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Kcinarliablc Rcscuc. Mrs. MIcbael Calíala Plainfleld, lil., iiuikcs tlie statement that slic caugbt colit, wbicb settled on lier liings; she w8 treated for a moutb by lier l'amily physician, but frrew wone. Ile tokl ber she was a hopelets victim of eonaumption and tlitit no medicine conld cure lier. Hei druggiit surrested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bougbt ;i bottle and to ber deliglit found herself benefltted from first duse. Slie eontinued its uso and after taking ten boules, found liersclf sound and well, now does lier own housework and is as well as she ever w;is. - Pree trial boules of tliis Oreat Discovery at Eberboch & Son's Drn Store, large boules 50e and $1.00. Boston society is scriously conteniplatin coplea of the "Anjrelus" to Congo to aid in missionnry tüorts. The native nerro will be more apt to see by the picture tliatconversation leads todipging potatoe9 llian to receive any snnctlfying inlluence. - Fort Woith Gazette. All cases of irealt or lame back, backachi', rlieuniatiini, will lind relief by wcirinR one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backaclie Phisters. Trice 25 cent?. Try tliem.


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Ann Arbor Courier