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Major j. W. Powêll, Director of tlie U. S. Geológica! Survey, will contrlbute to the April Century a va'u;itle paper on "Tlie Non-irrigable Luida or' ilie Arlil Re ii n." Dr. B.iriol's "O .il West Church" is the subject, of a dellgbtfully Illustrated nrtlcle in tiift Nfiv En ji land Magazine for April, by Mrs. Emily Talbot. Amonjrthe il lustr:itions are yery jrood portraltg of Dr. Bar tol, Jonathon Mnyliew and Uli?. Lowell. Mr. James Whltcoinb Riley will contribute to the April Cenüiry one of liis unlque f.imlliar poema, oal led 'TheLlttle Man in lliu Tin-Siiop," tlie "lln-fhop" bei Dg a term tor tlie olil-fMSliInnetl orciiestra. The poem will be illustrateil with lijjlit cliarauter vigucttes by Kemble. Vho lias not been interpsUd In the imique position wliich Speaker Thomas Reed has recently taken In natioiul politie? Would you like to see an excellent picture of liim and lo of bis birih -pluce and residonce? Thisa are glvjii witli a very readable artic'p on tlie subject In the X-ew Engluud Mug: - zine lor April. "Under a Biinch-lilit" is the picluiesqiK! title of the four-pajfe suppleineut, in Harper's Weekly, to be publlbbed April ! 2d. The article is by Minnie Hnclianan i Goodraau, and describes what ia' to be sePn before and behind the curtaln an houror 80 before tl:e produclion of an opera, a traredy, a comedy, or a palitomine. Arlbur J. Goodman will furnisb the accoinpanying illustiatioos. Tho Knster mimber of Harper's Bazar, to bc puulished April 4th, will contaln ezaotly doublé the number of page?, in nddltion to a special cover. Among the BlgnaJ literary attractions will be a etory of lofty tone, entitied "An Eüster Bridal," by Har riet Prescott Spofford, Hutrated f rom three drawinga by Al bei t K. Sterner; and a liumorous tiction entitied "Daffodllc; a Story of au Easter Sundy,' by K:ite Upson Clnrk. The briliiant list of illustrations include a production if "Tolstoi Ploaghioe," the fainous picture by tlie Ruulán arüst Repine; a series of three Uustrations entitied "The Ctrwi of a Belle," and "The Mornin}? Stars Saiijr Tojfether," an urceonventional ! picture specially drawn for this number by Mrs. Jessie Curtis Shepard. Electric Bitters. Tuis remedy is becominjj so wcll known and so popular as to need no special mentían. AH wlio have used Electric isiuers sinjr the same song of praise. - A purer medicine does not exist and it is praaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the LI ver and Kidncy?, wOl remove Pimples lioil?, Salt KÏieum and other ifl'jctions causi'd bj' impure blood. - Will drive Malaria froni the system and prevent as nell as cure all Malaria! fevers. - For cure of Headache, Constipation and inüigestion try Electric Bitters- Entire satUfaction guarauteed, or money refnnded - l'rice 50 ctf. anti $1.00 per bottle at Eberbach & Son's Dmtore. VVo :,lvays know our enemies better tban our frieiuls.


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