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Real Estate Transfers

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Ij. Dressel house by adin'r to F. C. & C. Dresselhouse, Freedoin 3,400 L. Dressel house by adm'r to A. A L. Dresselhouse, Freedom 13,680 L. by adm'r to Albert Dressolhouse, Freedom 6,000 Albert Dresselhouse to Johu Dresselliouse, Froedom 6,C00 Wm. Milleo bytjuard. to C. H. Millen, Munclioster 26 Patrlck Dougnerty to O. B. Jackson, Ypsllanü i .. . 125 Allee M. Rosler to Owen McClaln, Scio.. 600 Mact L Schinid to N. J. K!lne, Ann Arbor 112 Delos Phillips to Horace Phillips, Ypsllantl 1 1,000 Geo. W. Phelps to II. T. Phelps, Webster 4.U00 Geo. W. Phelps to II. T. Phelps, Webster 1,300 E. 11. Cordary to Hardwlg & Shafer, Ypsllauti 850 M. J. Whltney to E. II. Pearsall, Ypsllanti 5 II. Hardlnghaus to J. and A. M. Goedman, Ypaüanll 950 L. J. Millen to J. G. Spathalf, Ann Arbor 75 C. II. Milieu to Phllo B. Millón, Manchester i Wm. Warner by sheriff to J. L. Babcock etal. ex's, Lima 2,235 H. C'. Gregory to Joannah Gregory, Dextir i D. W. Noyes, by ex'r, to John Allen, Anu Albor 1,500 Erneet Ellsasser to Einauuel Ellsasser, Sul i II r 1 Peter Carey to C. & B. Hlnz, Ann Arbor 5C0 Jacob Wurster to May Falnier, Sylvan 400 John Koel to G. fc M. Boettger, Ann Arbor 1,100 EunleeJ. M Ford to Chas. Ilurd, Anu Albor 2,100 Joseph Mclutyre to Geo. Snauble, Bridgewater 150 G. W. Laman to L. E. Walker, Ypsli"ti 1,000 1'. J. Floteher to F. a. Piotcher, Superior 2C0 I,. E. Wnlker by Sheriff to H. A. Klrth, ex'r.YpsIlanll. 3,410 E. H. Morgan by sherlfl to J. E. Uoal, l'ltusfleld 1,821 Glover & ilood to Hui'k & Trip, Saline... 800 M. II. Burcli to E. J. M. Ford, Aun Arbor 4,00 A. Dn ven port to W. A. Moorc, York ... 2,500 Nlchols & Castte to Johu Schweiufunu, Ann Arbor 6,000 Henry J. Urake to II. 8. Barton, Lyndon 1,800 Chas. C. Wilmot to Geo. W. Best, Anu A r bor 400 Wm. Muir to Agalha Helber, York 1,000