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[ThiS cölürtlti hits been gltfpn to the tudentsofüie ui({l) School, auil they wïll edlt and n uu In el it. [ Miss Porter is Hot jet able fi resume lier work. Conundrutn: Why is Mr. Tubbs, '93, gcncrally late on MondaysV One hundred and thirty-five studente are stiulylng botany this term. The seniors will have a sociable Frldfty evening at the home of K ss Whltmftn, on Washtcnaw Ave. Mr. Lantz, '92, lias been put to the nconvenience the past week of cnrryrng bis left cye in & sling. The next debate of the Delta Epsilon Society will be upon tlie question whetbcr or not Jeff Davis slieuld have been conviclel of murder. Tlie subject under discussion at the Christian Association's next meetings is "The Only Foundation," I Cor. 3: 1-15. Mr. E. A. Campbell is leader. "Resolved, that the teachings of. Mahomet liave been more beneticiul tlian detrimental to mankind," ia the qnestion for debate tiext Friday evening in lyceum No. 1. The Arena's question for this week is upon tbc comparative merits of a scientific and classical education. The debaters are Messrs. Barcus, Shirley,T:iylor and Leland. That peculiar piece of dress apparel more or less uppropriatcly nicknamed by a freshman, "The nionkey cap" has found lavor with sorae of our efleminite boys, those who like to show ofl tlieir pretly bangs. Toward the close of this term an elocutionarj- entertainment will be given in the high school chapel, under the dlrection of Mrs. Trueblood. Would it not be a good plan to have these elocutionary entertainments at least once a term and charge a small admlttance to one of them? Enough money could thus be procured to decórate and pay general expenses of the '-Junior Ex." and commencement exercises. A subscription list has been circulated among the business men by the baseball association to secure funds to furnish the team with new suits, pads, masks gloves, bats and balls. So far the citizens have subscrlbed quite liberally niul the required amount wlll probably be forthcouiing by the time it Is needed. The new management is of the opinión that the club the coming season wlll be oue of the best the high school ever put on the diamond. So mote it be. The names of the seniors who are to take part In the graduation exercises at commencement were announced in chauel Tuesday. They are as fullows: Alfred B. Connable, Petoskey; R. Clair Campbell, Ypsilanti; Thomas E. Goodrich, Brutus; Marcus C. Boylan, Ann Ar. bor; Chas. W. Ricketts, Ashmore, 111.. Carrie Hemenger, Algonac; Enima Mc-' Morran, Port Huron; John E. Hosmer, Marshlleld, Ho.; J. Kalelgh Nelson, Ann Arbor; Gertrude Sunderland, Ann Arbor. The commercial department has been cnlarged eo that the "club swingers" have not as much room as they should have. When these classes were started it was hoped by a large number that the classes would develop into a fiymnasium organizaron and that the high school would within a few years provide itself in some way with a good gym. With the growth of the commercial department it is certain the room on the third Hoor wlll be nearly all utilied and the "club swingers" will be frozen out, unless some special proviöion is made for them. If they could have all the spare room in the basement they might manage to eet aloui?. ttlt)iotsh the culllug Is not so high as it should be. Death has agaia invaded our number and taken away a young and blooming life. Only a few short weeks ngo MÍS8 Nellle Cheever was pursuing her studies with vigorous enthusiasm, so that the announcement of lier death last week caused much sorrow among her classmates. Part of the junior class attended the funeral, in a body. The following resolutions were passod by the class and presented to the sorrowing mother: IN MEMO JU AM. Wukbeas, Our Heavenly Fatlier has seen flt to remove f rum our uumber our esteemed iriend and class-mate, Nellíe W. Cheever, we, the membera of Mie Junior class of the Aun Arbor High School, do hereby deslre to express our deep sense of beravement at our loss. Xellle was ever esteemed by all who k new her as a diligent student, cimti:in umi u irue frieud. Weshall mlsH her brigbt presence In the class-romn, and lier clieerlul compunloiisliip in tlie gocta 1 clrcle. We will ever remember her noble quulitles of heart and charncter, and will try to emnlate her high ambillon tolive a worthy und umIüI Ufe. Wo extend to the sorrowlng frlends our sincere sympalhy, knowing full well Ui at thelr loss here Is more tlian corapensatcd by hergaln in tlie Home above. IRA HKVERANCE, WINIKKKU ORK, MAY B. COOLEV, ADA L. HTEViSNS, S. B. ÖHILEY, Comralttee.


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