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9IASOXIC DIKECTORY. A.NS Arbor Coxmakdery, No. 18 meets flret Tuesday of each inoutb, C. E. Hlscock, K. O.; Jolin R. Mluer, Recorder. Washtenaw Chapter, No. 6, R. A. M.- Mui'U Hrst Monday each moiitti. J. L. Mione. H. P.; Z. Roath. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISiKASKS OF Til E EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFICE AÏD RESIDEHCE, 26 SOÜTB DIVISIÓN STREET Hor lts : I to 4, and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. VOGEL & ZEC-EÜIT 11EALKK IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS PoulCry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN j No. 9 K. Ann Ht., Ann Arbor. V. W. M( . IDE1TTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Saviners Bank, Opp. Court Hoase Square. VITALIZED AIR Admlnlstered. It is agreeable and easy to take, and do prostrallug eñtícte follow, wbile tccth are extructcd without pain. WII.I.I n HERZ, Heuse, Bign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Qlazlog, Gilding, and Calcimlnlng, and work or every description done In the beet ntyle, and warranted to give natisfactiim. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. O. UK. ZSJLÏTIIT, ;iKAl.Klt IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or Nlght. Kmbalmlng a upeclalty. Storeroom on E. Washington Street. Resldeuce Cor. Liberty and Flfth. i 116 liïïflBiè w lYliyuHlllCS fiiüft CAPITAL $50,000. SÜSPLU3 $7,000. AiJltionalIiialüesofStocitiolJers S5O,OOO. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ■) BANKING BKPARTMKST, Offlce of the Commlssloners. J Wiibrias, by satlsfactory evldence presented to the underslgned, It has been made to appear that the Farmers' and Mechanica' Bank, In ttieclty of Ann Arbor, In tbeCounty of Washtenaw, State ot Mlcliiuan, hos complled wlth all the provlslons of the General Banking Law of the Slnte of Michigan requlred to be complled wlth before a corporatlon shall be autborlzed tocontlnne the business of Banking. Now therefore, I, Tlieodore C. Sherwood, Commlssloner of the State Banking Department, do hereby certlfy that by that tbe Kar mere' A Mechantes' Bank, aforesald, Uauthorlzed to continue the business of banking as provlded In xectlon 60 of the Gen'l Banking law or the state of Michigan. [L. K.J In wltiiHKfl whereof witneRS my hand and seal of oflice at Lanslng thls 2-id day of June, 1889. T. C. SHERWOOT), Com. of tbe Banking Dept. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Baat havlngflled thelr certlflcate wlth the State Banking Department are now authorlzed to do business asa Savings Bank, and In purnuance tbereof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savlngs department on all deposlts of SI and upwards. Interest pald June Ist and Dec. lst, of each year. The savlngs department is open Saturday nlghts from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan In sums of Í21 to $5,000 secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securltles. DIKKITIIKN Kralirn Kempf. Chas. K. ürefne, I',. IMitly, AinbrONe Krarf , Wm. C. sicvt-iiH, W. F. Breakejt J. E. al, .1 o li ii Burg, D. V. Scbalrer. K KKHPF, Prrs. E. IH l'Fï, Tlce-Pres. F. il. iti:i,si it Cashler 1 THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ Ia TBUTHS FOB THE SICK.n Knr tlm.-e clriühhTTT7wÍMvnriíeT!íkl BlllonsSpellsdepend OIlSl 1.1'IIÜKBITIEÜ I'IIUR BITTEKS willlll lt willciirc yon. not asslst or cure. It W .,,. .„w -h "(ir tMsEl ■Hthattiredandallgonc ck-ansc the vitiatctlIJI I IfeclliiK; if bo, use ,iood when vou Bcelll IISULPHUB BittEKS; it9 impurltiea burstlll II it wil! i-urc you. hiLthroiiKh tlie skin III Lfistaá-s iSHSÏ W.i,., ,1lla nmi wnrlr I-IHLK JsITIhKS,E9 B8hops;clerk8,whoflo '"'! ljtialttl wlU iolI Iflnot proOUTQ snfllclcnt ■■■111 I lexcrclsc, an(1 all who Sl;I.,.HUK i5n , k.ksI I I lareconflBedindoors, wl1 clre LlverCom.l I I Ishmilil use M i.phi k ]llnt I)on,t ,„, ,„s.l I BiTTKi!S Ihcy wil i-ourugediltwlUcureU rnnotthuiibcweokaiid vou ' m IJf vou lo nit wish ïl]lv"" lii-TBKs aUem, use a bottlc of "ialJS,-vou " and I II Sulpiiur Bitters ; y III ltivver falla m .-uro. sru-iiiK IíittkksIJ Dim't 1 without a nillniHkcyourhlooilpj IM bottlc. Try lt; you pnre.riehanrtstrong.U wlll not rcirrct lt. nli yimrllcsh hani. "TüiÏÏênïrüêÏÏcaTp aY7-sr7ñTnnírr"l II health, who are all n:us to-nlglit, and II run down, should lise you will sleep welll II - ■ i . in i i ■ ■ ii i. '■ ■ 'ii f.-i H J Do 3Tou want the best MeiHeal Work published? 8end 3 2-oent stamps to A. I'. OUDWiï &, CO.( Boston, Alnas., and recelve a copy, iree. W. F, LODHOLZ IS 0FFERI5G BARGAINS IÍIWBBÍÍ AXD jWISIS IOOE AT THEM 5 11). GilOD JAI'AX n: V 81.OO 7 Uarn L&CNDBT SOAP 25 BKSTHICH.TKSTOIL, pergal. U7 BBST WIIITK, " O8 :t CaiiH CHOIOE TO.UATOEM itü 3 Cam CUOICK KlllX 25 YKLLOW l'i: IIKS, woilli ■:, per Can, lor 18 PIK I'i: V4IIKS. por ('an 15 i'ii:, 'ii xi:ii itotsri: COFFKi:, per lb 25 OIJR BEAITFïi' SMIIK1M. TOBACCO, per lb ZO Itl.ST 1IVKIM., In 1 lb. mm, per lb 25 III m:i CANDYi per lb 10 ALL QQODS FRE2H AKD WARRAKTED ! - IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH vr. f. i.odkoIiZ, 1 a uien nv . i viiiioK. i.iii ÜÍ1UÍS}T!QEm? oro(hn,oifh'ni!n HUI kil I lOCllvl thiapapoi.orobtamc. on advertising spaco whon n Chicago, V.Í11 ftnd it on file a' Ih.AdvsrtiiingAtfoncyof LORD tt T HOMhP


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