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A new band, of brasa order has been organized at Saline. The Presbyterian synod of Detroit Is in nession at Ypsilanti. Tlie Normal school opened Tuesday after a week's vacation. The Lake Shore rond talk of building a $-1,000 station at Manchester. Henry Vickers, of Chelsea, bas built 9,500 rods of patent fence during the past year. The postofflee of Manchester will be located in the east room of the Chubbuck block. Elmer E. Rouse, formcrly of Saline, has ron e into the drug business at Iienton Harbor. A Manchester man has patented nn iron clud stoue boat, wliich is said to be a good thing. Burt Hausncr, of Pittsfleld, rec3iitly killed a silver gray fox with a black tal!, a rare species. The Livingston l'epubllcan is in its 36th j'ear, and one of the progressive papers of the state. Alex Turner, of Tecumseh, formcrly of Saline, died recently, aged ö5 years. lic was a U. A. lt. member. The treasurer of Manchester villago received $2,088 03 last year, and expended $1,905.69, leaving a balance on hand of $103.34. The boys continue fishing on the railroad bridge regardless ot the rain. They have pretty good luek too. - Manchester Enterprise. Warren Babcock, Jr., of this placr, hcads the list of orators at the next commencement at Agricultural Collese - Milán Leader. At G range hall, Superior, on Saturday, April 13, the Washtenaw county Grange will ineet witk Superior Grange, and a big time is antidpated. A special election will be held at Manchester Monday, to clect two trustees in place of two chosen at the regular election who will not serve. The Clinton woolen milis have been using crude petroleum for fuel the past year, but the price has advanced so of late that they have discontinucd lts use and agaln burn coal.- Saline Observer. Wm. Greig returned Saturday from Stewart, Wis., whcre lic was called by the sickness of his fatlier and mother. They both died withiu four hours of each other, iie aged 87 and she 83 - So. Lyon l'icket. Only a few ycars ago red oak was considi ral one of our leatt vul lable varleties of timber, but at the present time it Is one of the most vuluable, being used very extensively i tlie manufacture of f urn ture. - Observer. The heavy gale of last Friday was too nmcU for the snioke-stack at the foundry and it feil with a crash, b;idly damaging i' and a!so oruíhiiiír in a portion of the roof of an adjoiuing shop, upon which it feil. - Saline Observer. A base ball company Is the latest departure for Ilowell. Efforts are being made to organiza a ball club and put it In good sliape for the season. A loca lengue of Howell and Burroundlng towns will probably be formcd.- Kepublican. Ypsilanti dldn't get the prlrate Inaane asylum which they were tryinji to coax tbere, Plint havinjr out bid them, but now linda a moisel of comfort in the thought (hut they dou't nerd lunatlc asy lums as bad as some towns do - Observer Here's a good idea that might be put in practice quite often to good advantasre "Shall I write our slowpay's bilí?'' "No I think yon hftd better get 100 copies of it printed; we shall need them no doubt before we get our pay." - I'lyinoutli Malí. Iiook out for travclhiK barb wlre fence swindlerg. They offer to put tip an eight wire fcnce wkli [ron posts for eight cents a foot. When tlie victim comes to settle with them he wlll find that it s eilit cents a foot for each wire. - So. Lyon Excelsior. Capt. C H. Roblson, of E. P. Alien Camp 137, Sons of Veterans, of tliis place, has been appointed by Col. Williams to inspect the Dundee Cump. Capt. Drew, of the Dundee Cump, bas been appointed inspector for this congressional district. - Milán Leader. The followlng are the offleers of the Pittsfield Union Sabbath school for tti ensuing year: Superintendent, W. J Canlield; assistant superintendent, F. M White; eecretary, Anna Combs; treas urer, Frank Begole; librarians, Allee Be gole and Nellie Sherwood. Mr. WIcks has manufactured, duriu bis leisure hours the past winter, a fin specimen of picture frame. It is made o 10,000 pleces of wood. It is 4ft 3in long by 3ft 4in wide. It bears the picture o "Libby Prison War Museum," now on exhlbltion at Chicago. - Wayne Review. Wm. Behfusa bought of Ilenry Gilber a helfer and steer, threeyears old, whic weighed 3,000 poundsand which brough one-qnarter more per hundred than an; otlier cattle sold In Búllalo the day the, were sold there. He has four head o cattle for which he has refused flve cents a pound. - Manchester Enterprise. Justice Lnmar, who nevcr accepts pass of any kind,tells of himself this one "Down in the localitv I cali mv hom lives old John Dillnrd. Sotne years asro John presented me with a very flne Alderny cow. I said:'John, I never receive presenta:' 'Well,' lic replied, 'Lamar, just give me your note, and as you will never pay it anyway, you will be nothing out and a cow ahead.' " - Plymouth Mail. Birminghiim has what tliey cali an "Improvement Sciety," mude up of young lads and lassies from 0 to 10 years of age, who collect 5 cents a month frora each member, aud ueurly cvorybody in that section are mcmbers. By thtir efforts they have luaproved the town wonderfully. They buy and set out shade trees, and have secured water works there. Tht'Ir latei-t project 9 the purcuase of the old gravel iit, whicli they propose to make luto a beautiful park. We hope our boys and puls will wake up and folfollow their example. We will do anything In our power to help it along. -


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