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Morí gage Sale. Whkkeas delttult li tp been made in the cndl tioni of & certain ni riL,itjc wlnirehy the power o sale therein COUtalnPd DU bicorne perative, exe enhd by Ge.irge B. Bierce and Nettie Uleree, hi s wife, of the townphip o! Sylvan, Waehtenaw c.MiDty, Mico., mortgagors to 'fhonvie Wilkinson of the saine plact. mortgagee daie Dect'rnbt-r luí, A. 1). 18SI, ir.knowledtícd December 3d, A. D. 1888. nnd recorded in thc oilice of the Kegistai oí Deedü for Waehtensw conntv, Michigan, on ihe Ith üay of December, A. I. L888, in Liber 82 of Mortgajjcs, on page (ilt ; wtiich mortgage was óuly n-r-i;. umi liv said 'i liornas Wtlkinson to Juniue K. Beal on ihe z I day of December, A. D. 1883, which H-siirunicnt was recorded on December 4th, A. D. 1888, in (be Register of Ui-eds office for the county of Weshtenaw, otate oí Michigan, in Liber 8 of Áflalgnmenti oí' Moitgagcs, on page 154. ün wliicti mortgstte there i chumed to he due at tbe date or thü notioe the tum of (i-50) thirty-five hundrod and flfty dolhrc, aid no actione or proceodintís at law or in cqulry have been inatituted to recover the dbt eecured by said mortg.geor any part thercof. Nolice íí" h reby given that by vírtne of the power of ga. e coitaïuod iit mu mortgago and of tliu atfttnte iu such cls made and provTded, the Mtd marteaice will be foreclosed bysale of the morfg g (i premtsefl thereln deaeribed, which ea!e wili rit' mudif at. the weel door of tbe courr house, in th(ï cily oi" Ann Arbor, in the county of Wachtenaw, SiJitir of Michi.'an, tlmt belog the place of holding the drcaltconrt for (ald county, at public auctioi, ii the sheriff of iaid county, on Satnrday the ]'.th day of April, A. D. lvj i. at 10 o'clock in tht; lorenoon oí taJd üay, to 8itisfy the amount which lui!i tlien he due on s-tld moriírtiü. 'Ihe premltefl deserfbed In -aid mrtgignto bc eold an sbove Hpeciiled are : The weftt buil of the norihwest quarter of eecti'm lt. iilo ihe soiith sixty iteres of thc east half of the northeapt qiiurter of Bectlon 15( belng au that. part of sald loi that lie BOuih of Mili Dreeb Ditch, rnnning tbroush the Bamet alfo a strip of tand tw roda wtde along the eaei slde ol rhe w si hall ol the Bonfhweai iimrier ui Rcction 1 i, (rom the tvrrito: lal road nortti i' tin? norlh line oi said lot, all ui the township of (i mi ii tv of Va-hirnt;w, State of Miei iig. in. Ann Arbor, Micb., Jan. 11. 1800. JUNIOS E. liEAL, S.un-Kü Sl KNOWlT n, Atiornt'ys. Mort gage Sftle. DBFAÜLT HAVING BBKN MADE IN TnE condiiio' s of a certaln mortjïageexocnted by LeviJohnaon and iary Ann Johnson his wiTe, to bafeDow.diUd ibe twenty-thlrd day ot February A I). 1881 and recorded in the fllce of tlie Keguier of Doeds For tbe Connty of Washienaw STale of Michigan on the twenty-tnlrd day ol Kebfuiry a. ]. 1884 tu Liber 63 of morfgageo on page VZ, wliich said mortgage was duly awniiniod by deed of agntignnr'nt by the satd Chase Dow raort'ügee to KlchardJ. Zebbs on lh t-iylit day ot' lieccmber A. S whicli paid WBlffl m -ut of aid man;' r. conle tn ihe office of tbe Rejtïeter of Deedd for snid County in Liber 10 of amigamente of mort on page 100, by wh'ch sald deiault the power coiiiairei In -aid mortgnge has become opera Ive nnd no procedings in Uw or cquity hav Lul: been tnsittated to.rtcover the debt aecured by sald mortg gi; orany part thcreol", and the sum ot' onc hundrecl and ier nty dollars being now claimed tobe due ou euch mortgage Notíce íh herthy glven thiit the pald morigtge will bc fordoeed by u eale of the mortgjged pn mlsee thereln deecrlbed ■ir -(.ui1 ■ part Iherti A : Lot muaber twenty-e'gïit and 'lic nortti lialf of lot numlier twonty-uine in Browa and liach's Addilion to the Cliy of Aun Art'or Warhtenaw Jounty Michigan accordlnx to thií recorded plat of caid addition at public venduo al the f:Ht door of the Coiirt lioue in the city of Ann Arbor In ?aid County (ttiat belng tht; plnce of holding the Circuit Oonrt for said Cnunt) on ibe tweuty-foarth day of April A. ü. 1S9U at ten o'cock in thü fbrenoon of that day. Datcd J.n:iary 28rd, L890. R1CHAKD J ZBBBS. Aes'gaeeol Mortgageei J. F. Iaavkevck, Atty. lor Asagnee. Mortgngc Salo. DEFATJLT HA VING BREN MADE IN THE conditiony ol a mortgage executed by Everaid 11. MorgAn and Alice M. Morgan, lü w'ife, lo Iv Bea] Field, bearing date the rd dav ut' Muy A. l. 1831, and rt-corded in the office ol the liegister of Deeds for Waahtennw ('ouniy, .Viichijran on the :id dny of May A. D. li-si at 3 o'elock p. m. of that duy, in Libar Ijl of mortKSRes on page BUL by wbich definlt, the power of sale contained iu gaid mortguga becj me operative, and no Buit or proceealngs iu law or equlty hm-ing been instttnted to recover the ai-ht, secured by t uid inortíjíiere, or any part thereof, and the sum of S12U1.7Í at the dale of tbls uotice belng claimcd to be due on eaid mortgaRc, aud tbat at thedate of sald mortfrngi: the lull name of the eftid morfsgee, was junins K. lieal ï-ii-U!; that after said uiiirtgaue w ia made aud executed, ;iid murtgagt'e applied to the lJrobate Court, for 8üid Cuuniy o! Washtemw, lnwritins[,lii pnrpuanM of the .tatute in &uch cape mide nnd provided, and on the 2.5th day f July A. U. 1881, he obtalned an order of satd Pruim tu Oonrt cbaniing hls nanu froia Juiiius K. Hi-al Plaid to tjunius K. Beal, n in uud by the n ■ rds ai eaid Probate Conrtlo that matter, relerence beins thereto had wlll more lully and at large appear. Now thereforc notice is hereby iiveii. bat siidm:r1gaLe wlll be loreclofed bynaale oftbe mortgaiied premiioê thereln descilbed, orsome jiail. thereot', and that. the primisea are dt'iCribtMl in said vmttg&gQ as foüows, towlt, all that certain piece or parce! of hind tiituuted and beljns in theTownship of Plttifleld, in the Uonm.v Of wasbtenaw. Bod b-tate of Mlchiean, described as follows, towll: Begiüning at a point in the west pide of section nnmtjor foar (4) iu ?aid Township ninteen (19) chaius and seventy-niue (79) links )rim the noTtbweat corner of said sectiun liiu. thence north elghty-seven (OT)degreee uHd iKty (401 minutes tast three ('i) chuin and (b'rty-uix (Hti) link toa stake one chaiu and twenlyseven (27) liuks Iroul a cherry tree ten inchfs in diameter, which bcars snuth eighty-ieven (87) degreea wet, thi nee southtwo (2) dejireeseast ftfiy-four (51) luk, theoce aouth einbty-nine (Síí) degrees and tn (10) minutes easl nis (i) chaina and eighty-iijtht (NS) links to aattike thirty i-ix and a half (.'i(i'i) links from an apple tree flfteen inches in owmeter, which bears eouth twenty-eight (ás) degreea weit, thence south eixty-elírht (&) degreea cast one chain and oiehlyseven (87) links, thence soutti elghty-four (S-í) degrecs east four chaina and ülty-lour (54) links to the interaection of two diti hes, thence south ex (li) degrees east eleven (11) chains and twenty-two (22) links to tbe recoguizcd east and west qnarter line thence west tne qnarter line seventeeii (17) chains and twenty (20) links to the reCOffnlzed QOarter stnke, thence north "ijfllH' section line thirleen (13) chains and flrty (i'At) links to the place of bezinning, containint,' iwenty-one acres of land more or less, at public veudue, ou Thursday tlie flrt day of May 1S80, at uoon t the north front door of the Court House in the City of Aun Arhor, in eald Countv, that lxing the place of holding the Circuit Court in eaid County. Uated Jan. 2!Uh A. D. 1890 JUN1US E. BEAI., Moitgngef. Formerly Junins E. lieai Field. A. J. Sawïkr, Atty. lor llortgagee. Clianccry Xoticc. IN purMiarccendby vlrluc ofa fiual 01 der and decreo of tbc circuit court lor the Cunnty of Washtenew in Chanccry, in tbe State of Michigan, made, dated and en te red 01: the twenty-aeventfa day of May A. D. 18, ín a eer tam cunee theiefu ■jfudinji whercin Sedgwick Dean and ilenry S. Dean arecoinplainantsand Giles Merritt and Elltn Viert itt tre detiriidants. Nutice is hereby given that I shall eell at public uictioi, to the higtn-st bidder at the eaet front door )l the court hou y e (daid frout door biMiitj the rourth elreet entrance to eaid court houee) ín the city of Anu Arhor in 8iid Ccunty ol Waihteuaw uní state of Michigan- eaïd court honae beinjj he pltca tor holding the circuit court íor fald couniy- on Haturday the nineteenth day of April . 1). 18ÍK), attuu o'clock in the forenoon to rale imouui due to the ttíú complaínantu for principal, atert -t and costa in thid cause, all of the followinjf luscribed parcel of land mentioiied and set forth n aid decree, to-wit: All that cortatn piece or arcel of land sitúate and being in tlie tmvnship f York in the County of Washteoaw and State of Vlichian and doscrfbed as follows, to-wit: Lot umber Fuur in (iay'e Plat of the Village of Milau n aection number Thirtyllve of paid townehip of 'ork, paid township beirg Town nnmber Four outh in Bango number eix east, in accordanoe vith the terniüi of said dccrci'. Uatei). Anu Arbor, Mich.. Mnrch 3d, ISÍK), PATK1CK MoKBKNAN, Circuit Court ComminHionur in and för WaHhtuuaw Uouity, Micmgati. . P. Km;, Solicitor for Complainant. ISBr I M iVlACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Bates. Fout Tripa per Woek Botween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Ifrnaco, Cheboypan, Alpena, Harrisvüie Ocoda, Sand Bench, Port Huron, Bt. Clair, Oakland House, Marino City, Every Week Day Bet ween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Tripe durlns July and Aucunt. OUFt ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS LAtee nnd Excursión Tickets will bn furniahed by your Ticket Agent, or addreus E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'l P. Agent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH.


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Ann Arbor Courier