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The llttle flslies in the brooks, Xdw lurk around for balted books, Aud ou the imiiK , as Btill s deutli, The ti.ilii'rs ml wit ii builed breutU. p. S. The breath and hook we wlsh to state. Are served wilb dillerent ktuds of balt. -Washington star. West Washington street s the boouier tbll spring. The fair .buildings are on the move pretty lively. New platform scales are being put in by Wood & Hiscock. Tlie expresa horse tried to run away on Main street last Monday. Wh:it makes papa shun his home 80? Why, it's house cleaninc; time. The Ürm of Jolin Goetz & Son has been dissolved, John Goetz, Jr., retiring. Fruternity Lodge will work the 3d degree next Wednesday evening, April 30th. The court house lawn could be made very handsome if tlie public would keep oiï it. Mrs. H. W. Rogerg is to widen the lawn in front of her house on Hurou Btreet. Spring work has commeneed and no man who will work is idle througu necessitj'. The fruit buds had a pretty cold time of it last Thursday, Friday and Salurday nlghts. Uev. Gelston will meet hls bible class' which was droppeil duriug vacution, next Sunday. The T. & A. A. R. E. have started the coii8truction of their road f rom Mt. Pleasant to Big Baplds. The ladies of St. Aiulrew's church will give a social to-niorrow, Thursday Ilobart Jlill. Messrs. Dunn and Guiñan are to build new concrete walks in front of thelr houses on E. Washington st. J. T. Jacobs sold one ten acre lot on hia plat on the S. Ypsilantl road, even before the survey was completed. A family fight on Kuiler st. opposite the M. C. It. It. station caused considerable comiiiotion there yesterday moraing. Query: Why were the court house lawn walks tlug up so long before the workmen were reaüy to commeuce business? Jír. W. ]I. MTichoIa luis been elected president oi the Y. I'. S., o( tlie Presbytertan cliurch for the balance of the .ycar. An observing commercial traveler saya tliat Ann Albor is making a better and inore solid growth than my other city on the M. O. II. K. The subject of Dr. Studley's lecture next Sunday evening la the Methodist Chnrch will be "A Iaíü.sou from tlie Spanish InquUItlou." Eli S. Manly & V. J. Clark liave rented the south portion ot' the oíd Torrey farm on N. Main st., and liave set out 1,000 pcach trees thereon. Seybolt and Allmendinger have bought a lot of L.' D. James on Fuurth si., next to Heinrich's store, and have already started a new building; thereon. Eli S. Manly of tlie 5th ward, lias had his pension increased. Good for Eli. That is better than running for ofllee, or going fishing, either. The burning of leaves and rubbish i" the street is prohibited by ordinance, yet hoini; people continue the undesirable practice. It should not be allowed. The April erop report glves the condition of wheat in thls county as compared with former years at 7i per cent.; and clover meadows 70 per cent., also. Rev. C. H. Beal, of Lanslng, will deliver tlie n-xt address before the Young Peopies' meeting of tlie Congregational chureb, Sunday evening, April 27th. Topic: "Sight and Insight." The Dr. Ford lot, the triangular piece of property laying betvveen J. Ausiin Scott's and Kev. B. Day's, on the north side of Washtenaw ave., has been bougbt by Mr. Hurd, who will build tbereon. The local carpenters decline to go to work uutil May lst, when they come in under the eight hour law. In tbe meantime there are a large number of bouses rcady for their liammers and tuols. There had ought to be at least one or two arresta by oareless drivers who hitch their horses to shade trees and so help to destroy theni. Some people do not seein to uuderstand what hitch ing posts are for. Mr. Sawyer received a telegram from N. Y. City, Monday, from Mis. O. E. Friend, reading: "All dlsebarged to-day." Now there will probably be some music In the settlement of the attacbment cases of Mr. Cottrell. A. W. Ames, of this city, bas been in the eniploy of tbe American Express Co. as agent for 85 years, about 30 years in this city. W. F. Hatcta, of Chelsea, will complete 27 years of continuous service on June 10, for the same company. The Christian Society, which started the erectlon of a ebureb edifico heresome two years since, on 8. University ave., but for Borne reason discontinued it, has again resurrected the enteprise, and the building will be cornpleted this summer. John Koch has the contract for the masón work. The Water