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Fiïilay is Good Friday. Next Sunday is Easter Sunclay. A teleplione lias been put In al C.ilkins' Stato slreet druj store. I,cnt is nearly cnded so that festivltlcB miy be resumed oDce more. The boards of registration are in session to-Jay in the various ward?. Mr. Spaukling will sing a solo at tlie M. E. church next Sunday forenoon. Rev. J. M. Gelston will give a sermón on "Inspiration" next Sunday morning. Dr. W. S. Studley will preach a sermón appropriate to Easter next Snnday a. m It is said tliat the altérnate freeziog and thawlng has Injared strawberry planta very much. The repnbllcan ward caucuses occur tomorrow niht, and the city convention Friday niglit. VV II. Oottrell.of elcctric sugar fame ! a close visitor at Ann Arbor these diiys. After more suai ■': If your name is not reglstered perliaps the best thinir you oan do is to sec that it ia registered to-day. The democratie ward oaucusrs will probably be well attended to-iiight. City conveution to-morrov night. Mis. Geo. M. Henion, No. 122 S. Main st., will give a social to the helpers' band of the Prcsbyterian church, next Friday evening. Capt. Sid.W. MHlard and LleutS. Dcngler and Campiou will go to Jackson next. Kriday to attend the nnnual eleotlon of field officers. The lire alarm tliU :i. m . was causea by a slijrht blaze at tlie Iiouse oí Pblllp Tohr, on Packard st., eaueed by a burnlng ehirnnej'. Loss slight. Bishop Vincent wil) locture before tlie Weslcyan Guild Sunday evenlng next, April Cth, also to the Sunday school of the BI. E. cuuicli, at noon of tbat day. John W. Xanry, of Superior, tclls us that lie has lived in this county since 1837, and has never before seen such terrible roads as we have liad this winter. Last Tliursday afternoon the fire department was called out by a burning ehimney at F. G. Scblcicher's store t the corner of S. Main and Liberty sts. No daniage partlcularly. There Is to be a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Washtonaw County Agricultural and Hortlcultural Society on Tliursday. April lOth, at '2 p. ru , in thelr room at the court house. Miss Louie Craig, of tliis city, and Wm. S. Lovett, of Detroit, are to be marrled on April 9th, at the residence of the bride's grandmother, Jlrs. Royer, on Divieion st. Mra. Laura Ormston Chant, the Eiiglish lady who attracted so much attention here two j'ears afro, wlll be üere afcain in about two week, and speak before the Unity Club. Cadillac business men are movlng to have the Toledo and Ann Arbor road extended from CopemlKh throuh Maple City to Uiciin Arbor.- Slockbrldge Sun. That's rijjht. Ann Arbor and Glenn Arbor sliould be bound together by lies of steel. Frank Goodalc at Delhi mili?, had his hand badly smashed yesterday morning by getting the 6ame into the gearing. Dr. Darling, who attended him, doesn't know yet whetber the hand will have to be amputated or not. The house No. 8G S. División st., occupled by Hrs. Austin and owned by Jacob Ilauser, was partially destroyed by fire last Sunday morninsr, at about 2 o'clock. Hauser receives $910 insurance for his loss, and llrs. Austin probably about $230. At the Unity Club meeting next Monday evening, held In the usual place, Prof. Carhart will give a talk on "Modern Views of Electricity, " and Prof. Thomas wlll read the paper on "Mytholofty" which he was prevented from eivlnc at tlie last mpptlnnr When Judge Kinne discharged the jury last week, he had formed such an attachment for themtuat he said he should like to take them to Monroe with hiin. VVhether thls was complimentary to the jury orcoinpllmentary to the Monroe people is still an open questioti. Some soldier of Uiis city wrote to Capt. Allen on the lOth uit., asking about liis pension, statin? that he had "furnished ffldavits of two cntnrades, orderly sergeant and a private," and has failed to hear from it. The trouble with tho letter is tliat the writer forgot to sign li is name, so tbat Mr. Allen doesn't know who to inquire about. Last Monday, at about noon, John Webber was found dead at his home on S. Main street, near the toll gate. He was known as the rag peddlcr, and ended his existence probably sonie time during Saturday niglii, by shooting himself through the forehead, death belng instantaneous. He leaves three or four children. The famlly did not live happily together, so tUe old gentleman lived alone by himself. At the regular annual election of the Ann Arbor Commandery held at the iisylum last evening, the following offieers were chosen : Eminent Commauder- B. F. Watts. Oeneraiisslino- L. O. Ooodricli. C ipt. Geo.