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The Two Sams are to furnisÜ the frc8hme!i caps. Tlie second edïtion of tlie "Tellow and Blue" have been put ort saic Prof. H. O. Ailaim is n asliintoli, D. Ci for a couple of weeks. Frank Kvans has been elected toastraaster for the Freshman banquet. George Haviland is buy in the west makfng arrangemetltl for the Glee Club tour. l'rof. Stanley gave an organ recital in Wwtmlalster obureb, Detroit, last Saturday even ing. The seniors at Durtmouth resolved to abolish class day this year, as too expensive a luxury. Dr. Obetz will address the Hahnemanian Society to-morrow evening upon "Medical Ethics." At Yale there is a movemeiit on foot to Imikl a home to be useu by students who become sick or injured. J. B. Chaddock was awarded the first place In oratorical contest at Unlvenlty hall on Friday evening last. Tlie receipts from tlie concert of the Uiiivcrsily of Pa. Glee and Banjo Clubs have paid off the debt on their boat house. Tuo npplicant who passes the best examination for entrance to Vassas College next June will be ;iven $200. Boys are barred. At a meeting of ihe Chemical Society on Friday evening Dr. Freer will give an illustrated talk upon "Madder and Alizarin Dyeing.1' The munlficient sum of $5,000,000 was piven by liberal minded people to educacional ínstitutmns last year. The U. of M. was not a favorite In that line. An effort is being made to complete the Students' Christlan Association building by subscrlptlon. A worthy cau?e for a lew dollirs. Can't you help it along? The Chronicle suggests that the senior class plant an vy on the grounds, sorne day during commenremeut week. A sucsestion that it might be wise to listen to. The general opinión is tlnit the oratoricnl contest last Friday evening was made tedious to the audlence by tlie too lengthy oratio. Even a {rood tblng tires one wliere it is too long drawn out Dr. Stetson, president of the Des Molnes College (co educational), has announeed tliat sludents wlio fall in love with oncli otlier diiring any term are vlnlattng one of the college rules and are subject to severe discipline. The course in electrical engineering is bein: pushed forvvard, and all of the modern electrical npparatus is added as last as possible. Last week a third dynamn, of the Sperry pattern, was put in, the other two being the Kdison and Brush. Professor (to glib sophoraore)- Sir, you seein to bu evolving tliat translation from your inner consciousness. Sophomore - N'o, professor; last nirht in my devotions I read that "by faith Enoch was translated," and I thought I would try it on llorace. The very saggestive title "Ice Machines"' is to be the subject upon which Prof. M. E. Cooley is to read a paper at the meeting of the Engineering Society Friday evening Probably suggcsted by the use of hU name for ofllee in the coming election. A som raer school of phannacy is to be establislietl ;it the University, lasting for six weck?, from July 7 to August 1G. The fee for Instrnotlon in the course will be $25. The instruction will be under the geuonl charge of the director of the cbemloul laboratory. Il C. Thayer, tlie business manager of the Obronlcle, met with au accident last Friday night. The residence at which lie roomed, No. 56 S. División st., caught tire, and in his hurry to get out of the way of tlie limen, he tripped and feil down gtalrs and injured one of his feet. Tlie Alarch Acadamy had thls par; graph: "It is s;iid of Prof, Frieze, at Arin Arbor, that it was liis custom so to direct bis papila as to send out annually a l;irre number of admirably equipped teachers, wliose inllueuce has long been consplcuous in the schools of Michigan." The committee of ladies appointed to attend to the customlng of '92's coming production of Menaechmi of Plautus, were cliosen in ratber a uniqne way. The names of the young ladies were placed on slips of paper, and each of tlie gentlemen taking part in the play drew for the one who was to take charge of his ralments. The result in all particulars was btghly successful. - (.'h ron iele. The University of Wisconsin Glee and Banjo Clubs will hold fortu at University hall on Saturday evening, April 5tb. The boys are greeted with wild enthusiasm wherever they go, and their program is a varied one, and consista of pieces that have never been listened to here, inoluding five solos and a warble by the Olee Club, and polkiis, marche?, gallops and w.iltzes by the Banjo Club. Jt will be one of the rousing events of the year. Everj' time the U. of M. Glee dub has sang in Madison, the Wisconsin University boys have treated them like princes and they have been greeted with B fine audience. Now that there is an opportunity to return the compliment, the opportunity will without the least doubt be tnproved.


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