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Dr. J. C.Wood was called to Buchaiian to-day. Mrs. M. M. Green and daughter are in Detroit tiiis weck. Mrs. Qulncy A. Turner Is spending the week with friends in Detroit. Mrs. S. S. Blitz and went to Detroit yesterday a. m. for the weck. Mrs Dr. V. C. Vanghan went to Detroit yesterday for a sliort stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear are In Detroit at the Flower show to-day. Miss Ida D. Shaw, of Saline, spent Sunday with friends in tliis city. John J. Robison s having a siege with disease, but liopes to come out on top. Mías Lou Giles leaves to-day for Detroit for a stay oí two or three days. Miss Bertha Birk went to Detroit yesterday to spend a week witli friends. Mrs. Chas. S. Milieu returned from a week's stay in Chícalo Monday evening. Mrs. R. A. Beal and Mrs. J. E. Beal went to Detroit tliis a. ni. for a short stay. Mrs. Mabel Keith, of State st., visitcd her parents' home in Braooh Co., last Saturday. 'Gene Best, of Minneapolis, is Spending a couple of weeks with friends in Ann Arbor. Mis. V. G. Doty is spendlng u few days in Manchester, accompanied by iier young soa. Frank L. York and fatnlly will soon move to Detroit but he will keep tip his work in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevens, of South Lyon, will move here for permanent residence next week. J. T. Jacobs leit Monday evening for a ;rip Into Kentucky and Tennessee, for the beneflt of his health. H. E. Moselcy, '84, was married to Miss C. M. Kice, of Grand Raplds, April lOth. They will live at the Kapids. James Harkin?, of Ann Arbor, was vistin# friends here Sunday. - Chelsea Jlortld. Mimi' and inany is tiie Sunday Chat ' Jim" leaves us now-a-days. Wonder why? Is U possible that Jlin lias been captivated by Sylvau suüles? Rev. John Schwinefurth and Mrs Schwinefurtli from Marión, Ohio, are visting with Prof. and Mrs. E. Baur. They intend to lócate at Ann Arbor, and have lurchased the liue rceidenco and fruit r'arm of the late I'rof. B. E. Nichols on S. State street. Mr. Schwinefurth preachetl In Ann Arbör 29years ago. The Prcender Schwinefurth of Kockford, 111., is hls nephew, and the African travelcr and scientist, BcbwIneTurtb, is a nc!ir rchahe. Mrs. S. is a sister of Mrs. Baur.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier