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The Resignation Of Sheriff Flack, Of

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New York, was reecivod on tho 36 th by Govornor ] I i 1 1 at Albany, as a resúlt of Flack's conviction for conspiracy. The Lima (O.) Oil Cotnpany was sold on tho 20th to tho Standard concern, the reportod considcration boing Sl,l'5, 000. Eepout was mado to Governor Jackson, of Maryiand, on the 20th that tho State Troasurer. Stevcnson Archer, bad misappiopriated the securities in bis possession. At Shaniokin, Pa., four enffincers and four flremen of the Readlrig road wcro discharged on the 26th for drinking intoxicants. The levee in frontof Skipwith, Miss., broke on the 26th and tho crevasse was moro than 400 foet wido, the water reaching to tho caves of houses in Skipwith. A largo section of country was 4 d-tf-ts4 r A FiRE on the 20 th destroyed a largo part of Pionoor, a town of about 1,000 inhabitants in Williams County, O. The bilí suppressing pool-rooms was passod on the 2Cth by tho Maryland Iogislature, and signed by tho üovernor. Mbs. James McCAur.r:v, who had been living in abject poverty in Philadelphia íor a good raany, learned on tho 26th that her husband was a wealthy Idaho minor, and had boon writing to friends inquhing aftor her. Sho would Join him. It was reported on the 20th that an English syndicato had obtainod options on several largo tobáceo factorics in Lynchburg, Va., and was nogotiating for eightfactories in Danvillo, Va. Rrcv. Du. Joseph II. Rylance, of New York, on the 20th rocovered a verdict of 810,000 against Kioholas Quackenboss for malicious libol. The Philadolphia mint forco was on the 26th working night and day to moot the demand for silver dollars, of which itwas oxpectcd to turn out 1,800,000 during Maren. The old chestnut horse "Jack," that carried Brigadier - General Geddes through sevoral campaigns during the war, died at Dos Moines, Ia., on the 2öth, at tho advaneed age of 36 years. It was reported on tho 27th that Metropolls, a Braall village in Illinois, had been destroyed by a cyclone and that several hundred people wero killed and injured. Wany buildings at Olney and Kashville, 111, woro also wrecked. Shoktly aftor 9 o'clock on the evoning of the 2Tth a tornado swopt over tho western portion of Louisvillp, Ky., wrecking 200 or 800 houses, and killing 20ü or inore people and injr.rir.g many others. The path of tho cyclone was about a square and a half in vidtta. A TOUN'Ano at Jjird s 1 oint, Mo., on the 27th blcw down sevoral houscs. The Kansas State fair is to be held September 12 to 20, inclusivo. Tuk colorod men of ISattlo Creok, MIch., organized a protectivo league on the 27th. Huxdkkds of houses at Jeffersonville, Ind., wore wrecked by a cyclono on tho 27th, and tho loss of lifo was estimated at from 150 to 200. The tug May Freneh was wrecked in Maumee b;iy, near Toledo, O., on tho 27th, and Captain Torn Cary, Engincor George Iteynolds and two deck hands were drowned. As extensivo forest fire was raginjr on the 27th near Egg Harbor, N. J., and it was estimated that fully 1,000 acres were in Sames. Er.EVEX men woro killed and scventeen wounded in a mill-dust explosión at the Chicago sugar refinery, Taylor and BeeoÈ streets, on the 2?th. A cavk-ix of tho Conygham mine at Wilkesbarre, l'a., on the 27th caused the sinking of Beveral houses. The damage was largo. The worat blizzard of the soason provailed on tlie 87th throug-hout tho entiro Nortliwest. Thkbe brothera named Deidrick, John and llenrv Kakesloe, all of New York City, wero killed by tho cars on tho '27th at Red Rock, Pa. Wir.i.rA.M Si.attkiïy and his wife and Edward Spaulding wero arrosted on tho 27th at IJuffalo, N. V., for counter rul ting. They had been flooding tho city with bogus ten-cent piceos. Counterfeit ten-dollar bilis on tho Gurmania Bank of New Orleans wero in ciiculation on the 27th in Cincinnati, Louisville and St Louis. Officers of lowcr Mississippi steamers arriving at St. Louis on the 27th reported much distress in the overfiowod distriots southof Memphis, and tho outlook for their next erop was diseouraging. Joitx A. Davis, city treasnrer of Rochester, N. Y., who embezzled $00,000, pleadcd guilty on the 27th and was sentenced to five years in Auburn prison. Fubther advices of tho 28th say that tha number of lives lost in the ï'econt cyclone at Louisville, Ky., was pretty definitely known to be soventy-five. The proporty loss wou ld be about 62,500,000. The wrocked portion of the city lies between Eighteenth, Uroadway, Seventeonth and Main streets. The storm passed diagonally across the section, which is probably arailo square. Somo 2,500 buildings were wrecked. A bars with sixtoen horses and fourteen cows was burned on tho 2Sth at Mount Ida, Wis. Advices of the 28th from Alaska say that four whisky-smugglors - Frank Muzzy, John Ackerson, William Bennott and a man named Mitchcll - were drowned ncar Douglass island. Advicks of the 28th say that Port Royal, Ky., was entircly swept away in the recent cycloao. Advices of tho 2Sth say that in the recent cyclone twenty-five pprsons were killed in Jackson County, 111., over 100 were killed andinjuredin l'oscy County, Ind., and many lives wero lost in Metropolis, 111. Tho town of Bowling Oreen, Ky., was wiped out, and many buildings wero wrecked and scvoral lives lost at Evansvillc, Ind. There wero 189 business failures in tho United States during tho sovon days endod on tho 28th, against 200 the provious soven days. Tho total of failures in the United States from January 1 to date is 3,350, aainst 3,340 in 1889. Natural gas was struck on the 2Sth at Worthing-ton, Ind., at a dopth of 1,375 fcet.


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Ann Arbor Courier