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Michigan (Tentral " The Masara Falls Route." Time tablc taking effect March 9 18S0CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M A. M. Chlcaso..I-T 7 65 108 3 10 10 10 9 25 Kalainazoo 185 2 55 7 21 4 0412 49 7 10 Jaekmu 3 45 4 óu 9 05 SU 4 Í0 !l ó Chelas J )U 7 18 527 10 15 Dexter.. 4 45 788 5411027 P. W.l .l M. A.M. A. M. A.M. Ann Arbor ó I.'h 5 56 1 9 5f 7 52 ti U0 1043 Yusilanti 5 37 6 OS 10 10 8 OS 6 17 10 55 VVayneJuiic Oti 8 3;) 6 48 11 13 Dctm1i....Ar 6 45 7 (II 10 SS 9 2J 7 30 11 L0 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. A M. A.M r W.1PM, P.M. P.M. Detroit.. ..T.v H10 S00 105 3 50 8 00 10 15 WayneJunc 9 50 4 3U 8S81051 Yp9ilantl la 10 817 152 4 55 900 1110 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.IP.M. P M. AnnArhor 10 45 ti ü!l 2 Ui 515I9 17 1143 Dextrr Id 41. 5-109 45 Cheleea 10 55 6 10 95 Jackxon ll.'lálOOO 3 00 6 60 10 45 12 S5 Kalamazoo 2 25 14(10 4 43 9 40 110 4 2! Cblcsgo-.Ar 7 S3 4 85 9 00 70071S O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HAYBS, Q. P. & T. Agent, Chlcaso. Airt.. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Michigan Kaüway. TIME SCHEDULB. Taking effect November 26th, 1889. Traína rnn by Standard Time. Qoímj North. 5 STATIONS. 5 g. P. M. A. M. P. M. P.M. 3 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 110 4 17 (47 Dundee 10 1 12 SO 4 ;S5 7 05 Milán 9 6S 14 04 4 4t 7 1b Urania 9 45 11 ti 4M 7 22 PiltBÜeld 9 84 1142 5 07 7 ; Ann Arbor 9 Síill 30 5 3i 7 50 Leland 07 11 15 5 47 8 06 WhitraoreLakc 8 55 11 0-3 6 2 8 45 Howell 8 17 10 25 7 15 9 35 U u rand 7 10 9 85 8 55 10 55 Enít SsginKW. .. 5 55 7 45 8 oo lo io owiiuo 77777 in 1TÖ5 9 07 1145 Ilhac-a 5 82 7 50 10 15 12 Mt. Plesnt 4 35 6 15 .... 3 '0 Cailillao 0 80 4 40 Cop mUh 05 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 P. M. P. 11. A. M. A. W. Gotng South. Soutii Lyon Braucb. NOHTll BOUND. STATIONS. f OCTH BOUNE. Train 18 Train 17 A. M. A. M. 6 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 15 li 4(1 Wordena 7 85 7 00 Ar Sonth Lyon Lv 7 15 U. W. ASIJLEY, General Mnnsw A. .1. PAISI.EY, GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Oen'1. Pa. Ticket Airent. laical Alm ut Notire of Altachniciit. Wiii.iam WiMi.iv, w i.i.iam n. Wiiai.kt, and í K'.ihjk IWVhaley, Cu-partner, dolQL Imslnesa undcr the firm name of William Sv & Sons, l'luintifl'H, vs A. I'. Cíi.tahan, do(nL -business muLr Iho ntme Ol the PlföSING VlEfíAK CüMTANV, Uefendaut. Notice Is hcrcly (flven that on th ■ tenlh day of Pebrntry, A. D., 18!K), a wilt ol attachmeut wis dnly i -mi '-(I out of tlie Ciicnït Court, 'or tlie county if wasiitvnaw, at the snit al WlUlom Whalay, 'i,];iui I!. wbftley and Gporgo P. VVIialoy, OopumiLTs, 'olng bonnest onder the firm name of Wihiaiu Whaiiy & Boas, the bove samad pialot'il-, againsl tiic lun'l.f, tenements, ;;oodH and chatttls. moneys aud effocts.ol A# P. Öallahan, dolng tni-iiuj3 ander the name of the I'nis.-li g Vimenr Comptmy, the defendatit above DMXied, for the eum oftwo thoiiand two hunirad and üü-nine dollarn, wil ch a'd wril w;ls returnable on the fourlh day ol Marrh, A. D., 1K), at ten o'clock in the föreooon of said day. l'hat tlie iro)ertv of aid defendftni lms beeneeized uuder emd writ, and that he, the eiiid defendant, is reqalred to appear and defend naid nuit accordin to the ruk-y and pracllre of paid court. Ua:ed Jhla löth day ofMarch, A. D., 1880. J. F. LAWJIEM'K. 05 Al torn ey for Plalnllff. vb-A NEW COUNTRY! RtfU&WSv IN THE PINE. CEDAR. VgSfmJWm HEML0CK AN0 HARDWOOD EM BUHf Distrlcts of Wiseonsin and MichM ■Tl 1 1 dB tlirmigii route to the Eot. liPJlll. ■SPiüCIAL AOVANTACE8 n ■í"5IR-!" 