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Epitome Of The Week

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CONGRESSIONAL. Bii.i.s wore introduoed la tho Sena'p on th 17th to insuiè ]r forencfl to veterans of the luto war In employrcent on public worka, and to prevent dc-iertinn from the armv b.v retuinin finni the itiy of i'uch ciilistrd man W a uionth In t Ut; Houw billa W6T6 PA086d authoriztng a census enumcraticn of the Chinese population ot the United States; creating the offices of assistant general superintendent and chief olcrk of thfi rallwuy mail service. A bilí was introduced providing that membors of tho Houso shall be elected by distrlots to be tlxed by Congress upon publicationof the census returns. Tbb Sonate pas.sed the urgency deficlency bill on the 18th. A bilí was introduced to amend the InterStato commerce act. and Senator Hawlcy iConn.) spoke in oppositlon to the Blair educational bill In the House the pension bill ($9.h,-i!7.481) was reported; also the fortlflcatlons bill (M,6l,678). A resolutlon was adopted for an estímate as to the amount of money which will be requlred for the payment of arrcarages in case the limitation ot the arreara act is repealed. VicePbesidknt Morton occupied the chalr In the Senate on the 19th. Mr. Voorhees spoke on hls rcsolution as to the cause of agricultural depression, and Messrs. Evarts and Cali spoke in favor of the Blair edueational bill. A bill to lncrease the pension of a soldier of tho war of 1813- Isaac N. Daly, SW years old- from 18 to 150 a month was passed In the House the Maryland contested tane of Mudd against Compton was discussed, but no action was taken. The report of the committee on the world"s fair was presented. In tho Senate the Blair educational bill was defcated on the 80th by a vote of 87 to 31. Bills were introduced to provide new artificial Umbs for dlsabled soldiers every threo years instead of every flve years; extending the jurisdiction of circuit and district courts to the great lakos and connectlng water... In the House a bill was introduced granting pensions to perBons wqo supported dependent fathers and mothers, and who, under existing laws, would havo been entitled to pensions. The bill for a publio building at Burlington, Ia., was passed. By a vote of 159 to 145 Sydney E. Mudd (Rep.) was declared the lawfully elected Representativo from the Fifth Maryland district, thereby unseatlng Barnes Comptou. The bill to declare unlawful trusts and combinations In restraint of trade and productioo was discussed at length in the Senate on the ülst In the House the pension appropriation bill was passed; also the bill for the retirement of General Fremont with the rank of MajorGeneral, and appropriating 125,000 for the use of the peoplo driven from their homes by the floods now prevaillng in Arkansas, Mississlppl and Louislana. The Congor bill deliniug and taxing compound lard was reported favorably. At the evening session flfteen private pension bilis wero passed. DOMESTIC. Heavy damage to the tobáceo plant by frost wa9 reported on the 17th from Western North Carolina. Edwin Rowe, Jh., of New Haven, Conn., and Jarius Kennan, of Pine Bluff, Ark., two students at Yale College, were drowned on the 17th by the upsetting of a boat. The entire business portion of Mays■ville, Ga., was swept away by flroon the 18th. A sensation was caused on the 18th by the statement at Albany, N. Y., that LesterB. Faulkner, the wrecker of the Dansville Bank, who was thought to havo died January 27, had boen seen in Mexico. It was said that he availed himself of the death of his gardener to have the body buriod as his own. At Madison, Wis., on the lSth Judge Bennett, of tho circuit court, decided that the reading of the Bible in public schools was unoonstitutional. M. M. Buand, of Negaunee, Mich., an insano man, was arrested at Duluth, Minn., on the ISth while oating greenbacks. Ho had disposed of S48 when run in by the polico. The accounts of Auditor Whitesides, of Chattanooga, Tenn., were on the 18th found to be SöSS.WO short. He had fled. Thk ice was all out of tho Mississippi at Burlington, la., on the lSth. Tuf. trunk line passenger committee decided on the ISth to issue excursión tickets to the G. A. K. reunión at Boston next July on the basis of a single fare. Judoe Hyland, of Marshall, Mo., instructed the grand jury on the 18th that playing progressive euchre for prizes was a violation of the gambling laws and punishable as such. Gkorok Fiiancis Train left Tacoma, Wash., on the 18th for his tour around the world. As tuk rosult of tho State investigation of the sheriff's office in New York several prominent Tammanyites were arrosted on tho 18th chargod with corruption. A fihh on the 18th destroyed the drygoods store of Pardee, Mills fc Co. at Peoria, 111., with its contents. Loss, $100,000. Charles Cui.hertson, of Shelbyville, Ind., was on tho 18th nominated as the Prohibition candidate forCongress from his district. Pbesidekt Harrison on the 18th sent $300 and Attorney-General Miller $100 toaid tho families of flremen who perished by the recent Indianapolis fire. Thk safe of the county treasurer of Sebastian County, Ark., was blown open by burglars on tho lSth and robbed of $6,000. V. Johnson Brown while at work on the ISth in Slasher's steam saw-mill near Warron, Mass., was caught by the carriage and drawn upon the saw which, beginning at his hoad, cut him completely through lengthwise. Fouk companies of United States troops, comprising '200 men, began patrolling tho Cherokee strip in Indian Territory on the 19th to keep out the boomers. Five passengers were seriously, If not fatally, injured by a collision on tho Northwestern road at Lavalle, Wis., on tho 19th. An explosión in a mir.e near Wilkosbarre, Pa., on tho 19th killed John Gruhock and fatally injured Patrick Hays and Thomas Devers. A bilí, providing that railway employés who havo worked twonty-four consecutivo hours shall not resumo until they havo had eight hours' rest was passed by tho Ohio Legislatura on the loth. Oolonki. B. F. Bkyaxt was on the lOth elected Commandor of the Wiscon8in Department, G. A. R., by the Milwaukeo encampment.


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