Co. is extending the mains ordered by the council last fall, on Packard st., and on Monday the Board of Fire Commissionerslocated thehydrants, one at the comer of State and Packard, comer of E. University Ave. and Packard, and one comer of Wells and Packard st?. Kev. Tlios. Holmps, of Chelsea, president, announces: "The third animal convention of the Washtenaw county Sunday School Association will be held at the Baptist cburoh, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, Aoril 29th, commencing at 9:30 o'clock, and continuing through the day and evening. Borne ot the most active and dietinguisbeU Sunday School vvorkera In tbe state are assigned parts on the program, and tbe occasion will, uudouotedly, be one of great Interest and protit to tbose who arp In attendance. Kvery Bunday Souooi iu the county is earnestly rcnuested to send delegates, as nmny as they cboose, to this convention. Pastors of churches and Sunday School superintendents are especially Invited to bc present. Put away the little lap robe, Adverllse for sale the slelgh, Fir tlie chances are at present That the spring has come to stay. IMÜladclphla Press. Tliere will be no meeting of Unity clu next Mondar evening. Einiinuel Wagner lias so!d liis grocery store to John Goetz, Jr. Frlday being St. Mark'8 Day service will be held at St. Andrew's church at o'clock a. m. Tlie ladies of the Chancel Society of S Andrew's church will give a Merchant' Carnival at the Rink,-on May 22d, 23 and 24th. Matilda Wurster, daughter of Fred'k Wurster, died Sunday evening of on sumption, aged nbout 22 years. Fuñera yesterday afternoon. The condltion of live stock in this county nsgiven by the slute department Apri Ut, is: Horses ÜB per cunt., cattle 95 sheep 00 and swine 80. Capt. W. T. Beale, of Ypsilanti, in 8pected J. T. Jacobs Camp No. 90 S. o V. last Friday evenlsg He was ecortec to the depot by the camp headed by thei life aiul drum corps. A barn belonging to the estáte of Ed win Pierce, of Sylvan, burned on the nigh of April lOth, having been set on fire bv an insano man. Loss $320, insured in the Washtenaw Mutual Ins. Co. Some of the young people of St. Andrew's church are doing a good work in bolding Sunday school services at Fogter's and at Delhi MUI?. In each instance the attendance is excellent, and much interest manifested. The house and a portion of the contents of VV. P. and Nancy Tuttle, of Lima, burned April 15th, a burning chimney doing the mischief. Insured in the Washtenaw Mutual, house for $800 and contents for $200, which will cover about two-thirds of the loss. It s uuderstood tliat a new firm consistinjr of Wagner Bros., Emanuel Wagner, Mlobael Staebler and C. S. Elmer, umler the title of Wagner Bros. & Co., are to enter iuto tlie maniifnctiire of road carts here on a large scale. Tlie factories are getthig (juite a hold on Ann Arbor. Some very fine dust frescolng on the wimiows of A. J. Sawyer's office. It Iets the ranltght in so dellcately that one is teinpied to write tlieir names on tlie panes wlien standing near them. Notwilhstanding all that, Mr. Sawyer wore a nice, new, shiney, sraall rinmied silk hat up to Lansing Monday night. It is understood that tlie (ruit and evaporator works of Allmeudinger & Schnelder is to be turned into a atock corapany. The capacity of the works will be increased three fold, and a factory for the manufacture of yineifar added. The works have been very profitable so far, and wlth the increased facllities and capital, the business wiil be a great additlou to Ann Arbor's industries. The will of Henry C. Gregorv, of Dester, was flled in the probate office yesterday. By ita provisions liis wife, Joannah Oregory, is made sole lieir to all of lus property. botli real and personal. Herbert A. Williams, of Dexter, is named by him as executor. Aside from the real and personal estáte, which is considerable, there was au insurance of about $13,000 on Mr. Gregory's llfe. Warden H. F. Ilatch of the Jackson State Prlson will speak at the Unitarian church next Sumlay eveninjr, on "Prlson Reform." Mr. Hatch !s dolng a work at Jackson whlch is attraeting the attention of the whole country. Everyone interested in improved methods of trentinent of our criminal classes should liear him. Mr. Sunderland will ípeak in the morning on "The Dark and the Kright Sides ot Londou." The present city council will have to wrcstle witli a hirge number of street opeuiiig cases and wlth one