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Epitome Of The Week

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Resoi.OTTons r respect to the memory of the late 3umuel J. Elandall wera adopted ín the Sonate on the I4th, and adjournment was ordemi intheHousa the itcuth at Samuel J. Raudal] was announeod and re.-olntions of résped rere adopted, after wbioh an adjournment was taken. Sknatok i'ameron introduced a pension bill In the Senate on the IKh proyldlng that all persons who served in the late war shall receive a service pension of $8 a monta and their widows $r a month. The Montana election case was further discussed In the House the naval appropriation bill waa passed; also a bill to define and regúlate the Jurisdiotlon of the courts of the United States. the Senate on the 18th Saenders and Powers (Reps.) were seated as Senators froin Montana. House bilis woro pasfled for pabilo buildings ut Galesburg, 111., Ashland, Wis., atnl Grand Rapids, Mioli In tho Houso the McKinley tariff bill wus reponed and referred. As linalïy agreed upon the bill places hides and BTlgar OU the free list and provides forthepayment of a bounty of two cents a pound on ilomcstio BUgars, The total reduction of reventtes was estimated at $71,8H,8H. In the contested eleotlon cases of Posey vs. Parrett from the ï'irst Indiana district and Bowen vs. Buchanan from the Ninth dlstriot of Virginia, Messrs. Parrett and Huchanan (Dems.) were declared Qleoted. The military academy appropriation bill was pusscd. ABiLLretiring John C. Fremont au a MajorGeneral of tho United States army was passed in the Senate on Ihc 17th. A joint resolution for the appointment of thirty medical oxamln' ers for the bureau of pensions without reference to the civil-sorvice law was discussed.... In the House, after the rcading of the journal, a motion to adjourn as a tribute of respect to the memory of Samuel J. Rundall, whose funeral occurred at 10 a. m.. was adopted. Bii.i.s were introduccd in the Senate on the 18th proviUlng for a monument to Commodore Perry at Put-in-Bay, O., and for tho admission of New Mexico as a State of the Union. It wat decided to consider the world's fair bill on the 2lst In the House the river and harbor bill ($20.000,000) was reported. A bill to erect a public building in cvery town in the United States in whii-li tho postal receipta exceed $.% 000 a year was favorably reported. At the evenlng session tifty private pension bilis wer oonsidcred. DOMESTIC. As a rosultof reading novols Villiam McGrogor, aged 17 years, hanged himsolf on the 14th at Pittsburgh, Pa. Tuk süpply of wlioat and corn in the United States on the Hth was, respectivcly, '.!(. 148, Ons) and 20,525,' 81 bushpls. A fii:e on tho Hth at Omaha, Neb., destroyed the uloihing store of Browning, King Go. Loss. 8115,000. Thf. United States Supreme Court on tho 14th alilrmed the judgment of the California circuit court exonerating Doputy Marshal Neagle for the shooting of Judgo Terry at Lathrop, Cal., last August. HENRY GoRTHKi srnt to tho Joliet (111.) prison Decombor 7, 1809, from Belloville to serve a life sentenco for tnurder, died on the 14th. Xkar Madisonvllle, La., Captain John fiichardson and his wife were murdered on the 15th by burglars. At Gibson City. 111., a lire on tho 15th destroyed six of tho finest business buildings. IIanv Iliiod suiTorors in Logan County, W. Va., were on tho 15th said to bo in a starving condition. Kkx (colored), under sentonco of death at Birmingham, Ala., confossod on tho 15th that in tho past fow years he had killod flve persons. Ai.i. the unlon carponters in Indianapolis, Ind. , went on strike on tho 15th for a working day of eight hours with pay at 35 cents per hour. The celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversaty of the Military Order of tho Loyal Legión oommenoed at. Phlladelphia on the lBtb w;th ex-Prosident Euthorford U. Hayos prcsiding. The commemoration of the twentyfifth anniversary of the death of Abraham Lincoln was appropriatcly observed in Sprinfffield, 111., on the 15th, and the exerclses at the tomb wero impressive. Edwabd BU8H, Mattlda Jackson and an unknown boy were drowned on the 15th in Old Town lake, near Helena, Ark., by the upsetting of a canoe. Ar the sossion in Boston on the 15th of tho Methodist animal conference, with over 200 ministers in attendanco, resolutions wore adopted condemning allegianee of American citizens to any foreign power or potentate, political or ecclesiastical, and declaring for woraan suffrage in municipal olections. Tiin house and barns of Jerry Bass (colored) near Jackson, Miss., were burned by unknown parties on tho 15th, and lïass and his son Charles wcro fatally shot. No cause for the crime was known. THe Detroit (Micta.) Steel & Spring Company, tho largest concern of the kind in