Real Estate Transfers
D. E. Culver to Amos Hall, York 6,800 J. A. Osborn to David Linsley, Augusta 4,800 Sarah M. Orlswold to Rachel C. Cook, Matine 1,150 Ellen B. Tuttle to B. M. & J. Comatock, Ypsilanti 100 W. M. Dewoy, et al. to M. E. Minor, Brliigewater 1 W. M. Dewey, et al. to Jane C. Dewey, Bridgewuter 1 Mary K, Minor to W. M. Dewcy, ISrklgewuter 1 H. 8. Holmes to V. E. Hendelong, Chelsea 150 Lyraan H. Amos to J. F. 4 M. C. Koebbe, Saline 5,000 T. E. Se J. w. Keatlng to Mary A. Keatlng, Ann Arbor 500 T. E. Keatlng to Jno. W. Keatlng, Ann Arbor 2,500 Martin M. Seabolt to Catharlne E. Jones, Ann Arbor l.ttiO Frank Bralsted to Jane G. Barnes, Ypsilantl 500 Frank Un Cooper to Every Chipman, Llina 5,500 Q. D. Frederlck to F. B. & C. Brauu, Anu Arbor 25 Matio lliieussler to John Q. Feldkamp, Munchfstur 350 h. O. James to Seybold A Allmendlnger, Ann Arbor : 900 Zoralda Thompson to J. K. Mlner, Ann Arbor 1,200 E. A. Gott to Qott Mlner, Ann Arbor 1 Mlner & Gott to Clara A. Gott, Ann Arbor i Clara A. Gott to Mlner Sc Gott, Ann Arbor 1 Gott Mluer to Ld. A Gott, Ann Arbor i Win. H. Wells to E. A. Gott, Ann Arbor.. 1 O. B. Hall to Was. Co. Ag. & Hort. Society, Ann Arbor 3,800 Wm. Mclntee to Eugene Mclntee, Lyndon 3,000 W. W. Tozer to C. K. & M. A. Secor, Anu Arbor 8,000 M. A. öecor to W. W. Tozer, Ann Arbor 2,500 Mary Pbelps to K, i II. Knlght, Sclo ás Lodl 2,000 D. Comstock to Agnes Oresser, Ypsl 1 Mlchael Nolan to J. L B. Evans, Ypsllunll 1 E. A. Ludlow to Geo. L. Moore, Aun Aun Arbor 1,000 Ypsilantl Building A Loan Assoclation, artlcles of Asaociatlou E. A. Gott to Wm. Copeland, Ann Ar bor 60) Auditor General to E. Hutcnlnson, et al. Aun Arbor George Steeb to John Keppler, Ann Arbor 5,000 Eugene & Mary Mclntyre to Wm. Mclutyre, Lyndon 3,000
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
D. E. Culver
Amos Hall
J. Osborn
A. Osborn
David Linsley
Sarah M. Griswold
Rachel C. Cook
Ellen B. Tuttle
E. M. Comstock
J. Comstock
W. M. Dewey
M. E. Minor
Jane C. Dewey
Mary E. Minor
H. S. Holmes
V. E. Hendelong
Lyman H. Amos
J. F. Koebbe
M. C. Koebbe
T. E. Keating
J. W. Keating
Mary A. Keating
John W. Keating
Martin M. Seabolt
Catharine E. Jones
Frank Braisted
Jane G. Barnes
Franklin Cooper
Every Chipman
G. D. Frederick
F. B. Braun
C. Braun
Matie Haeussler
John G. Feldkamp
L. D. James
Zoraida Thompson
J. R. Miner
E. A. Gott
Clara A. Gott
William H. Wells
O. B. Hall
William McIntee
Eugene McIntee
W. W. Tozer
C. K. Secor
M. A. Secor
Mary Phelps
E. Knight
H. Knight
D. Comstock
Agnes Dresser
Michael Nolan
J. Evans
B. Evans
E. A. Ludlow
George L. Moore
William Copeland
E. Hutchinson
George Steeb
John Keppler
Eugene McIntyre
Mary McIntyre
William McIntyre