or two street widening cases. All of whicli betokens a liealthy growth of the city. Not a street has been opened by the council for the past half dozen years hut it has well paid for the expense in improvements and new houses. It paya to be liberal in this direction. Any permanent imnrovenient adds to the value of every piece of property in the municlpallty. An exchange snys: No one expects to buy a postage stamp on credit. If he has not the money to pay for one he can nut mail a letter. No orje expects to buy a rai'way ticket on credit. If he has no money to pay liis la re in advance he must remaia at home. The like is true in regard to riding in street cars. Tickets to places of amusement are not sold on time, but for spot cash. No trouble occuis on account of these arrangements, and none would occur if every retail store conducted business like a poatofflce, railroad or theatre. We learn that the barn on the farm of George Sutton, of Northfield, was burned last evening, and report says tbat four hor8es and considerable of the contents were alo burned. The fl imes were so bright here in the city that the lire department was called out, and took a run down in tiie lit'tti ward. Later we learn that besides the baru anti horsei there were SO slieep, two cows, 300 bushels of oats, ten tous of hay, and a lot of farm Ing implemento, harness, etc., all burned up. One span of boifea was valued at $400. Insured In the Washtenaw Mutual for $1,000. The tire was the work of an incendiary. TheXorlhampton (Mass.) Daily Herald, of April ]5th contalus a haiidsome picture of the Kirst National Bank building of that place with a long description of the institution itself. Among the director is the name of Lyinan D. James, well known here, with the following paragraph: '"Tliere are eight directora beside the president. L. D. Jumes, of Willlamsburg, merebaut, is one of the trustees of the Northampton lunatic hospital, a very busy man of nfl'iirs. Engrossed in the demands of hls own business, he stil] takes the requisita time to meet the appointments which his public trust8require. lie basabroad experlence of property values and knowledge of credits." Jacob Qanzhorn of this city writes for the April Crop Report sent out by the State department as follows: "In this locnlity nothing in the fruit line iniured. Peach buds in prime condltion. I mention this fruit in particular because the buds started a trifle early in the winter. Although the apple has not been injured a tull crop cjinnot be expected as the trees bore a heavy crop last year and a full crop the year before; under sueli circumstances not over a moderate crop can be looked for this year. It is a critical time for fruits when in blossom. The weather then must be favorable for the setting of the fruit. By June this period wlll have been passed, and not till then can a proper estímate of the fruit crops be made." Ever since the T., & A. A. It. R. was completed from Leland's Station through Hamburg and Howell, the branch of the road running to South Lyon has been merely a side track. But under the law the railroad company is obliged to run one train a day over it. To comply with that law an engine has been kept at this place that hus taken a coinhination car and run to South Lyon and back in the morning. Of course the train was of little or no service to the public. Along the line of i his road are many suhscribers who nave liberally to have it huilt, that thev might have the advantnges of a railroad, and as a consequence they have been fceling pretty blue over the outcome. Recently a large petition, signed by almost every farmer and business man at South Lyon, Ann Arbor and the ínterveuing territory asking that the road be put in good repair, and that better train service be given, was forwarded to the authorities of the road. Now comes President Ashley and liles a petition in the circuit court asking that the railroad company be allowed to abandon this branch of their line, and take up their ties, tracks and buildings. The reason given is that the road is of no value, but a serious expense. What the outcome will be remains to be seen. The Gr.iud Trunk ought to huy that branch and bulld a line through to Toledo, or somewhere. "Why doesn't he take Hood's Sarsaparilla?" is the general inquiry of friends when a person suflers f rom any disease of the blood.


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Ann Arbor Courier