1'VltriEM WHO ErcM-t 2jgS.VV-MILL8 and FAO--J"" iranprtd F REE. Choleo farrainglnnd-i moMly ou titno. liitllway ComPny pnj'H nikh for cordwotifl. Kor niaps aud lnforDttttao addresa LAM DEPABTME9T ''Soo lïulhvny, MtUMipOltei Mimi. Mort gage Sale. Whkukas dfïfaultliift been made in the condi tl ons of & ciTtain m trtgage whereby the power of eaie ihereln contalm-d bat become perative, exeented by G" rge E. Bierce and Nettle Bierce. hls wile, of the towngtup oi fcïylvan, Washtenaw cimnty, Mich., mortg i#ors to Thom-is Wilblnsou of tbc pame place. murttLHgee bearinii riaie December lt, A. D. lSál, flckiiowlcdged December 3d, A. I). 1883. :md recorded In the ottlce of the Register of Üeeda for Wa&htenaw coantv, Michigan, on ihe 4th üay of December, A. D. 1S83, In Liber Ü'2 of Mortpaiic-, on ptUN OH ; which raortgaffu wu öoly asftizned by bmq 1 bomas Wtlklüson to .hiniua E. Beal on ihe 8 1 day of December, A. D. 1883, which aeignment was recorded on December 4th, A. 1). 1888, in the Kcgister of Deeds office lor the connty of Washienaw, State ol Michigan, 'n Liber 8 of Agpinments of Mortgpgea, on page 154. On wblcbmortnïe there mclalmed tobe due at the date of ihti notice the 8iim ol' (f i 50) thlrty-flve hundred and flfiy dolhir, and uo actions or proceedin'B at law or in equky have been instituted to recover the debt Bccured by said mortgageor any part thereof. iNoiicc it h riby (fiven that by vïrtnc of the power of sale cortalued in f-ald "mortgage and or üieatattitf! in euch crcs mndc and provtdcd, the eaid morteaue wi'l tra foreclosed by na Ie of ihe morrg-igcd pvemiit8 thircin dcecrlbcd, whioh sale will ic made Hl the went door of the court house, In thu city ot Anti Arbor, in the county of Wa.litenaw. btatft of Micbi ant tlmt being the place nf holding the circuit co'irt tor i-aid county, ot public auctlon, by the ehoiiffof sairi conoly, on Saturday the l'Jth day of April, A. D. MM. at 10 o'clock in tbe lorenoon o! laid üny, m sitisfy the amount which ehall thfii be dtie on siid mortgage. 'Jtie preinien decrUed ín catd m irig ge to be eotd a ebove apfC'fled are: The weiil hall of the northwest qnarter oi sectinn lt, afeo the south sixty i.cre of the egt halfot the nortlteait Qüarter of íK'Ction ló, btMns{ all that part of fnid lot that Mei BOUtb 'f Mill reek Ditch. running throngh the same, also a strip of land v rodr rlde ulong the eaet tide ol the west halt ot the eotithw(-ai quarter of Bcctfon 14, Irom Ihe lerrlCOtlal road north ot' (he i.orlh line 01 wa;d lot, all in the townshlp of ijjlv;ui. C'Minty oT Wahtt'niiw, Saté of Michigan. Ann AR BOB, Mich.. Jm. -il, 1800. Jl MI'S E IÏEAL, Aesignee. Sawter & Knowlt n, Aitorneys. Mort gage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE (■cmdiMois of a ceriatn nwrtgage execured by Lfvi Johnpon and IMary Ann Johnson hit wife, to Chape Dow, dUed ihe twcuty-rbird day of February A i). issiand recorder! in the fflce of the Keghjierol ' Duedü for the Coanty of Waehiennw Siate of Michigan on the twentythird day of February A. I). 1884 in Uber 65 of mortgagea on paga i)2, wh'ch salil morijíiie was duly ansuirned by deed of ae'ffnin 'nt by thtj mud Chitae Dow mortgagee lo Kichurd J . Zöbbfl on ihe eiffht day ol' Dea mer A. 3 which mid a#8Í2tment o! paid montage is p coree in ihr offlcu ol tlj Rejristcr of üeda for puld County in I.lber 10 of agiijrmpnts of mort L'iiL't -- oo pttgu 100, by vh cli e. lid celaalt tbe power ui' sal con aii e i in i-id mortnga has beceme opra'ivt und no proct'dins in law or equlty huv log been Ins'ttated to recover thu debt eecured by -fiid murtg ge r any part