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Scratcb.ed 28 Years. Hiirt.v rovrred tvith kiiiIcs. ItcliitiK terrible. NultVriiir endleMa 'o rllef. Doctora :uil medicinen l'.ill fM''dily iiiii'ii by ('uliruru at a oost or$C Curod by Outicura. If I had known of the CuticUra RemBDIH twcnty-ciirht years ngo it would have aavcd me $'2ilO.üü (tw hundred dollar) and an immense amouutuf sufferlng. My dlsease (psoriasis) commenced on iny hcad in a spot not largor than a cent. It spread rapidly all over my body and got under my ualle. The CHleB would drop off of me all the time, and my eufferiug was endless and without relief. One thousand dollars would not tempt me to have tbis dieease over aiaiu. 1 am a poor man, but feel rich to be relleved of what somcof tbe doctors said was leprosy, som! ringworm, psoriasis, etc. I took and....Sarsaparilla8 overone year and a half, but no cure. X went to two or three doctors, aud no cure. I cannot praisethe Ccticuba Hemkiiiks too much. Thej have made my skin as clear and free from scales a a baby. All I UBfld of them were three boxes of Cuticuka, and three bottles of Cuticura Kksolvent, and two cakes of Clticura Soap. 11' you had been here and sald you would have cured mu for $200.00, you would have liad the miney. I looked like tbc picture in your hook of psoriasis (picture number two, "IIow lo Cure tikin Diseases '), but now I í m as clear as any person ever was. Throujh lorce of babit I rub my hands over my arms and legs to srratch once in a whilc, but to no pnrpose, I ani all well. I scratched twenty-eiht ycarf, and it got to be a kind of second nature to me. I thank yon a thousand times. DBNNIS U0WN1NÜ, Vaterbnry,Vt. Cuticura Resolvent The ncw Blood Pnritter and puresl and best of Humor Cure?, internally, and CUTIUUUA, the great Skin Cure, and CI'ticl'Iía Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautificr, cxternally, epcedily, and permanently cure every species of itchluK, burniiiL!, scaly, crusted, pimply, ecrofuloos, and heredilary dlseases '"' humor of the f kin, scalp, and blood, with loss of halr, frem plmpks to scrolula. Sold everywhere. Price Cuticuba, SOc: Soap, arc.; Kesoi-vent, 81. Preparcd by the Pottkr Drus and ('HKMiCAi.CoKi'oitATioN, Boston. Send for " Row to Cara Skin Diseases,'1 6i pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimoniáis. nilWlLES, black heads, chappcd and oily tkll I IVI pn vented by Ci Ticur.A Mkdicated Soap &y FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. n , Inonc minutf lhe iitlura 1 9% A'ntl-IalnriaMtTreli'vi:srheii T i natie, sciatlc, hip, kidncy. chest, am mnscnlar pains and weaknenea. Th flrei and only pain-killlng piaster.


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Ann Arbor Courier