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JI.ISOMI IHKIiCTOKÏ. is( Arbor Commandery, No. IS meéis flrsl Tuesday of eacli month, C. K. Hlscock, K. C; John R. Miner, Recorder. WTashtrsaw Chaptkr, No. 6, R. A. M.- Meet first Mooday eaeh month. J. L. Sione, H. P.: Z. Roath. Seoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D, A.MacLachlan,M.D. DISKASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFICE AHD EESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH D1YISIOH STEEET Hours: 1 to 4, and 6:30 to7:30 P. M. "VOGEL &c KZEE.3ST DKAI.KH IN ALL KIXDS Or FRESH AND SALT MEATS FouUry, Lord, de. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN Ho. 9 E. Aun t.t Ann Arbor. V. W. MCIIOLS DE1TTISTRooms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, Opp. Coiirt House Sqnare. VITALIZED AIB. A'lrainlsterod. It s agreeable and easy to ukc, and do progtrattng eüectfl follow. wtille teeth are extraclod without pain. WIM.I 11 IIERZ, House, 3ij n Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlnfp, Glazlng, (iilding, and Calctminlne, and work of every deecriptioo done in the beet etyle, and war r au tod to give aatiefactton Shop, No, 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. 'DEALER IN CLOTH CASOTS, METALIC And Coramon CofTlns. Calla attented to Day or Nlght. Kmbalmlng a spedalty. Storeroom on K. Washlngtoa Street. Resldence Oor. Liberty and Flftü. US íiW w IVliyUiHlC fl ft Hii CAPITAL $50,000. SÏÏBPLÏÏS $7,000. Adflitional Llatiliües of Stocfcholflers $5O,OOO. STATE OP MICHIGAN, ) BANKING BüPABTMKMT, V Office of the Coinmlsslouers.J Wherias, uy satlsfactory evldence presented to the understlgned, It has been mude to appear that the Farmers1 and Mechantes' J' theclty of na Arbor, In theCouuty of Washtenuw, State ot Michigan, has coraplied wlth all ibe provisión of the General Banking Law of the State of Michigan reiulred to be coraplted wlth before a corporatlon Bhall be authorlzed to continue the business of Bun k Ing. Now therefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, Commlssloner of the State Banking Department, do hereby certlfy tbat bv that the Karmers' & Mechanica' Bank, aforesald, Is authorlzed to continuo the business of banking as provlded In Bectlon 60 of the Gen'l Banking law of the State of Michigan. [L. 8.] In wltness whereof wltness my hand and seal of olllce at I .inslag tuis 22d üay of June. 188. T. C. SHERWOOD, Com. of the Banking Dept. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Brt havlngflled their certlflcate wlth the State Bunklng Department are now authorlzed to do business asa Savlngs Bank, and In pursuance thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings department on all ileposlts of $1 and upwards, interest pald June lt ind Deo. Ist, of each year. The savlngs department is open Haturday niiilits from 7 unlll 8 o'clock. Uoney to loan in sumsof (25 to $5,000 secnred by uiipncmnbered real estáte or approved securlties. IIRKCTORS-Rcnbpii Krmpf. Oha. K. .reene, K. Dufty, A n. ).,„,■ K.-ar1l'í.' il nl ' Stevens, W. F. Ui uk. , J. K, Iti-itl, .lolui Burg, D. f. Schairer. K. KKMPF, Pres. E. DOFFÏ, Vlce-Pre. W. U. HKl.SKll, Casbler.


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