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Gilbert Bliss ii stül confined t bis home. Bishop Thompson left Mondiiy for liis home at Jackson, Miss. Col. II. S. Dean and J. Austin Scotl have gone to Toledo to-day. Mrs. Lottle Mcdaris, who has been ill for several days is out aguin. lienj. Porter, Jr. of Jackson, spent Friday in the city visiting friends. Mrs. Tavcrnier is to spend Suuday witli Mr. and Mrs. "Wallace W. Bllss. Miss Matei Kandolpii, r Toledo, bas been spending a few days wlth friends. Mis. Stanley, of Xew Britton, Cniin., Is visiting at A. M. Doty's on E. Ann si. Walter Hack left Monday night for New York to purcliase goods for the firm. Dr. W. B. Suiith is in Iowa for a few days attending to bis landed inetrests there. Mrs. W. W. Whedon is stül confined to lier home baving been ill for some weeks. Miss Maraie McLouth, of Brookings, Dakota, is visiting at lier uncle's A. M. Doty's. Mrs James Whyte, of hake G3neva, "Wis., is visiting her son Prof. Geo. W. Whyte. Dr. Christiun Kapp, of Manchester, is in the city, looking after some legal matte rs. Miss Nellie Cheever is very ill wlth typhoid-pneumonia, and there ld üttle hope for recovcry. Miss Helen Ames retnrned Saturday night f rom an extended visit wlth friends in Minneapolis. Mrs. C. R. Remick, of E. Catherir.e st., is spending a few days wlth her sou John In Detroit. Aid. Miller had a sccond attack of the grippe last week, and he O.idn't relish it very mucb, either. Vernie Topping and Wirt Jacob-", of Mainfield, have been visiting Sldtiey Jangsdming the week. Miss P. I.ouise Clark, of Grand Iïapids, unlor secretary of the Michigan brnnch of (he W. B. M. I., is visiting Mrs. J. E. Bral. Rev. H. Palmer, of Tip ton, Lenawee ounty, in the city Friday and Saturday, visiting bis son, who is here in chool, and taking in Mnx O'Rell by the way. Judge Cooley and wife arrlved home roin their southern trip last Satimlny. 'he Judge looks considerably improved n health, hut contrac'ed quite a severe old in attending the Dr. Frieze memoral services Sunday p. in.


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Ann Arbor Courier