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Mrg. J. E, Bach is visiting in Howell. Mrs. Dr. Allen left Monday for Chicago. Miss Ma M. Street luis gone to Omaha, Neb. John Bowdish is now a travpllng sniesman. Miss Ida Bliss is tpendlng the week in Jackson. Dr. Getehel has retnrned from hls visi" to New York. Miss Clara Mack has returneú from her visit at Kansas City. Mrs. .T. E. Beal is at l:er home in Kalamazoo Co. this week. Airs Charles Voprel lias been visltlng friends in Jackson Co. lliss Anna D. Robinson isspendlnj; vacatlon week u Detroit. "VV. W. Tozer and familv expect to remove to Detroit in the near future. Mr. and Atrs. F. A. Howlett are spendinsr the week with relatives in Lyndon. Miss Ida Schulz, of Jackson, visited relatives and friends in the city last week. Dr. Yaurhan and Evart Scott went to the Graud Traverse región yesterday on business. F. W. Eisenberg is located at Grand Rapids, inanufacturing "tlie Tailor's Deliglit." Chas. S. Fall was n Detroit Monday looking up tlie street railway project for tbis city. Mrs. Ormiston Cliant, while in tlie city was the guest of liev. Sunderland and wife. O. L. Mathews, of Lanslng, bas been in the city several days the past week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Perry went to Bay City Frlday last to remata a few days with their son E mest. Miss Louise Loving, of Bay City, has been spending the past week with her raotber on E. Washington st. Prof. Levi D. Wines went to Grand ïïipids Monday evenins as a delégate to ;bfl grand coimcil ot Roya] rennutn. D. O. Douglass lias jrone to Toledo, Oblo, in the einploy of K msora & Tïundolpli, wholesale dental supply merchante. Fred Cutler and wife will leave for Middle Bass Island this week, to again nanage the Club snmmer hotel at tliat plnce. Miss Ida Allen left Monduy for Biy City ;o remain for a time, f rom where shc goes to St. Paul, Minn., to be absent severa] months. Mrs. Moise and daughter Winnic, of Alpetia, fonnerly residents Iiere, have been in the city vlstling friends tlie past week or so. Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. Abbot of Kansas City have been passing a few days at the residence of C. Mack, Mrs. A. returned home this morninfr. Miss Mary E. llunt has gone to Grand Etaplds for tlie week, and vvhile absent wlll heip lier family celébrate tlie !)lst lirtlulay of her grandmotker. Hev. and Mrs. Tatlock received the raenibcrs of St. Andrew's congregation ast Tbureday evenlng from 8 to 10 o'clock ). m., and on to-morrow evcning will receive apain. Mrs. Itenry Killilea, of Milwaukec, Wis., arrived here last night to visit her mother, Mrs. Dr. Heartley, aeoorapanied ly Mrs. Fiebing, the wife of Mr. Iv il 11ea's partner. Mis. Oti's, mother of Mrs. Anna E. Warden narrowly escaped being killed by hc cvclone at Jeffersonville, Ind. Havnjfjustbeen called out of the room bjr ïer daughter as the roof feil in. II. Wirt Newkirk, of Luth er, was a lleasant caller at the Couiuek lnst ['hursday. He had just returneü from he south and saw the destructlon made y the great cyclone at Louisville. Miss Clara Jacob3 entertained in a very )leasant manner a number of her young riends at the home of her father, J. T, "aoobs, on Monroe street, last Thursd;iy, ;he occasion being her tenth birthday. Mrs. Harry R. Morse, "who has been vlsiting lier sister, Mrs. Prof. Chute, left yesterday for Alpeua, froin where she eaves in a sliort time for Vancouver, Jritish Columbia, for permanent resllenee, her husband baring goiie into he lumber business there. Newton 15. Pierce, who left his studies at the University a ysar ago to enter the (overnment employ and stndy up the rape disease, worklng euch dcstrucüon ;o the vineyanls in California, arrived in he city yesterday, on a brief visit. The arovernment now sends him to Italy, Spain and Sicily to investígate j."P' disease thers. He will sail ahont Mhj Oth, from New York, to be :i1mmii sevral months.


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