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Epitome Of The Week

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The li pendí Dl pension btll was paned in the Sonate on the ;;]sr. uit. by a vote of 42 to 12. A petltion was prosonted providinR tor measurea to prevent the ronding of obsceno litcruture und picturos throuLTii ilie mails In the HouHe the army approprlatlon bül was passed; ulsoa reso lution for Information as to dutics imposcd by forelgn countries on breadstuits. Bills ere introduced to give a military and pensionable status to the offlcers. enlisted men, thclr wives, children and dependent parents of uil military organizations oí the loyal States duriDg the late war; to prescribe proof of naturalization tobo furntshed with entries of public land. The committces on pensions reported favorably in the Sonate ou the Ist the bül grnnting a pension of (100 a month to the widow of the late General Hartranft. A bilí was lntroiluced regulatlng the manufacture, sale and iraportatlon of lager beer In the House bilis were introducod to establish a National banking code; providing that pensions granted to the dependent relatives of deceased soldlers shall take effect from the date of the soldier1 deuth. Bills were passed limiting to six years the time with.In wliich suits may be brought against accounting offlcers and their bondsmen; Senate btll creating the offices of surveyorsgeneral in North and South Dakota: admttting free of duty articles from Mexico to the St. Louis exposition in 1890, and the fortitlcations appropriation bül (W,5S1,678). Mr. Edmünds reported a substituto in tho Senate on the 2d for Mr. Sherman's anti trust bill, entitled "a bill to protect trade and commorce against unlawful restraints and monopolies.1' The rest of the day was devoted to tho Montana Senatorial contest. Mr. Hoar presented the majority report favoring the admlssion of tho Republican claimants and Mr. Gray spoke for the minority, which recommended the admisslon of the Dcmocratio contestants. In the House the bill for tho admtssion of Idaho as a State was discussed. A bill vas Íntroduced to repeal the act making fractional silver coin a legal tender for only $10, and increas ing the limit to $30. Most of the session of the Senate on the 3d was spent In dcbatlng the Chinese enumeration bill, which flnally went over. The Montana Senatorial contcst was also discussed and laid over without actlon. A bill was introduced to regúlate the compensation and per diem of laborers employed by tho Government. Adjourned to the 5th .... In the House a concurrent resolution was presented requesting the President to invite arbitration with foreign governmenta to settle disputes or differences. The bill for the admlssion of Idaho was passed by - yeaa, 129; nays, 1, the ÜJemocrats refusing to vote and the Speaker counting a quorum. Tiïb Senate was not in session on the -ïth. ... In the House a joint resolution was introduced providing for the election of Senators by the qualifled voters of tho States. Favorable reports were made on the btlls to prevent the enllstment of aliens in the navy ; to investígate the Hquor trafile ; gnmling a pension of Í100 per month to the wldow of General Kilpatrick; providing that all publications purporting to bo issued periodieally and to subscribern, but iwhich are mere ly books, shall pay postage as jtbird-class matter. At the cvening session thir !ty private pension biilswere passed. DOMESTIC. At Caperton, W. Va., a general rowoccurred among a lot of negro miners iwhilo at a dance, on tho Ist, and Iloward Barnest, William G. Lee and WilHam Do Rico were instantly killed. ! Five lives were lost through a boiler explosión at tho stavo milis of J. II. Hussing & Co., at Hutsonville, 111., on the Ist. ! The inhabitants of what is known as Laconia circle, a district between llolena and Arkansas City, Ark., wore on the Ist sheltered in tho gin-houses of the rogion, having been driven from their homes by tho flood. Many of the victims wero rescued from treotops and from the roofa of thoir wrecked dwollings. Stock had been drowned in largo numbers, and the planters of tho district wero reported as practically ruined. ' NeAB Day ton, Wash., on the lstllenry Sanders, 19 years of age, shot and instantly killed Miss Della Eddington, agod 17 yoars, and thon blow liis own brains out Jealousy was the cause. Lakk Michigan was on tho Ist said to be entirely free from ice. Ose THOTJ8AND journoymen plumbers struck in Chicago on tho Ist for an advance in wages to $2. 75 per day. Advices of the Ist say that a cyclono at Garrettville, Tonn., destroyod Miltou College, all tho churches and 200 houses. At English, Ind., two cases of loprosy were reported on tho Ist. : lx order to cut down expenses nearly 7.000 men in the employ of the Reading Railway Company v;ere discharged on the Ist. ! The flood from tho broken léveos at Greenville, Miss., was on the Ist spreading over tho country, causing great .damage. ■ The theft of a paclcage containing $10,000 from tho United Statos Express ,Companyin Chicago was reported on tho Ist. Fifty-onf. kegs and twenty-one cases 'of beor were emptied into the stroots of 'Farmington and Üe Lassu Mo., on the 2d by female crusadors. The statement of tho public debt issued on the Ist showed tho total debt to be 1,699,862,544; cash in the Troasury, $32,015,842; debt less cash in Treasury, 81,023, 157, ü72. Decrease during March, Sll,3S9,sri7. Decresso sinco Juno 30, 1889, 853,488,949. .' A itAii.WAY collision on tho 2d near Delta, Cal., resulted in a caboose and a coach being burned and Conductor D. G. Gale was cremated in the wreek. ' A gradual fall of the water In tho flooded districts along tho Mississippi river was reportod on the 2d. ! Isaac Bowsa and wife, of Albany, N. Y., while out driving on the 2d were struck by a train and killed. A man identiiicd as Count Schimmorman von Hartman, of Hamburg, Germany, blew his brains out in a Denver (Col.) saloon on tho 2d. Poverty and drink wore said to have been the cause. As a result of a quarrel over tho latter's farm near Grand Haven, Mich., Michael Millman shot and killed hia wife on the 2d. Mits. Axn Kisk, of Vincennes, Ind., aged 70 years, feil nto an op-n fireplaco on the 2d and was fatally burnod. At tho aulo ot tno io OaiQda art collection in New Vork on üic3 21 a jowei caskot prtsented to Christopher Columbus by !'Vn!in;uid and lsabclla, of Spain, was sold for $1,125. In a mine e;xplosion on tho 2d at ísantícuke, l'a. . thrp.n men were killed and four fatally injured.


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