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Dr. C. McLane's CeSebrated IJVER PILLS WILL CURE BBUIB A few doses faken at the rïght time will often save a sevore epeli of sickness. Price only 25 cents at any drug store. Be sure and seo that Dr. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LÍVER PILLS, FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., Is On tho box. None otlicr is Genuine. Use IVORY POLISH for tho Tooth, P&27UXE3 THE BBEATH. CARTER'SL CURE Blek ücadaeho and rcüovoall tuotronblw! incident to a bilious etato of tho systóm, sucli 03 Dizzlnoss, Nausea, DrowslnesS, DlstrttS aftor cating.rait.iu tlio Siilo, kc. Whilo thtir most roiuarkablo euccess haa been shown In curing SICK neadacho, yot Cnrtor's Littlo Livor Filia ara cqually valuablo in Conotipation. onring ni"l pro vonting tUiaannoyinscor.iplaint.whilo thoy also correct all disorders of ihoatoniaoh.stimuliito tho livcr and regulato tho bowola. Even if thcy only HEAD Acho tlioy wonld bo alrnostpricoloes to thoso who euffor f rom ttiia dist rjfüuiifícoiuplaiut; brflfortunatoly theirgootlueaa does notoud hcro,autl thoso TFho once try tbcra will fiud thoeo littlo pilla va!uableineomany wayathatthcy will not bo willing to do without them. But after allslck hcad ACHË Is tho bane of so mnny livcs that horo Is whoro wo raako our great boast. O;ir pills cui-a it wkilo othors do not. Carter'B Littlo Livor Pilla aro vor? smalt p.nd vory easy to tako. Ono or two pilla inakoa doso. Thcy are strictly vcüotablo aml do not gripo or purgo, but by thcirgor.tloaction piense all who uso them. InTial8at25cents ; flvoforfl. Sold by draggiata ovory whcro, or sent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL POSE. SMALL PRICE WHAT 4MÏÏT5& C0NSUMPT10N EMULSIÓN gSSS1 fiIIDCQ COLDS üUrCO Wastïng Eiseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gaineJ ono pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. It contains tlio stimulating properties of the Hypophosphite3 and pure Nonvegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by ïhysicians all ever the world. PALATABLE AS PJ25LK. Sold by all Druggisis. 8COTT & BOWNE, Chemici s, N.Y. ÍEVEN tVTHTKII -."'-"'t, Xo cure Bilionsnc3a, Sick Headache, Constipatiou, Malaria, Liver Complaints, talse tho Eafe and ceitain romedy, BILE BEANS Use the SMAI-I. Siïc (-Oiitüfi Bennsto tho boltlc). TIIEY ARE THE MOST CONTBNIBJÍT. SititÏTlo lor L%11 Lgofl. Frice of citlicr slze, 25e. per Bottle. 1% 1 V V 1 1 Qc9 Maileil for 4 cis. (coppers or stamp). J.F.SMITH&CO.Makersof-UILECEANS.'ST.LOUIS MO. Mort gage Sale. DEFAÜLT OAVING BEEN MADE IN THB conditione of a certaln mortagc cxccuUui by Chanccy W.Rifcs toBowsna Ms s, dated 9th day of February, A. D. Í8SU, and recordcd in the oflïcc of tlie Register of Deeda for the County oí Waphtcnawand State of If ichlgftOj on the 8thday of Uciober, 1H80, in Liber53 of Morierfleree oi 652, and whlch &aid mortpage woa duíy i by deed of asiíínment, bv tbe said Kowmm Rlggt, mortgacM', to Clara Ë.RlLffBtjD the I8tb day of April, 18s5, which eald igiinient of eaid mortLac i recorded ín tbe offlet; of tho Register of Pecds in paid County of Washtcnaw, and Sta!" of Michigan in Líber 8 of Asdffnment of Mortgage, on page 47Ü. by which eaid dcfaulc the power f Balfl contained in eaid mortajie ha bucome operHtiveiind no it or proceeoliiKA, in law or cquiiy, having been Inetituted to recover the debt securert by said mortgage, or any part thcreof, and tbe muii of $275.00, at the date of tnlfl notict, oelng cliimcd to be due on said mortfigc, notica is tberefore hereby given that said mortgage wil) beforec osed, by a ealc of the mortpiKed prexnlseB thercin ÖO9 cribed, or ome part thereof, aiiü that the premiee are deecribcd in eaid mortgaffe ns follows, to-wit: All tha, certaiu ('iece or parcel of land Bftnated in theTowrifhïpof Bjlvan in the County of Waehteuaw and State of Michigan, and describid as lolIowb, to-wit: The eouth t-iiHt quartcr (}.i) of the Houth-castqaarter of H;ctlon thirty-one ïti townphip number two aouth in range three eapt, at public vendue on the Uïth day of Muy, 1800, at noon of said day, at the nortli front door of tbe Court llonee In tbc City of Ann Arbor, in eaitl County; That bclng tho place ot holding the Circuit Conrt Ín said Couiiiy. Dated Fcb. liiht 189D. Cl. ARA n. RTGCS, A. J. SAWTKn, Aeeignce for the Morigagec, AtVy for Aissigncc. Rowana liigzflt C. H. MiLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of a century ago. Representlng the following Ürst-claK compaules, wltb over $60,000,000 Capital and Asct. HOMK INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIKABD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON. FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjusted and promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. SEND FOR OUH CATALOGUE KO PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INOIANAPOLIS, INO. Every Enterprising Thresherman knows that thc threshing machine that will work the most rapidly, clean perfcctly, and save all the grain will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will Write now to at once investígate our claim that beats anything heretofore made in all these and other points. The wide-awake Farmer will also get our circulars and satisfy himself whether he can afford to have his grain wasted by other threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with the New Vibrator Our pamphlet giving full information about Threshing Machinery and Traction Engines sent on application.


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Ann Arbor Courier