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[This column, has been glven to the s!n.lints oftlio Hlgli School, aud Ihey will edlt and conduot lt. The class In rymnastie eXercisea nryiiiIzed last ycar lias been considered mi much of a success tliut it is to be norgauized for this term. "Now Is the time to makegood resol ves for the new term, if you ioteml to !u-ep tbem," snys Prof. Perry. At the S. C. A. the sul.jeH of the next meetii'g is "Ever the Uiüht comes Uppermost.1' 13. 84:17-19. Miss Curie E. Uead is leader. Tlie Arena's question for debate this week Is: Resolved, That Queen Elizubeth was justilied in causing the execution of the Queen of Scots. The debate in Lyceum No. 1 at its next meeting will be on the question, Resolved, That couipul3ory education is preferable to the system now in vogue. Messrs. Sharpless Grillii), Cunnable and Niebuur are the debatera. Saturday evening was the most memorable date ia the history of the junior class. The occasion being the Junior Ex. where twelve of the best and most faithful students of the class have eonferred upon thein what h, and of riilit ought to be considered a marked honor, the privilege of appeurlng on a public program, in a class of 120 studeuts, many of whoin are ex-country school teachers and graduitesof other high schools, t riquires more than ordinary abllity and devotion to studies to be one of the leaders la the class. We can therefore say, all honor to the twelve who were singled out for faithfulnesi in their studie?, and doublé ho::or for the creditablu manner in which they acquitted thennelves on the program . Principal Pattungill as master of ceremonies with the twelve bright and beaming faces took their places on the stage. Ye scribe hopes to be allowed the privilege of siying that the ladies were very tastily dressed, wore handsome bouquets and made agood appearance on the stage. The boys of course wore the "conventional black." The net gain for the library fund, regaltlag trom the sale of tickets will be about $40.00. IE we are rightly informcd, there is a glaring injustice put upon tlie senior class in connection with tlie junior Ex Their conimittee that decorated the hall put in two long days of hard work before the entertainment and a half day afterwards. Besidea this (and this is what we deern unjust) they paid for the use of the class colors used in decorating. The result is that the bulk of the expense feil, as is always the case in such mattere, upon a few. 8ix members of this committe were " put in the hole " for from $3.00 to $0.00 a piece. Aud among these are to be found students who are working their way through school and can 111 aii'ord even such a small out-la3', especial ly when there is no good reason for t. The seniors can well afford to give their time for decorating, gratis, but all monev expenses should be defraypd with receipts trom the entertainment. If it has been the custom for the seniors to bear this expense, we think it is a bad custom an d should be contlnued no longer. In this opinión the writer has enough supporters to warrant him to suggest a change. The junlors desire to expre?s their thanka to the seniors for their handsome decoration of the hall last Saturday night. They are uuited in pronouncing it the best and most tastily decorated room the juniors have spoken in for a long time. There were S00 penons at the Junior Ex. The {iross receipts should have been about $i;SO.OU. Hem! hem!! Too many 'comps." The Hoston Advertlser says of tüe great "Lagardere,'1 to be given next tiaturday evening at Jtlie rranl openr llimse: A vast company at the Globe Theatre last nlght wituessed tne performance oí "Lagardere, " wbich was glvon by Mr. Imre Klrtilfy. lts story Is very romantic. The preservation of a hlgti boni lnfaut by llenri de Lugardere, the fir8t swordsman of Ëurope wlio, coming to flgtit a duel wlth the 1:011 nt de Nevera, stuys VHinly to defend hls noble antagonist from issussins. but efTectually to rescue hls antagonist' clilld; the growtb of the babe to womanhood and Lagardere's saccessful conductof the chlld to her mother's anus, to rank and fortune, In the face of leglons of liostlle swords, of trlcks and ambushes; Lagardere's assumptlon of the dlsgulse of a vile hunchback, wbom he bas slain; the temporary reverse of all hls schemes; the final trlumph In whlch he also wlns the haud nf the maid for whom he bas rlsked Ufe and honor- here Is every dellclous element or lmprobablltty, every appeal to the sense of chlvalry, every charm for the spirit of adventure. The dramatic portion of the entertainment la ably sustalned by playera of experlenee and abillty. The ballets are alxanged wlth the usual eood tasto and excellent manner by M. Klralfy, and 'Lagardere" is set down as a success.


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