thereof, and the im of one hundí wi and iev nty dollars bein now claimod to be iluü on toon mortgai{e Notice in hertby given that ihe raio mongite wül be forclosed by a sale of the inorrg .md pn ini-es therein descrined or -( me i irl tb6ral vi : Lot number twenty-e'ght and The nortb half of lot number twenty-nine in BroWHAod itiich's Additiou to the City of Ann Ar' or Va-ht-n;iw Jounty Michigan accordíni; to the recordud plat of eaid additicn at public vendne at the eiit door ol the Court liouee in tht c:ty f Ann Arborin paid Connty (that bein the place of holdlrg the Circuit Court lor said Count) on the twfnty-lbmth day of April A. U. 1S9Ü at ten o'c oik in tue fori-noon of that day. Dated Jauuary 23rri, 1890. KICHAKD J ZEBBS. Ass gtiee o) Mortgagt-e, J. F. I.AWKEVCE, Atty. lor AsB'ace. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVINQ BEEN MADE IN THE conditiong of ft mortgatfe execurecl by Evorard II. Morgan and Alice M. Morgan, hl wife, to E Benl Field, buarlrg date tho Srd day or May A. Ü. l&U, aDd recordea in tbe ofïice ot üie Keginer ofDeedsfor Wsshtem.w ('ouniy, .Vichiean on !he 3d day of May A. D. 18X1 at ! o'clock p. in. of that day, in Libcr tit of morttjaireB on page 310, by wbicb deftolt, the power of tale contalued in eaid inortgnge bec;me opcratlve, and no snit or proceeuings 1 law or cqnity having been ïDbtUnted to recover the üebt eecurea by eaid mortgatre, or any part thereof, and ihe si'.ni of tl-itl.7 at the dale of tuis uotice beiug clalmed to be due on aid mortgaire, aud ihat at the date of eaid mortprage the full m.rn of the eaid morttrsgee, was Junina fa'. Beal Field; that aficr s:ul m rgaie w is m:ide aud execnied, eaid morlgaee appiied to the Fiobate Conrt, for :üd Couniy of Waableiiaw, iu writinir,in pureuaLca of the eiatute in snch cape made aod prtvided, aud on the ffl:h day of July A. 1. 1S84, he nblalned nn order ol said Probate Cimrt chant-ing bis i ame from Juuliii E. Beal Field to Juniut E. Ueal, u In and by the record ol said Probate Coqrt i" thl matter, rel'erence being thcreto iiad will inore lully aud at large appear. Now therefore notice Í8 hereby given, that said mortgajre will be Iorccloie4 by a sale of the morfcíaed pn-mises tlu-rt-in dscribed, or aome pan thereof, aud that the premist are described ïu suid mirignge a- followa, twit, all that certain pieco or p.ircnl of land sitmted and being in the Towuahip of Pittelield, lu the Connty of Washteuaw. aud itate of Micliian, described ae follows, towlil Begiuning at a polut in the west tide of öt'Ction uamber four (4) in eaid Township uiiticn (19) chaiii8 and seventy-niue (79 Iii-k3 from ihe uurthwst corner of said Bectim line, theDCe north e'ghty-Beveu (S7)degreesand fllty Í.U)) minutes tast three (8) chaina and thrtysix (i) liuks to a stake one chaln aud tweniy-seven (27) links Irom a cherry tree ten inchea in diameter, wbich bears smnh eijihty-seven (t-7; digrei n wet, thenceeouthlwo(2) detireeoftastfifty-four (51) llukp, thence south ei(hty-nine (8!l) degree9 and ten (10) minutes eael eix H) chaiun and eight-tifíht (H8) links to a stake tbirty kíx and a huif (86%) links frein au apple tree ftt'iecn lnchea in dwmcier, which be:irn soutb. tweuty-eight (28) degrees vrett, tliencc south sixty-eiRbt (68) degree east on clialn aud eiehty eevon (STj links, thence south efffbty-four (S4) degrees east four ctmins ajid flltj-lour (51) links to the intersectlon of two dit hes, therctï soutli sil (tí) depreca eatít eleven (11) chaina and twenty-twn (2-) links to the recognjzed en8t and west quartcr line theuce wegt the quartcr line Beveoteeu (17) chalne and tweuty (ÏO) htiks to the ri'CogLized