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FOB SALE- New milk cow, Jersey grade, a gentle mare cheap; Kochester gauge ploww, Niágara grnpovlnes and other mireery stock. W. V. B1UD, W. Huronsl. V FOR SALE. A mare, good single or doublé, extra gentle singlo. Would be very nlce orladles or chtldren to drive In a city ltke AnnArhor. sound. Welght about 1.150 Ibs. Price J100. Inqulre of OEO. A. PETERS, Sclo. 02 LOST at Congregationul social last Frlday e ven Ing a gold stud wllli Btone setting. Finder wlll be sultably rewarded ty returnIng same to No. 45 S. Tliayer st. 02 FOR SALE-Law, Loan and Real Estale Business, establlslied In ISSOln aclty of 2.500 lnhabitants. Only offlee of i his kind In tile county. Liberal terms. A graod openIng for a young man to step luto a well emablished and pay ine business. For parllcularsaddress C. II. HOLDEN, 2 Iteed City, Mich. rpilE Aörmotor," a solld steel wlnd-mlll, I wltb swing vane and tiitlng derríck. No climblug to oil. lut up and warrantod lor $a. 1 ISAAC TEKlíY, Dexter, Mlcb. FOR SALE, by J. L. Babcock, 5 loU on the cor. of Willlam and Matn sts. Also 3 lots on Spring st., Felcb additlon to city of A. A. Enqulre at 2 FRANKLIN HOUSE. FOUND- A gold ring. Owner can have same bycalllng at Courikr otflee and proving property, and paying for this notlee. FOR SALE.- Two very deslrable houses in the best part of ttie city. 4 blocks frora Universlty. ïerms easy. ünqulre ut 65 S. II h st. tf FOR SALE.- One half mlle south of Salera station on the Detroit & LanFlng K.iilroail 50 acres of timber. Iuqulreof 1502 EHNEST E. KENWICK.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier