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Scratciied 28 Years. Body covered with neal. Itching li-rrilli'. Siifl'-i in-ï fiiilli'SH, r lief. Doctors and medicine i'.iii Nnredily cured by Cuticura at a coHt of $5. Cured by Cuticura. If I had known of Ihe Cuticükv Rk.mfdiku twenty-eleht year ugo ft would have navcd me $2IH).uu (two nundrert dollars) and an immenëe amount of sufferiu;,'. My diseaxe (psuriaai) commenced on my head in a spot not laiyer iliun a cent. It epread rspidly all over my body aud got mmVr my nuil. Tbe eculefl would drop off of me all the time, and my snñVring was endlees and without relief. One thousand dollars would not tempt me to have tliis disease over a-aiii. 1 am a poor man, but feel rich to be relievod of what Home of the doctors eald was leprosy, soine ringworm, psoriasis, etc. 1 took and Sargap&rillas over one yeur and a balf, bnt no cure. I wem to two or ïhree doctore, and no cure. I cannot praise the Cuticl'ka Kemkdik too mnch. They have made my skin as clcar and free from senten as a baby's. All 1 used of them were three hoxes of CuticUka, and three bottlcs of Cuticura Rbsolvent, and two cakes of Cuticdra Soap. If jou had b. en bare and said you would have cored me for J2OÜ.O0, you would have had the raoney. I lookcd like the picture In your book "f psurlasls (picture uumber two, "How to Cure Skin Diecases ')i but now I fm 88 clear ae any person ever waB. Throuííh lorce of hablt I rub my hands over my arms and K'gs to ecratch once in a while, but to no parpóse. I am all well. I scratched twenty-elght years, and it got to be a kind of Bucoud nature to me. I ihank you a thouaaud times. DENHIS ÜOWNING, VVaterbury, Vt, Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Puritter and purest and best of Humor Cureï, internally.and CuTIOVBA, the ffreat Skin Cure, and Ccticuka Soap, an exqólslte Skin lieautifler, externally, speedlly. and permanently cure every species of itchii', bornlng, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulou, and berodltan dlseasi-s and humor of ti--kin, scalp, nnd blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Prlce Cuticuka, 50c; Soap, 2r)C.: Kesoi.vent, $1. Prepand bj the Pottkk DllUO AN1 .'1IKMK AI, CoRPOHATION, Boston. j3T" sonil Kir ■■ Huw to Cnre suin Diieaset,'1 (il pages, 60 illustratloDS, and iihi teatlmonlalg. ni l LES. blackheads, cbapped and olly skin I I iVI pi' vented by C'uticu:;a Mkimcatkd Soap. AS FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. 'V i .In ?nJ? m'ne tho 'utlrnra I jf A AtPl Piaster rallevasrhen # "iitic, sciatic, hip, kidney. dient, nnd 1 , muscular pains and weakuesues. Tlie ttroi and only paln-killlnj; plaater.


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