quarter stake, thence north on the geciiou iiim thirteen (13) chaina aud ilrtj (50) links to the place 01' beKinning, containinji twenty-one acres of land moro or leas, at public vendue, on Thursday the Ürt day of May 1890, ui noon at the north front door of the Courl House In the City of Anu Arhor, in said Countv, that being tbe place of holdiDg the Circuit Court in raid Countv. Dated Jan. 29ih A. D. I8S1 JUN1US E. BEAL, MortgHge". Formcrly Jiinine E. bol Field. A.J. Sawïf.r, Atty. lor MortgiiKie. Cliacccry Jíotico. IN pursuancc and byvlrtucofa final order and decree of the circuit court for the County of Wasbtonaw, In Chaneery, In the State ol Michigan, made, daied and cntcred 01: the twi'iity-si vuMb lay of May A. D. lSSit, iu a coi tam canee iherein cndiiij. wherein Sedgwick Dean and Henry 8. )ean are complainantij and Ci i le a Merriltand Ellen Menitt ure dult-ndanr. Nutice is hcreby givon thatl shall sell at public auctlon to the higbesl bidder at the east front door of the conrt house (said front door being the 'ourth street entrance to eaid court hout') in tbe city of Auu Arbor in said Ccunty ol Washtenavr iiiicl State ol' Miohigan-said court house bciDf the place for holding the circuit court for eeid county- on Satnrday the nineteenth day of April A. D. 1890, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to ralse amount duc to the gaid complaiuanta for principal, Interrat and costs in this cause, all of the following described parcel of land mentioncd and set fortb iu su (1 decree, to-wit : AU tbat cortaln pirce or parcel of land sitúate aud belng in the townshlp if York in tne Connty of Washlenaw and Stite "( Michigan and described as follows, to-vii : Lot number Four in Uiy's Plat of the Village of M ilao on sectloo number Thlrty-flve of saiil townaBip of York, sald township bciig Town numiu-r Four south in Range number mx e&st, ín accordauce widi the terms of said decree. Dated, Ann Arbor, Mlch.. Mircb 3d, 1S90, PATUICK MrKKKNAN, Circuit Court Coininieisiuner In and for Washtenaw Courty, Michigan. Z. !'. Kimo, Soliiitor for Compla!nant. Estáte of Artliur M. l'olter and Heury H. rotter- Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couniy of Washtenaw M. At 11 seatúon oí the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tbe ctty or Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tentli day oí March, In the year oni' thnusiind eielit hundred and ninety. Present, J. Willard Bnbbitt, Judue of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Arthur M. Potter and Iïtïnry K. Potter, minors. Noah W. Cticever, the guardlmi of eaid ward?, - iDto court and representa ïhat iu1 t now t)ri'iarcd to renderhis nnnual account assuchuar(linll. Therenpon t (p ordered, that Fr!day, the fonrtn day of April uext, nt ten o'clock in the foi noon be aesined for examlnlnir and allowflUE euch account and that the next ot' kin of paid waru andall othor pereons interested In i;;id eötatearer1 (juired toaT)iear fit fteesnlon of safd Court, then tobe holden nt the Probate Office in the city of AnnArbor, in eail county. and show cause, if any there be.wby the gaid account thould not he ftUowad, And it ig further ordered that said gnrdian i.riye notice to the persons Intereeted in hu1í catate, oí the pendency of eaid account and t li ■ ■ lieiiriiiS Chereof, by catisin a copy of thls order to be pubfyht'd in the Ann Arbor Uourier, a newspaper )rinted and cfrculatin in ?aid county, three huc:essive week prevloua to eald day of hearine. A trae copy.) J. WILLAUD BABBITT, Jndce of Probate. WM. Q. DOTY, Probate Register.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier