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Capt. MUlard goes up and Co. A. tnkes a Fall. Court stands adjonrned initil Friday at 9 o'clock. Miclmel Donoluie baa receivcd au inoreaae of pension. The May term f the circuit court convcnes next Tuesday. Meeting of the Business Men'e Assoclation to-morrow evenlng at the coimcil roo ui. The annaal meeting electlon of officers of Hobart Uuild oceurs on Thursday evenlDg. Bpeclal meeting of the council to-nlght at 8 o'clock to approvc of the liquor and druggists bondn. In the circuit court last AVednesday John C. Iluliner was grnntcd a divorce lïoin Ann Hubner. Laaie's Aid Society social it the M. E. clmrcli Thursday cvenini?. Suii)er aerved at GJ o'clock. Chauncey II. Mlllen brought la a 11 Ib. plckerel whlch hc caught at Whitmore Lake j-estenlay. Jas. E. Harkins helped electrlfy a Whltmore audlence lust Friday evening witli his fine volee. A. J. Sawyer wenl to Lansing j-osterdati to arcue the cuse of Sarah A. Cole vaftlie JiUke Shore 1. IÍ. (' The subject of Dr. Studley's lectura In the Methodist churdi next Sundiiy evenIng will bc "A Qreat Career." Thursday evening last a bnrnlng btusli heap in tlie rear of .Iud;e liarrlraan's reetdence cafled out the Ure depurtment. A fire occurred on Pnday nigfat last nt tbe boueof James SIkiw, on Stiller ave., froin a detective cliiiniicy. 1-dí.s about Itcv. Max Hein. of Minnesota bas accepted the -all to Zion's clmrch, and will be hcre In the course of tbree or four weeks. . The M. C. K. lï. is to bulld n sidetrack to Ihe Aun Arbor Brick and Tile Co's. van!, and will not have very far to buikl either. Last Frlday ïiight the safe at A.P. Ferguton's Koad Cart factory was blown open and the bui lars got about $25 for their trouble. Uuity Club will hold ita last social of tbe season on Moiulay tvenlng, May 5. AU f rienda of tlie club are cordial ly inj vlied to attendt Chas. S. Fall bas been elected Captain of Co. A. in place of Bldnej W. Alilhirt!, who bas been prumbted to .Major. C.ipt. Fall will make the boys a good officer. The blank bonil8 of Kugene E., as poatmaater, were reeelved here last Sunday morotnn, wore properly BI led oat Monday and returned to VVashiugton lor approval. Warden Hatob, of tiie State prlson drevv an audlence at the L'nitarian cha rel), Sunday even Ing, only about onehalf oí which êouW be acoomoduted in the chureb. Next week Tuesday the memben of Bethlehem church society will hold a meeting to conskler the advlaabillty of either enlarging tbeir present chureb cdillce or building a newone. Monday evenlng n gasoline stove n Stevens' barber slmp 00 Hurón street, goc out of order, and carne near makini; tuings uncomfortably hot for a time, until it was throwii out tloors. Tbe case of David W. Simons vs. tlie Ypsilanti Paper Co. was dUcoutínued Ín the circuit court yestorday upon iiling Btipulation, and oase of Jolm Schliipp vs. Qidcon Boilingcr dismissed. Mra. Dr. N. H. Pieree, whlle returning from a professional cal] at the residence of Mrs. Eli Moore last Monday night at about one o'clock, slipped offthe steepeinbankmcnt and fell sume 20 feet or more, sustaining some considerable bruises. Tlie Ann Arbor Cantón Knights Militant No. 30 I. O. O. F. held a drill at the Armory last Saturday night, and iifterwurds a banquet at the Gemianía hotel in honor of ihe 71st anniversary of the establishment of the order in the United Kt ates. There ere 340 bodies Interred in the old cemetery her?, and according to the rate pftld by the Ypsilanti authorities, about 50 cents each, the cost would only be about $120 for the removal of all the bodies in the cemetery. And It ougiit to be done. Alfred Heneqnin, In the May "Arena," has a comprehensive article on "The Characterisücs of the American Drama," which views in short the history of the Greek, English, (crinan and Frencli drama with their connectiou to the modern school in this country. The bodies interred in the old cemetery at Ypsilanti are being re-interred In the new cemetery by the city, and the authorities are surprised at the small cost of the work in comparlson with even the most labored eetimates. The experience of Ypsilanti in this line can well be watched by the citizens of this city. C. J. Paull, of Hilwaukee, bas made a fine pen and ink sketch of of a bird's eye view of this city, showing every house anti building in it, trom which an engraving of the photogravure order will be made, making an excellent map of the city. A new map of the city is needed vi-ry much, and this will come in to supply a long feit want. There was a sudden death at the Germania hotel last Monday. C. II. Chaffee, a oanvasing agent for I). Appleton t Co., and who had been about the city for the past week or ten days, died véry suddenly of heart disease. líe complained of feclIng badly and had just ascended to ble room, at about noon, when his heart ceased its actlOD and lic expired almost instantly. He was a man about fifty-five ycar8 of asre, and said to beone of the very best canvassers the house bad ever had upon the road, hut being intemperately inclined the house furnished liiiu with an attendant to keep hlm on the right road, a thing the attendant could notalways do, Tor he had been drloking lieavily before his death. Coroner Clark suminoned a jury, an inqiiest and post mortem exatninatlon was held tliis a. m., and a verdict accordinjt to the above facts was rendered. The body will be sent to Chicago this p. m., vvhere hls family, a wife and children, reside. Commnnion atthcl'resbyterian cliurcb next Sunday. Robert Mortimer has reccived an ncrcafe of pension. Tlie Memorial Day address at Chelsea will be glvcn by Hon. A. J. Sawycr of this city. AUlcrman Dieterle carries a new gold watch now. Drew it nt Watts' store Monday evening. Rov. Mr. Tatlnck, exehanged pulplts last Sunday wlth Rey. Mr. Iïalcom, of St.'s church, Jackson. The ladles of the Presbyterian cluirch ü'we ii tea and social at 0 o'olock, Tburaday p. m. All are invited. George W. Millcn tel Is U8 that he is putting in $500 worth of new machlnery in lm soap factory on N. State st. The early gardener is setting in bis seeiis, but Oíd Sol isn't warming up the ground enough yet to inake tbem spiotit very much. Thomas Eccles, of Saline, a number of years ago a resident of this city, died at bis home last Wednesday evening after long sufferin. Maurice O'Conner, of Superior townslñp has seeured a pension throujrh W. K. ChilOs of tuis city, afcer waiting eleven years for the same. Miijor Millartl {joes to Jackson next Momlay to sit upon a court mnrtial cuse of a lieutenant, charged with conduct unbecomingan offlcer. The electric street ralhvay at Saginaw is certainly a big succcss. The cars go rapidly, coraparatively noiscless, and it is far pleasanter riding in them tlian in the " hoss " cars. The flower show took crowds of Ann Arbor people to Detroit Ia9t week. The show was a grnnd success In every way, everybody beiug delighted with what they eaw there. On Sunday last Silvina S. Cowles, for a long time a resident of the 4tu ward of this city, and for several years an invalid, died at her home No. 29 E. Ann st., aged 80 years and 6 months. The AHraendinger Piano & Organ Co. made a contract last Frlday with a Toledo flrm for four car-loads of organs aboul 80 Instruments in all. They are the best of si-Hits in tuat market. The questlon of Improvlnetheroads throughout the counlry 1h now tnklng root among t.htï fiii-nicrs and a general dlscuxnlon of the raerlts of the variuua plans Is the result. - Clielsea Herald. Discuspion is a good thing, but action n thls instance will make bctter roads. Staebler & Eliner is the name of the new firra wliich will take Wagner Bros.' factory aml enter into the manufacture of Mr. C. S. Elmer's patent jump seat cart. Emanuel Wagner is not connected wit li the business as stated last week. A gentleman residing in a neighborlng village bas just been awarded $45 by a justice, against the owner of a dog that mn out and barked at hls team caiislng thein to run away. It is to be hoped that there muy be more such verdicts rendered. Work on the new Ann Arbor fair grounds is rapidly progressing a forcé of f rom ten to twenty men belng emplo3-ed. The as8ociatlon evidently has some ni-w blood in its veins and we look for a succesful fair the coming f all. - Saline Observer. In going to Detroit Ann Arbor folks will Hnd the pleasant face of Charlie WÖodward at the new Normandie house on E. I,arnard st. just off Woodward