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A Lively Speech

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Hon. Jolin M. Tliurstor, of Nebrnskn. mude a fclfcltous speech it the recenv Sprinpfleld, Ilb.,cooventlon, fromwblch the followlng p iragraphs ue extracted: The country lias never prosperad wlirii labor was cheap. I rernember a goi inany years ago, as a bare-footed boy I went to tuw n on the fouith of July to celébrate. 1 walked h round all day and helped the town boy fhoot off the lirecrackers; 1 ww the military parade, snd I saw the stunip speaker. I h:ul t l Bplendid time up to about 2 o'c'ock. Tnen I liappcncd to stop in front of a bakery. In tlie wludow was tbe Bnest display of pumpkin pies I ever saw. [Lanebter ] I love pumpkin?. [Laughter.] I hankered after pnmpklu pie. I was hollow iiiid hungry clear down to tbr oles of my bare fret. [Applauge.] There ws a sign out: ''fumpkln l'ies 'l'liree Cents Apipce." Cheap ns dirt. [Lanshter.] I ilidii't eat any pumpkin pie. Ididn'c bave the three cent?. [Laughter.] Now if pumpkin pies had been live cents apieee nd I luid had ten eenls iri iny pocket I wnuld h ive been a happier boy. [Pioloüfred laugljter and cheerg. I ani glad to live in a land where there is universal prospeiity. I lieard a democrat siiy the othcr day that the Anwricin mechanio who buys a carpet for his parlor pays 200 per cent. more than he would liave to ji.iy if there vvere no lar I ff on carpets. Great God! Where is there another land in which a mcoliaolc bas ;i parlor to put a carpet in ? [Great applause. A demccrat said to me the other day: "Wbo'll wliale you next time." I asktd lilm how that was. He said the demócrata would cirry Illinois. I said it didn't look inucli libe it. Well. lic said tbey would carry Missouri, Aikinsas, Tennesseo, Keutucky and Texns. Yes, I said, you carry Texas. [Lmighler.] Texas is democratie. lts location on the face of the earth nmkes it dtmocratic. [Lauffhter.J It is tlie home of tbe cowboy and the train robber. [Great laaphter and cheer ] In Texas they nurse thelr bables, nt by nature, but at the muzzle of a 44-culibre self oockiiif:, backactlon, buil dog revolver. [Great shunts tf laughter.] Yes, Texas is democratie. [Great laubter and apptause.] Look out over this country, from one end to the other, ai;d wherever yon fiiid that the íchool house is the rxception and the churcli is a í-urpriíe [laughter and cheers:] wherever you tind that natnre has been lift to ;o it-t own way, and man is content to piek the ground with au old blunthoe; wherever you flnd tbe minimum of intelllgence; wherever in the United States tlie people are eogaged in "raisinj; cane, cotton and heil," there it Is certalnly democratie. [Prolonged cheers, the delégate standing up ai d frantically wavlng their hats ]


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