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Msry K. Wllklni, wliose name Is Dsually associated with fiction, will contrlbute a poem to Harper's Magazine tor May. "Chickens for Use and Beauty'' is tli ■ tltle of a profueely illustrated articla by B. 8. Babcock, In the fbrthcemtng May Century. In t!ie Edltor's Easy Cdair of ELirper's Magazine for May George WUllani Curtís wil] insis' upon the humoroue sido of the late W'orld'.-i Pair campalgn. In the May Century Jogeph Jeffergon wi] tril about bis trip to Au-traliu in the year 1861. He describes, among otlier tliings, a "Skelcton Dance" of the Dfttlves, acurious "Anatralian Trncedy," and a "Terrible Audtence," of tlcket-of-leavemen, wliieh bc encountered wben he plnyed "The Ticketof-Leave-Mun" for the Ihst time in lloburt Twn. Charles Dlldley Warner's essay, in tlie "Edltor's Dravver" of Harper's Magazine for May, will bc devoted to a disetission of man's position in the nuw social order. Tlie April number [No. 46] of the Kiverside Literature Series, ((iiibllsheil quarteiiy durini; eaoh school year, at 15 cents a single munber, by Hougliton, Hlfflln & Co., Boston) contalng old Testament Ötories In Scripture Lmru ige, ('rom the Dispersión at Babel to tlie Corquest ofCanann. These stories liave been selected (without alteration exrept by tlie omission of irrelevant matter) f rom the K ing James versión of the Oltl Testament. Their grandeur, their slmpllclty, tlicir purity of dlctlonand transcendent interot and the hold which they have on the classic literatura of the woiH, espeehilly adapt them for readlng In Fcbools. And the fact tbat the stories are here told connectedly, while in the Bible they are sc-ittered tliroujrh inmiy cbapters, renders ihe foim in whlcb tbey ure now oftVred particularly aoceptable. The greatest literary senaat Ion of Ibe winter In Paris watCamlUeFlamnuirlim's astronomlcal romance, '"Uranie," of which the Cassell Publlshlng Company are the American publlahers. Up to the present time ]1. Flammarion bas been known as the forernoBt astronomer in Franee. lint. now he bas beeome at a bound one of lier most popolar romancers. 'f here (f noesc:ii!iig trom the. fascinatinns ot this book. It is snch a story af one mij.'ht Imagine that Jules A'erne and Richard A. Proctor coiild h:ive wrltten had one put his ImagInatlon and the othor his Science into the same pot and got R. L. Stevenson to stir them np. Tliere is jusl enougli scienceto hold the Bttentlon of the student and enougb plot aiid love story to interest, the general reader. Airs. Muiy J. Serrano, translator of " Marie BashklrtseÖ : The Journal of a Toung Artist," bas put M. Flammarion's tlelightful French into eharmlng Engllsh. A portralt of M. Flammarion aceompanied " Uranie " and shows him to be a most pictureque-looking man with the liair of a poel and the eyes ef a pliilosopher.


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