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Council Proceedings

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AXdri Dieterlc and Barker a'one wen: absent from comioil meeting Jlonday evening. A commtlnicstlou was received from tho Boldier's llelief Commission of tho county asking tliat the council name a person to meet witii the commission accordlng to luw. Rec?tved and placed on file. Amondmenta werc presented to the ordinance relativa to porters, hack drlvers, etc, keeping tlie drivers at the depots, at tlie edge of tlie walk; also change the penalty in the license ordinance from $100 to $50 to conform to state luw ; and some minor changes in the ordinr.ncc relativo to streets. On rccommeiuliition. of the Street committee the plat of J. D. Baldwin's addition to the city of Ann Arbor be vacated except Baldwin ave. from Ilill st. to Wells st.. (this refera to the new county fair grounds.) By proper resolutlon the Mayor and Clcrk were authorized to advertise for sealed proposals for the parchase of $21,OOOof bonds, of the city, to be issued in denominations of $300, and bearinj; Interest at 4 per cent,, sald bonds not to be sold for less thau par. Aid. Herz from Street lightning committee, made the following report, wliich was adopted: Your comralltee on llghllng, to whom was relerred tho locating of acldltlonal electrh: 11'IUs, would respectfully recommend tliat the same be locnted at ttie followlng places lst ward- cor Malo umi Hill sta. 2d -cor. JefFerson and First sts. lid ■ -cor. 5th and siimriilt ats. 4th " - iutersectiou of Detroit and División Rts. 5th " -cor. Traver st. near T. fc A. A. K. th -cor. E. Universlty ave. and Packard Bt. The followiugare theessential portions of the resolution for the special election: Whehkas, In the opinión of the common council, of the city of Anu Arbor, the time has come wüen ti main sewer has become necessary for the preservatlon of the public health, therefore be lt Resolved, That the mayor and clty clerk be and are hereby authorlzed and directed to cali a meeting of electors of sald eity to be held at Flreman's Huil, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Mondav, March 3Ist, A. D. 1890. Coinmonclng at 9 o'clock a. m., and closing at4o'elocfe. p. m. of thut day to determine wbethersueh electors wlll by ballot vote direct añil uuthorize sald cominon counuil to raise for such purpose by general tax upou tlie taxable property in said city, the sum of S20.000, one-half of sald sum to be payable in lSWundlhe remalnder Ín 1891; the aiuount of $10,000 to be spread on the tax rolls for each of tlie years named. From the elabórate and minute report of Prof. Cireene we take the following extracta tliat will be of interest to our readers: '■lts proposed sizes and lerjgths are as follows: From tlie outfall t the R. R. bridge to Main st., at comer ol Suminit et. S2 luches lengtli U.200 ft.; f rom Suminlt st. ap Alien (Jreek to Uatharlne st. ÍS luches, 2,300 ft ; from CaMiarlne to font of Willlam st 15 laches, !2,20D fu ; from Wüllam to Hill st. at rmssiiig of creek 12 luches, 3,500 fl, : from Hill st. to Grove st. 10 inches, 700 lt. The general plan shows all the rlouses in tlie cliy, the elevations of moslof the street lntersectlons above the city datum, the elevations of the sewers at the same polnttj, the grades ol tlie sewers.and the lengths of the several parts. The Unes sliown are intended togive a liberal provlsioa for future growth, and mnny of tiiein should not be built until needed. Manholes are to be placed at each lntersectlon, chauge ot dlrectton and grade, and not more thau some 300 feet apart, so that there hall be a straight reach of pipe between every two manholes to permitof inpectlon and the removal or accidental obstructlons. The cost of the sewers, exclusive of the lower portion of tlie main or trunk sewer, iu cludlnt; evcrylhtng complete, may be put at from $ltoS1.2uper liueal foot. or$6 0ji per mlle. The city englneer of Kiilamazoo reports for the year 18S7. 7,129',-i ft. laU;rals, 6 iiiul B iliiim. cost $5.851.49, average cut S.ili, average cost per fl. 83c." "The total exient of the separate sewerage sysfm was then 12 miles, built at a total cost of}(!9,25i 13, and an average cost of $i.u7 per ft. Total cost of auuual malnteuance, with seml-weekly Inspeclion, $2019:. The main sewers have never been cleaned eseept by the regular Hushing, and the pipe upon exumiiiat ion hs been fouud in perfect order." The trunk sewer at lower end, as far as Main Bt., is estimated at 82 per foot. The plece from K. H. bridge to east end of Wiill st. will then cost 13,600; from Wall st. to foot of lSth st., t'2,000; from I3th st. to foot of Main st., $6,íOO; (rom foot of Main st, to loot of Madtson st. is estimated for iü.iiü!! ft., al $1 60 or $900. The cost of tlie trunk sewer on a liberal estímate, from M .dison st. to the foot oflSthst. Where the unlversity sewer now discharges, will be !". ". nmt ïiro n may termínate untll the sfwtrs are used to such an exteut that tlie outfall became objectionable there, wlien lt eau bo exteuded to the K. R. bridao. 'f lint portion of the city from the oíd cernetery and Forcst IJ. 1 1 1 oemetery noriliwiinl, but thiuly built upat present, will be rendily sewered down 18ih st., and the Kilth ward will bu sewered through Wall st. eastward as Hhown on the plan, briugiug everythiny togelher at the Mme place. The followlug report of the Business Mcm's Association was received aiul ordered spread upon the records : To the Hon. Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor: Ges ti.k m rn. - The q ti est ion of scwerage havhjg become ol suct urui-nt importance to our city, the Business Men's Aeeocmrioti have appointod a coinmiitvr to aí-ist in thtï work of devising a proper systüin, and to help cirry it to completlon. We recogtilzod the dlft'oultieeand inadrisubility ofproliolsg plans m hereby a great bondcd debt ahoald be lnu upon the tux-pnyer.1. And, now that it muy be done in a minner at oucj easy and practicable, we gladly contar in tlie report of jour conimittee lavuring the plans of Prof. C. E. Greene. We sngttest that our own citl.ens be employed, ao far pOHHible, in the work, and th it the amount to be raieed be spread over twoyeara on the tax rolle. Owlng to the preaeut low price of Bewer pip; the time is rortnnii'e lor the wurk. Thcrefore we trust that it raay bo epeedily commeneed aud pushed. Jieppectfiilly, JUNlUij B. BEA.L, HüNKY S. DJSAN, A. L. NOBLE. II T. MOIM'OV, EUGBNE K. FKUEAl-Fl'. Conimittee. In addltlon to the above report was ODe from the the Board of Health commendin; the plan submitted by Prof. Orecne, and recomtnendiiig its adoptlon by the councU. The report is too extended for our columns tliis week, but is full of excellent pointsand BUggeetion?.


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Ann Arbor Courier