ave. This house is entirely new tlirougliout and is B perfect beauty in furnishings aud accoraodations. E. 0. Basaett, of South Lyon and C. A. Bassett of Saline, brothers, have boujjht the grocery stock of George L. Moore on State Pt., uiiicli they will close out and put in :i complete line of drugg'wts goods in its phice. E. C. Bassett graduated trom the pharmacy department in '83. Invitatlons are out for the marriage of Misa Mary Almena Studiey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Studley, of tliis city, to Philip Bayward Qray, of Detroit, at the M. E. cliurch, on Tuesday eveuing, May Ctli, at 7 o'clock, after wliich a small receptioD to relativesand iutimate friends will be given at the residence on X. SI ate st. Mrs. Chas. Weeks diod at Jacks'in, 206 Cortland st., last Saturday, after au illness of only live daj-s, aged 40 years. The deceased was a native of tliis city, and resided liere until the fall of 1880, when slie went to Jnckson to live. Slie lciiycs a husband uiii one daugliter, Mrs. Krank . Doane. Funeral service was held Monday from the house. The nevv OOtnpany orjranized to carry on the fruit and vinegar works here, spoken of last week, has ehoscn the following directors: D. liinsey, L. Gruner, C E. Greene, F. H. Bolser, A. Tucker, George Aprill and G. Lulck. O. Frank Allmendingor wilJ probably be the manager. The other stockholders are: Allmendinger & Sebneider, Moses Seabolt, E. Luick, Dr. W. F. Breakey, B. J. Conrad, Prof. E. Baur, and Jacob Beesinger. Ye acribe happening in to Jas. E. Duvis & Co.'s, at Detroit, llie other day, was told that they had just shipped tbat day several tons of ollsand other tupplles to the Peninsular Soap Co., ef Ann Arbor, and the rernark was added: "That coiup:uiy must be doing au excellent business lor they not only order a large qunntity of supplies, but the material is the very best to be found in the market." Whlch speaks well for the company. The Washteuaw County Medical Society met Friday evenlng at the home of Dr. Kapp where they were entertained by a supper. Dr. Nancrede led the discussion on Biight's disease, followed by reinarles from Prof. Gibbes. Drs. Kapp and lireakey were eleettd delegates to the International Medical ('ongress which assembles at Berlín in June, while Drs. Iluber, Darling, Nanerede and Kowc were made delégales to the American Medical Association at Nashville. After a pleasant social time they ndjourned to meet in Ypsilantl in the summer. The Detroit Tribune of yesterday morninji bad this item: " Rev. W. 8. Studley, DOW of Ann Arbor, lectured on "Grumbllng" last evening before a large audienceat the Central M. E. chapel, of which church he was formerly pastor. Faultlinding he declared to be universal and requiring as a rule little critlcal ability or knowledge, yet the most perfect man or thing would certainly find some decrier ordefamer. The lecturer advocated a philosophy of serenity, which would accept good advicegladly, as soniethingto which all are open, and bear undisturbed ill-natured gruinbling as one of the "Hls which nuture is heir to.'' The lecture was for the benefit of the Deaconess' house." On Sunday a represen tati ve of the Courier had a pleasant visit with Eider Lorenzo Davis at the County House. Although 78 years of age and conflned to his bed for the past three years, tus mental faculües are unlmpaired.and he is far more contented with his lot than are most people who live in elegant homes of their own. He reads a considerable, belng as well posted on the current affairs of the day as any one In town, and the occasional visits of his old friends do him good. Washtenaw County does well In feeling proud of haring such a pleasant, comfortable home for her children with whom fortune has been unkind. The city churches have services there Sunday afternoons, the Eliscoprtllans the firt Sunday of the month ; the Germans the second ; the Methodists the third, and the CongipgatioualisU the fourtli. In tliis way and by taking out reudlng matter, tl men, or delicacies, a number of ladies are addlng mnch to the comfort of the people tliere, bul there is a chance for nthen todo inuch good in that line.


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Ann Arbor Courier