-Clias. S. Fall Prelate-llev. M. il. liurtram. ?nS u? Warden-Oeorge W. Milieu. Junior Wardon-A. C. Nlohol, Treaaurer-Ü. C. Fall Hecorder-J. R. Mlnr. SD ,aï.d Bearer-W. W. Watts. Sword Bearer-J. E. Boal. Warden-R. H. Cathbert. Sentluel-Xhos. Taylor. Social at M. É. church Tbursday eyenng. On Sunday ncxt thc ncw sprinL bonnels are ilue. Coiiimunimi servlcn at tüe Bethtehem cburch Friday, at 10:.'i0 a. m. The roo?cberry bashes tlmt leaved out week before last were a líttle premature. IJov. Mr. Eddy, formerly preaching in Detroit and litrc, rpjolctng n a new boy. Dean & C. havo put in a coflcc clcanng muchtne, to ctean stones, dint, etc., out of codee before routing it. Thc (lemoeratsof Aun Arbor town liave renotninated Tlios. Uurlingame for supervisor, CIiíis. T. Parhall for clerk, and Chas. Braun for.iustice. Lamen L. Henion iswiih Baeh, Abel & Co., commencing work there Mond iy. Ilis familiar face 11 be greeted pleasantly by raany friends of former ilay?. The Easter window at IíandalTs is a beautiful thing. The picture of the four little ones, singing Easter carrols, lieinsr one of the 11 nest photographs ever shown here. In the Methodist clinrch, nt-xt Sunday morninfr, Dr. Stadley wlll preacli an Etstpr sermón ; and In the evenin?, Bishop Vincent vvill lecture before tlie Wesleyan Quild. Mrs. Collins H. Johnston iiceMiss Allie Sutton, daughter of N. E. Sutton, of Xorthfifld, lost lier Httle daojrhter Besie last week. She was burled at Grand Hapids, Monday. At a meeting of the board of direc tors of the Washtenaw County Mutual Ins. Co. last Wednesday, the lo of Rob. F. Brokaw, of Northiield, wag adjusted al $'J17, on house and content?. Iirjfislration day for Ann Arbor township is on Saturday, April Stil, at X. B. Covert's shop, on W. Hurón st.. usual place, from 8 o'elock a. m , to 5 p. ra. Election to be held at same place. It is the popular tlilng Just now to own a type wrlier.- Courier. A better )lan for a yonni: man Is t( enter into a co-partnerhip wlth one.- Ypsllantian. It might be a hettrr plan, and then again it miglit'ut. lis owlng conaiderably to the typewrlter. The convention that first nomlnated Jii'lgc Campbell for tlie supreme bencb was beid in this city in 185!), in tbc high school hall, beforc tlie building was entirely completed. A bit of h Story that may have been forgotten. The receipts for tbe entertainment given by Profs. Stanley and Trneblond last Monday evenincr for the Wclevan (ïuild at the M. E. churcli, wis about $5U. The audlence were highly pleased with tlicy Iieard thnt evening. KasterSunday'there will becnmmiinioii service at St. Andrew's churcli, at 8 o'clock, regular innrning service witli conimunion at 10% o'clock, toaether with a special ly prepured service of song. Service in the evening at 7ÍÍ o'clock. Is It the purpose of tlie Patrons of Industry, after drivingthe mldille-men congumers out of business, to lócate Ihem in the poor house, or on the farms wliere thoy will help to increase the already troublesome surplus of farm producís. - Ypslliintiun. The temperance meeting next Sunday afternoon, at Cropsry's Hall, will be ad dressed by Mr. L. F. Abbott, bis subject beinjr: "The Sltuatlon in Nebraska, the Banoer Iliii Llcense nd Local Optlon State of the Union, which votes for High Licensc and i'rohibition ibis fall." Last Saturday Mis. Sarah Scliuinacher received from tlie Bay St:ite Beneflclary Associatlon $3,090, the amount tur which lier lmbband, John Scliumacher, was In8ured in that organizttion. The company carne forward proraptly with its payment, whicli speaks wcll for it. The following fiom tlie Dcxter