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Fire On The 12th In Pelzer's Cotton

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f'.ictory warebouse neat Grocnvtlle, S. C, causod { [00,000 damage. A Timar threw a rock through a jewelor's winflow in Dallas, 'JVx., on tho evenincr of tbe 1 and carried away a trayful of diamonda worth .5,000. Tuf. bodlea ol Miases Adole and Hannah Povre, sisters, wlio lived on a farm noar Concordia, Kan., woro found on tho ISth i 11 Lake Dibley. No causo except melancholia could be assigned for their suicide. A FBEIOHT train went through a trcstlo on tho 13th ncar IHrmingham, Ala., and fivn men were killed. Km: i v wonicn ,'raduatod as doctors at Pbiladelpbia on the löth frora the Women's Medical Collogo of Pennsylvania. The Trcasury Department at Washington issued a statement on tho 13th showing that the exports of breadstuffs from the United States in the month of February amounted to $8,908,726. Two f.Ai:(ii:i:i:s were blown to pieces andtwo others fatally injured by an explosión of dynamito at tho water works at Roekvillr Center, N. Y., on the 13th. IlAiiiiisox & Loder, wholesale drygoods merchants ,r New Vork, failed on tho 13th for 3350,000. Snow sixty feet deep was reported on the 13th on the Denver & Hio Orando road in tho San Juan mountains. The Indiana Supremo Court rendered a decisión on the 13th upholding the school-book law enacted by the last Legislature providing for uniform school books for tho entiro State. At tho State oncampraont in Quincy, 111., of tho Jllinois G. A. II. on the 13th William R. Distin, of Quincy, was elected Department Commandor. Tmo Boston league and brotherhood baso-ball clubs have forty-five conflicting dates on the home grounds. The Capital Investment Huilding and Loan Assooiation was organized at Lansing, Mich., on tho 13th, with a capital stock of $50, 000,000. Thk strike of the :!,000 minors in the Norrio and Ashland mines at Ironwood, Mich., came to an end on the 13th, the men and bosses having come to an agreement. The defalcation of Colonel HemingTO-, recently State Treasurerof Mississippi, was on tho 13th placed at S315,885.90. Neaii Rrown, Ia., Henry Xurre, a wealthy farmer, was mnrdered on tho 13th by unknown persons, who also fatally wounded Mis. Xurro. Iiurg-lary was tho object. Moiïhison Baii.ey, a leading and wealthy citizen of Plainwell, Mich., hanged himself on tho 13th. No causo was known. The situation in the flooded Arkansas district was alarming on the 13th. At Black Koek thero was six feet of water in hotels and places of business and the destruction of property would be heavy. The lower part of liatesville was flooded and tho country round about was entirely imder water. James S. CboSS, formerly supcrintendent of the Southern railroad at St. Louis, was flned S100 on the 13th for vagrancy. Whisky caused bis downfall. M. A. Coi-TON, an old soldier of Parkersburg', Va., was druffged on tho 13th and then robbed of bis pension money, amountin'? to SSÜ. Mayok l'o.Ni), of San Francisco, on the 14th approved the ordinance requirin,r all the Chinese of that city to move to a des:;jn:it?d scction of South San Francisco within sixty days. Govbhnob EIumphrey lssued a proelamatioD at Topuka on the 14th naminp April 1(1 as Uní uno to be obsorved in Kansas as Arboi day. Lampson Cuook, of Monlicello, 111., who weighed over -iOO pounds, diod on tho 14th of strangulation. Ho inereased in flesh su fast that ho could not breatho. At Pleasant Ilill, Ma, Eli Stahlraaker, p.ti insano man, fatally stabbed Constable Prater and thon killed himself on tin; Htli. Two Mi.N were burned to death and several lnjured by tho burnlng of a fruiría building "In Hilliiil cast oL Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 14th. Tue ivoraen of Atchison, Kan., on the llth placed in nomiuation a full ticket for the school board. A roNMiuiiATioN' of tho cracker tikeries of New York and New Jersey was porfoctod on the 14th, with a capital of 85,000,000. Tiikkk wcra -Z'J'J business failures in the United States during the soven days ended on the 14th, against 215 the previous seven days. The total of failures in the United States January 1 to dato is 2,9157, against 3,143 in 1889. THBEE persons wero killed and four wore sovercly lnjured noar Cumberland, Md., on the 14th by a landslide. Robert Raines was hangod on the 14th at Ilartsoll's, Ala., for the murder January 7, 1S89, of his brother, Bono Raines. Mns. Haiïiusox, wifo of the President, and a party of friends, en route to Florida, were given a hoarty roception on the 14th at Charleston, S. C, which was attended by the elite of the city. The wife of W. J. Dayball, a St. Louis printer, smothered her four-months'-old child to death on the 14th and then fatally cut herself with a razor. She was insane from insomnia. Options for tho purchase ot twelve of the fourtoen glass factories at Findlay, O., were secured on tho 14th by the representativo of an English syndicate. THE new Prosbyterian church at St. Augustine, Fla., built by II. M. Flajfler, of tho Standard Oil Company, at a cost of 8300,000, was dedicated on the 14th. Tuk wooden ware factory of tho L. Baurelo Company at Potoskey, Mich., was burned on tho 14th. At Whitehall, Wis., on tho 14th Oio Sletto, Ole J. Hanson, liortha M. Olson and Charles Johnson, the four principáis in the recent lynohing of Hans Jacob Olson, were sentenced to life imprisonment. It was estimated on the 14th that 20,000 boomers had crossod into the Cherokeo nation in Indian Territory.


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Ann Arbor Courier