sun. The death of township treasurcr N. S. Case of Manchestcroccurredon Siturday the Sth inst. He leaves a wife and tour chlldren, and was a highly esteemed citizen of that place. Our (onaorial artlst, I. J. Cook, is the owner of a hen that beats the record as an egg layer. She has laid two eggs durng the past week that measure exactly 6,5 x8 inches each.- Pinckney Dispatch. II. D.Platt has a Shropshire ewe which recently gave birth to four bealthy active lambs, all of which she is ralsing. If any one bas a ewe of any other breed which has done as well, we would be pleased to hear of it. - YpsUaotl Commercial. Peach blossoms in Michigan in March. That breaks the record we think. Mr. L. Silsbury, of York, this week sent us seyeral twigs taken from his trees, loaded with blossotus. Truth, demanda, however, that we add that the twigs had been kept in a warm room immersed in water a week before our seeing tliem. - Saline Observer. The following are the Corporation ollicers of Saline recently for the coming year: President- S. D. Van Duzar. Clerk- L. L. Kilby. Trustees - Samuel Josenliiius, Wm. J Jack8od, Adata C. Clark e. Assesor- John Ulllen. Treasurer- John A. Alber. Street Commlssloner- M. D. Wallace. Constable- Frederick Jerry. The Chelsea papers speak of the inadequate facilities afforded people to escape from the town liall in case of tire or other alarm, and cali upon those In authority to see that the defect is speedily remedied. That'sriiiht. We know how It is ourself; our hall Is unsafc and the owners intend to put up fire escapes - Manchester Enterprise. At the recent charter electiou in Manchester there was but one ticket in the field, the "Union,"' as follows: For President- Amarlah Conklln. For Trustees- Nathan Scbtnld, Lyman S. Hulbert, Alben W. Spencer. ForClerk- Warren Klmble. For Treasurer- John Kensler. ForSlreet Commlsslouer- Franklin Sher wood. For Assessor- Henry Klrohhofer. For Constable- Klchard üllbert. Ypsilanti people are very confident that the branch to Detroit via their city will be built by the Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan road. The englneers, after a careful study, have prepared an estímate of the probable cost of constructing the branch and it is satisfactory. The Aun Arbor ro:ul has not yet maiie any offer or st.ited on what terms tho branch would be oonstruoted, but there will be a party of Vpsilanti capitalista here next week to coiifer with the Ann Arbor compauy, and it is thought the matter will be settled Mttefactorily. - Toledo Iïee. Washington, as has been reniarked, never knew when he was whipped ; hut we can pardon his ignorance when it is remembered that there were no diily newepa(iera then.- Judge.


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