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The North Lake Lyceum has closed for tlic season. Thos. French has been electeU marshal of Dexter village. Stephen Clark, of Chelsea, died MarcU 24th, aged.37 years. The Gregory Free Press has been bom. Haven't seen It though. A childrcn's class Ia club swinging bas been formed at Ypsilanti. The Chelsea Standard is as Hvely a yearling as can be fuund in the state. Jas. Reilly, of North Lake, will not go west, but stay contented on bis farm. Mrs.Elizabeth Newton died at her home in Chelsea March 24th, aged 37 years, The new court house at Ilowell will have its first terni oi circuit court April 17tli. For the first time in a long while Pinckney's lock up has had an occupant. A drunk. Burglars broke lnto the drug store of K ilian at Ypsilanti, last Thursday night and robbed it of $10. A. M. Clark, of Ann Arbor, has traded liis forme r residence in Saline for a farm In Oukland county. It is the duty of cvery man to attend the primary meetings and help put In nomination good men for office. The republicansof Augusta will meet at the town hall to-morrow, Thursday afternoon, to nomínate their town ticket. Dr. Walker has eold bis place on the Hudson road to John Humphery, of Flint. He will take possessian April lst. - Dexter Leader. George Nissley, Sr, of Saline, was injured quite seriously recently, by being thrown from a buggy, but is thought to be recovering now. Miss Bessie Sweetman, of Dover, Í3 to teacli school in the Wm. Smith district, Dexter, this summer, and Miss Belle Chandler in the Itcilly district. Eggs were sliipped the past week froin the poultry farm, to South Carolina, Montana, Missouri, and California, hesides to several nearer pointe. - Saline Observer. Kext Saturday the Farmei's and Cltizeu's Alliance, of Ypsilanti, will meet at Qrange hall in that city and discuss what legislation is necessary to benefit the farmers of this country. The Stockbridge Driving Association expect to hold a meeting the last week in July, aad will ofler prizes amounting to $1,800 or$2, 000. It is designed to have one of the best of tracks at tlus place. Cards are out announcing the niarriage on Tuesday evenlng, April 15th, of Miss Mabel M. Alallory and Uev. John Claflin, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mallory, Dexter, Micb. A Mrs. Grabara of Brooklyn, became bunkrupt from buying bibles for the poor, and glvjng to the churches. She got lid of ?U;üOü n live years anl is now in the poorbouse. - Plymouth Mail. There are already several applicants for the stores to be vacated in the Wallace block and the probabilities are that May lst will find every store and dwelling in Saline occupied. - Saline Observer. Miss Jane Todd, of Whitmore Lake, dau;;titer of Mr. and Mrs. Alrx Todd, was broujjht home Tuesday, of last week, f rotn Dinmondale, Eaton Co., where she has been visiting and dled with brain difflculty. She was about thiity years of age. Sclo Republican elec'ors will meet at, the office of Geo. C. Pape, Dexter village, on Suturday, April üth, at 3 p. m., for the purpose of noininating candidates for township oflices, and transact such other business as may come before the meeting. The editor of the Saline Observer says he has taken pains to examine peach trees and buds closely, and so far has failed to find one injured. He thinks we will have a fine erop of pcaches this year, unless cold weather after this date kills theni. The Clielsea fair association has appointed a long list of cominittees to perfect the Decessary arrangements tbr a spring fair to be held June Ith and 5th. The outcome of thls enterprlse will be looked forward to with much interest by other fair associations. The hens set up a furlous cackle wlien they learned that the new tariff bill imposed 5cta. duty on eggs. Even the highbred Plyraouth rocks ofour old frlend D. M. Uhl, are protectionists, and are in full 8ympatliy with Prof. Bellow's high protcction birds of the same straln.- Ypsilantian. A woman at Stockbridge writes to Attorney Kenney tbat her futher has an undlsputed title to tliirty acres of land on whicl the city of Troy, N. Y., now stands. She wants the attorney to recover and tako one-third of the same. The woman also cliiims to have papers which show the tille beyond dispute. - Jackson Courier. D. F. Ewen returned last week from Ann Arbor, where he had a successful operation performed upon his eyes. Althouxh he is very weak from the effects of the operation and other sickness, we are glad to be able to say that hij cyesight is much improved, and the prospects are very encouraging for a full restoration of the eyesight. - l'inckney DispatcU. The last five boxes of goods sent from Brighton to Dakota have reached their destination and were distributed in three days, with thanks to the donéis. They say they could use a carinad more. The commlssioners of Spink Co. have decided to give 40 bushels of seed wheat and 5 bushels of corn to each destitute farmer, groviding tliey can sell their county IhhkIs at par, dr.iwing 7 per eeut. inter- est. - Briglitoü Clttzeu. During the past week the matter of providlng a water supply for public purposes has been ngalu agitated among ïeading clttzens. Two ïnethods are receiving consideraron- a windinill anda hydraulic ram. The later seems to have the most supporters. Many years ago, the villape purchased a ram and put it in ' Dexter's spring1' forcing water into a public trougli in front of the old Western Hotel. Subscquently the rum was removed and lost track of until last week wlien it was recovered in A. 1 condition. The plan proposed, seeing that we have the ram, is to put it in mili creek below Blrkett'a mili and lay a water pipe to the public cistern, and a watering trough erected on Main st. By this aystem pcrmaoent water supply would be established and at a very slight expense, the only outlay being the cost of putting down the pipo. The plan mects favor from a large number of cilizcns, and indieatlons are that It will be carried out.-Dextcr Leader.


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