Leader may be of interest: "John Cbrlstlancy lms sold bi3 business bere and will foon remove to Anti Arbor, wliere he lms obtalned a situatlon in tlie iifrriciiltiiral works. John is a lirst-class nieclianic, a good citizen, and we are ' sorry to see him go." At the Unltarlan church next Sunday j morning there will be a specínl Eagter service, - musio, flowera, commemoration of members of the congre#ation who have ! died the past ycar, a short dlscourse upon "Keasons for belleviog in Immortallty," etc. In tbe evening Mrs. Sunderland ' will ppeak upon "Robcrt Browning." The Iraprovement of our roads has been i a much-talked-of subject of Inte. Tbeir ] wretched condition the past few months , luis bten a constant remlnder, but as the , dryingsun of spring appeaR, all will be forgotten, and the old systera of scraping ( clay from the roud-sidu and dumping it in , the middle, will be continued. Good drainage and plenty of gravel ire the leadlng requisites for a good road. - Saline Ubserver. The councll held a special meeting last Thursdfty eveniog to consider ordinances and had nine before them for eoiisideration, seven of wlncli tliey passed. The new ones were an ordinance relative to "disorderly houses," amther to regnlate the use of lire urina wlthln the city," and a tliird "an ordinance relativo lo disorderly persons and disorderly conduct." Anothei Important ordinance nnder oousideration s the lieatth ordinance. It is proposed to hold at Hamblln Hotel, Battle Creek, Wednesday, April 2, 1890, a masa meeting of anglers and sporting men interestod iii the preservation of lisli and game in the Eouthern tiers of counties. At tb la maag convention important topics wlll be discussed relating to the subject ol game and lisli, its preservation and propagation, and it is deslred tliat as inany attend the meeting as possible, tliat a permanent organlzatlon may be perfected.- Stockbridge Sun. The Peninsular Soap Co. are rapldly going to the front in their new industry. Tliey are now turning out 1!) rurietles of Hoap, six of laundry and 13 of toilet. We had the pleasure the other day to visit the works and see the process of manufacturInj; laundry soap. The watcrials were belngcooked by steain in a lnrge reservoir whicb turns out in a single batcli 12.5 boxes of soap, contalninq 12,500 cakes. The raw product is 80 clean and inofFensive, that a visitor can hardly imagine that he is in a soap factory when the process of manufacturing is going on. Chas. A. Muma, who is now a resident of our city, but a member of Gov. Crapo post G. A, R, of Fluit, says of Rev. J. M. Barkley'a lecture "OneYear in the Rebel Army": "I hope no Grand Army comrade will miss it. It will do every man, woniaa and child In Ann Arbor good to lieur t. Don't miss It." This is ouly one of thousands of testimoniáis of peoplo who have hcard this famous lecture. At Unl verst ty liall Tuesday, April 8th. The Ampliion Club, assisted by Mr.. Ida Belle Winchell, soprano, and aceompanied by the Chequamegon orchestra will tender the cmtata, 'The Norns," uoticed elsewhere in this issue. One day last week an unusaal scène was seen on ourstreet3. One of our baggage wagons had secured a curious outfit at the T., A. A. & N. M. station to be transferred to the M. C. station. On the vehicle were piled boxos, trunks, etc, etc, on top ofwblch tiiere sat a man and beside hlm liis wlfe with a your.g babe In her arms. The time was eztremely limited between trains and the boraei were upon the run. The old gentleman was holding on to a stake for deur life with one haml and endeavoring to keep hia wife and babe frnui belng throwu off with tlie Other. Then there were scattered about tlie load seven children, Dot one of whom had time to enjoy the scène ry of the city Street?, for eacii had to cling on to something to keep from being thrown uto the Street. It was a picture, howcver, that once seen eould never be forgotten. E=pecally the "cling for dcar life" grip that the occuppants of the wagon had on them when tliey went salling arouml the corners of the streets.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier