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Froia using for CougliS, Colds, Sore Throat and Incipieut Iiing Troublcs It is pleasant to the taste and will cure the most obstinate cold. Prepared by PLEMINGEHOS,, PITTSBURGH. Sold by all druggists at 25 cents per botlle, ïusist on liaviug it. CARTER'SI_ CURE Sick Ueodncho and relievo all tho troubles iiictdent to a bilious stato of tho system, fmcb. aa Dizzincss, Nausea, Drowsiuess, Distresn aftor catiug. Pain in tho Sido, &c. Whilo thcirmost remarüablo success haa boen showu in curing SICK üeaaaclio, yot Cnrter's Llttle LWer Pilla aro cqually valuablo in Constipation, curinfí nud provcntiug thiaannoyinpcoiiiplaint.wjiilo they also correct alldisonlvrs of (houtoinach.stimülnto tho . Jivcr and regúlate tho bowola. Even if they only HEAD Aclio thoy would bo almost priceloss to thoso who Buffer f rom this clistressinji complaiut; brft fortnuatoly thcirgoodness does notoud hero.aiul thoao yrho once try thoni will find theso liitlo pills valiiubloInBoiaanywiiystkatthey will uot bo wiïling to do without them. But aitor allsick hcal ACHE Is the bane of eo many ltvea that horo Is Tvhero wö make our great boast. Our pilla cure it while Othors do rot. Cartors Little Liver Pills aro vciy amaU and ory easy to tako. Ono or two pills roakoa dose. Thcy are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or puro, butby thoir gentío action plc:inoall who use them. iii vialsat 25 cents ; ñvofor$l. Sold by druggista overyvhoro, or sent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SHALL DQSE. SMALL PRICE If You Have CONSUMPTION COUGKorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA WastingofFlesli Or any Disease where the Throut and Zunga ar Xnflamed, ZacJc of Strenglh or Xerv Power, you can be rclicvcd and Citred by SCOTTS EMULSIÓN PURE COd'Ï.IVER OIL Wlth Hypophospbltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Asle for Scott's Emulsión, and let no ex pïanatton or soUcltation induce you ta accept a tübstitute, Sold by all Druggtsts. 8COTT & BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. lo curo liiliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Ltver Complaints, take tho Bato and ccrtain remedy, SMITH'S BILE 6EANS Vse (bc SMAIili Sizc ((Oliltlo T.oanato tho bOttlc). TIIUÏ AltE Tllli MOST CONVENIENT. Snitnblo lor L11 Agen. I'rioc of citlicr slze, 25c. per Bottie. H lINIlAT' " " PANEL SIZE. lltlUUI I U Mnilc.l for 4 ets. (corpora orntampi!. J.F.SMIT1' A. Gn.Makcrsof-BILEBEANS 'ST. LOUIS Ma. Mortgage Sale, DEFAULT HAVINO BEEN MADE IN THE conditione ot' a ccrtain mortgage executod hy Chancev W. Rijiffs to Kowaim ltiggs, duferl the ítt h dny of Februnry, A. D. 1S80, and reconled In Ihe office of tho Begister of De#di for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the 8th day of October, 1S80, in Líber 53 of Mortgnceg on page t52, and which eaid mortgage wae duly aseigue'd !y deed of aesiinment, bv the said Rowana Riggs, mortgagee, to Clara H. Kíkks jn the 18th day of April, 18sö, which uld aíiirIInlent of eaid morteatie is recordad in the office of the Register of Deede in said County of Washtenaw, and State of Michig&ti inLibcr S of Assifrnmeiit of Mortiragep, on page 4', by which said default the iiower of ealc contained In said mortffage has become operattve and no uit or proceedins, in law or eqnlty, having been Instituted to reexver the dobt eecared by paid mortfraffc, or any part thereof, and the sam of SÍ75.00, at the dato of tbU notice, beini; cl-iimod to be dne on Bald mortgage, notice is thereiore hereby given that said rooi tgatre wíl l be forecloned, by a eale of tho mortased premi eed therein decribed, or pome part thereof, and that the premtees are deecribed iu said morticase ae Mlowt, to-wit: All thii c-rtain plflCfl or parce] of land BttOAted in the Townhip of Sylvan In the County of Wawhtenawand Statu of Michigan, and descrioed ae folIowb, to-wit: The Bouth cast quarter (%) of the Houth-eastquarter of nection thlrty-onfl Eo townehip number two eouth in range threc eaitt ac public vendue on the lfilh day of May, 18&0, at noon of said day, at tho north front door of the Ccurt llone in tbc City of Ann Arbor. in eaid County; That being ihe place of bolding the Circuit Cotirt in eaid Couuiy. lated Pel). 1-ltb, 189'. CLARA II. RTGGSj A. -T. Sawter, Aeeignee for the Mortgagee, Att'y for Ausignec. Kowana lügffs. SEND FOR OUH PRICE3 ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, IND1ANAPOL1S, IND. Real Estáte For Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county ol Washtenaw.sê. In the Matter oí the cetato of David W. Noyes, deceaaed. Noticc is hcreby given, that in pureuance of fin order grauted lo the anderalgned Bxecatoroi thé la-t Will and Testament of said deceased. by the Hon. Judgc of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the cleventli dav of Maren, A. D. 1890, there will be sold at Public Venduc, to the higheet bidder, at the dwelllng house on the premiseB below desenbed. In the towuehip of Ann Arbor, in the i.'ounty of Washtcrjaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the twenty-ninth (-20) day of April, A. D. 1890, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon of that day ,(subJect to all encumbranceB by raortgajie or otherwiRe existió at the time of the ilcath of t;ald deceased) tb fbüowlag described Ueal Kstate, to-wit: Lutt) Number Scvcntcen and Kiirhiceii, accjrding to tin: plat of the subdivisión, of the Soiith-ËuKt (uarter ofSection Ninetoen, Town Twe (S), South Range81z(6), Kast (Ann Arbor) in the State of MtcBlnD, ai recorded in the Register' oftlce of Washtenaw County, in Liber M.of De6dflf on ]at;e 274, CODIaiDinff four and bixty-four hucdrcdihti acres, more ur Iets. MICIIAEL J. NOYES, March llth, 1S99. Kxecntor. THIS PflPER-vI III V Y nW !■■■ kowell & Cos Xewspapcr Advertislng Bureau (10 Spruca 6treet),whoreadver. ■■■■■■■ llnnif tisingcontractsmayMCUff YiIKK :


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Ann Arbor Courier