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HASONIC DIBBOTOBX. Avs Ardor Commandkky, No. IS raeets örst {■uesday ofeaob montli, C. E. Hlscock, B. :.; John H. Miner, Recorder. VASKTBHAW Chafter, No. 6, R. A. M.- Menta flut Mouday each month. J. L. SimiH, H. V. Z. Roath, Hecretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D.A.MacLachlan,M.D. ! 0 TRI EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFICE AKD EESIDEHCE, 26 SOÜTH DIVISIÓN STREET Houus : 1 to 4, and 0:i!0 to 7:30 P. M . VOG-EL &c KER1T DIAIaKB IN Al.Ii KINDS OF FHESH AND SALT MEATS roultry, hard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN j No. O E. Ann Wt., Ann Arbor. W. W. NICHOJLS, Rooms Over Ann Arbor Suvinirs Bank, Opp. Conrt House Square. VITALIZED AIR AdmiDlstorcd. It is agrecable and easy to Uke, and no proatralln;: ettecte follow, while teeth are extrtictcd without pain. WILLIAM IIERZ, House, Srn Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Glazing, Gilding, and Calcimliilnp, and work of every description done in the best stylo, and warrantod to give entisfact ion. Shop, No, 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. O. HUL l&JJIZrCT23', 'DEALER IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC AüiI Common CofHns. Calis attented to Day or Ntght. Krabalmlng a speclalty. Storeroom on E. Washington street. Besidence Cor. Liberty nod Fiftii. The Farmers' & Mcchuics' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUSPLTJS $7,000. Aflflitional Liafciliües of Stockholflers $5O,OOO. STATE OF MICHIGAN, " hankino np:rAiïi'MHNT, }- Ofllce of the Coinmissloners.J Whkheas, by sntÏRfactory evidencc pre sented to the undersigned, It hits been made to appear thnt tlie Farmers' and Mechantes' ]iank,in theclty of Ann Arbor, In theCounty of Washtenaw, State ot Michigan, has comSlled wlth all the provlslons if the General :iiiltin_c Law of the Ktate of Michigan re(tiilretl to te complted wlth before a Corporation sha il be autliori.i'd to coiilliino the dubIness of Banking. Now therefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, Coromlsaloner of the State Banking Department, do hereby certlfy that by that the Farmers' & Mechanica' liauk, aforesald, isautborlzed to continue tlu1 bosineM f banking us provlded In sectlon 80 of the Gen'l Bankl:i? law of the State f Michigan. [I,. 8.] In wltnesa whereof wltness my hand and Beal of office at Lanslng thls 'ld day of June, 1880. T. C. SHERWOOD, Com. of the Banking Dept. MillolS & iüöblldillLh Ml havlng illcil tholr certifícate wlth the State Hankiug Department are now authorlzcd U) do business as a Savings Bank, and In purNuance thereof have opeued a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings departmont on 11 deposits of SI and opwards, Interest pald Jane Ut and Deo. ]st, of each year. The savings tlcpnrtmeiit is open Saturday iiiKhts from T until 8 o'clock. uoneyto loan in sums of }25 to $.5,000 seoured by anencumbered real estáte or approved securltlea, !M HUI 'TIIIIS K.iil..n K.mif. Oha. R. breue, K. Dully, Krar, U'in. v. Stevena, W. F. Krcukoy, J. K. Beai, John Burs, D. V. Scliairer. K. KEHPF, Pres. K. DUPFÏ, Vlce-Pres. V. II ICII.SI K iislil.r J. J. GOODYEAR No. SS. KAÏN St. 4, DKUGGIST H Wlll 1)0 to your advanlage to ciU upon lilm before purchaslng (DCRUGS, CHEMICALS, MELICIJJES. PRESCRIPTIONS! accurately and carefully prepared by the most competent l'hariiiaclBts. Tlie (Inent Hm' of zonil in all dcpartmcnts, to bc t uu ml ia a 1 rus store. W, F, LODHOLZ IS OFFERIXG BAR6AINS mm AXD jpis LOOK AT THEM S IbM. Gi)OD .1 l. I i: I.OO 7 Bars L.4CJNHKV SOAP 5Í5 l(ESrj(II.TEST()lL,i)ln::il. O7 BEST IVATHIt WHITE, ' " 08 3 Cant ('II o ie IC TCUVTOF.x S 3 Can OXtOIOB OOBN 23 VI'.I.I-lMV PEACBESi orth lir.r per Can, lor IS PIK PICACHKK, p.-r ('un 15 l'l.VK, til II KOlSII.Et ('OFt'KK, per lb 23 Ol'tt BKAl-TV' H1IOKING TOBACCO, ier lb 2O KIM' HVKIXC, I'OWDKR, in 1 lb. hum, per lb 23 II IX IC l OAHDY, per lb 10 ALL GOODS FRSSH AND WARRANTED ' ■ IT WIU PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH - "W. F. LODHOLZ, 4 Jt O HltiilllW.IV, ASN ABBOR 1530


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Ann Arbor Courier