the United States, suspended payroent on the I5th, with liabilities oí 8300,000 and assets the same. At Soottdale, Pa., over 1,200 coke ovens were shut down indcñnitely on tho 15th, and thousands of mon were thrown out of employment. It was said on the 15th that a syndica te with a back ing of S200,0()0,000 had aonts at work buying up all tho lithographic plants, large and small, in the United States. Neaü Silver Croek, NobM the three Bons of a fannor naraed Cbarlton beat thoir father and gigtor fatally on the lOth and then :: Thb dolegates to the Pan; American conference in Washington gaveadlnner on Ui o L6th in honor of the President of the United States. Nbws reaobed Minneapolis on tho 16th of the death of Eugene M. Wilson, of that city, at Nassau, Bahama Islands. April 10. Mr. Wilson was a uieiubor of Congrega in 1868. At the opening sossion of tho animal meeting ol the hwa State Medical Society at Des Moincs on thé Idth a papor by President Emmert f a vori ng the legal prohibition oí marriage of persons with constitutional diseasos was applanded. Ih the prlBon at Montpelior, Vfc, on the 17th Ja mes S. Caswell, a lifo conTict, married Mrs. Laura Gould, widow of the man he murdered. Exikxsivr forest firos wero raging on tho 17th on the mountains north of Pino Grove, l'a., and hundreds of acros of tlmber wem beingleatroyed. The barn of David vanest, near Xo.w Sharon, Ia., was burned on tho 17tb, and sixteen valuable horses wero crematcd. Thk Dutob village three miles south of Port ReDUblio, X. J., wasentirely destroyod by firc on the 17th. The Masonic committee of tho dodication of the Garfield memorial at Cleveland, O., on the 17th extondod an invitation to all Masonic bodies to particípate in the ceremonies May 30 next Thirty-oxk young preachers wero graduated on the 17th at the twentythird annual oommenoement of tho Baptist Union Theological Sominary at Morgan Park, 111. Wiixiam TiionXK, a fruit dealer, committed suicide on ttie 17th at Albany, N. Y., by jumping from the Sonate staircaso in oh o Capítol to tho floor below, a distance of seventy foet. Fraxcis MxJBPHV, tho temporáneo evangelist, said at Crestón, Ia., on the 17th that since he commeneed bis campaign in Iowa last wintor over 20,000 persons had signed pïedge. Louis Fhaxkk & Co., silk merchants of Isew York, failed on tho 17th for 8900,000. Tuk report that Oscar Xeebe and Samuel Fielden, the Chicago Anarchists, wero treated with great cruolty by tho prison guards at Joliet, was denied by the prisoners on the 17th. There were 214 business failures in tho United States during the sevon days ended on tho 18th, against 209 tho provious seven days. The total of failures in tho United States from January 1 to dato is 8,881, against 4.0(54 in 1S89. TnE wife aml two ehildren of Z. L. Tolls (colored) at Berlamont, Mich., wero burned to death in theirhomeon tho 18th. At Vandalia. 111.. a family namod Grupp ato poisoned sweotmeats on the 18th, and the father, mothor and ono son were not expeotod to live. A fiqht was reported on the lsth botween outlaws and a detaohment of State troops soventoen milos oast of Harían Court -House, Ky. The soldiers were firod on from ambush and ftve of them wounded. Mrs. Kkmpfki!. of Mishawaka, Ind., while embracing her sister on the 18th who had just arrived from (iermany feil doad from hearl (allure. RbpOBTS of the 18th from tho flooded districts in the South were that tho Mississippi was slowly but stcadilj7 falling. Jamks Dennis, who diod at Waynetown. Ind.. on tho I8th, CohfeSSöd bofore bis death tliat he was the murderer of Mr. and Mr& I!. R. McMullin, for which act John F. Coffee was hanged in 18S5. Charles McOowah nnd wife were fatally bnrned on tho 18tb at Elbridge, X. Y.. by the dropping of a lamp, which set lire to their oio tb ing. Bus (colorad) was hangod on the lstli ai Birmingham, Ala., for killing J. W. Meadows, a railroad contractor, last. January. Ile had murdored four other persons at various stages of li is cantor. Ufon orders from Washington the landing of Immijffania " stoppSfl on the 18th at Castle Carden. Xew Vork. Debarkaticii would in the futuro ba made at the bargü office. Twt.n TY-oM-: Lmported breeeding maros on the farm of N. P. Clark at Brockway, Minn., were burnod in tbeii barn on tho 18th. LOSS, i:ir,,000. MBA. John ('i.ahk and hor daughtei Ida, aged 18 years, were poisoncd on the 18th at Cantón, O., byeatingraw greons which they were gathering for dinner. A WAGOS load of nitro-glycerine shells explodod on tho lbth at Cygnet, O., and two men were blown hundroda of yards and nothing left of them but a few strings of thoir clothing. The horses wore also killed. Gold was on tho 18th said to havo been discovorod on the farm of C. B. Fisher, ton milos south of Aurora, 111.


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