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Miss Carrie Owcn lias gone to Xew York íor a visit. Gilbert Bliss is visiting his sister Mis. Alvah Ilill in Detroit: Dr. Stcele and family arrivcd home from California last night. Mrs. Comstock nee Lulu Bell, of Chicago, is home visiting her parents. Mre. Holliday, nee Susie Clark, is at the home of her inother in thls cily. A. B. Smith of the Milan Leader, was a pleasant caller at the Coviiiek office yesterday. Rev. Mr. Tatlock went to Ponliac yesterday to attend tlie convocatlon for tliis district. Miss Edith Seyler, who has been teachtng at Fruitfort, returned liomeSnturday evening. Mrs. E. L. Drakeof Marquette, nee Nettie (iregg is at the home of lier mother for a few weeks. D. L. Crossraan, of Williamston for years the efficiënt clerk of the House, at Lansing, is in the city. Mayor Beakes is spendlng a couple of days in Adrián. lie Isn't there to iigure any politicallj ! Oh! no! certainly not! George Bessinger, of Lompoc, Santa Barbara Co., Cal., wife and child are Tislting relativos and friends in the city. Mrs. Tlllie Perrlne, of Muskegon, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Banfield, returned home Monday. Byron S. Waite, of Menominee, was in the city for a short stay last Friday. Mr. Waite is a prominent candidate for lieutenant governor. Dr. Downerof Houghton, the phisician of the Quincy Copper Mine has been visiting his cousin A. W. Amea. He graduated frora the University in '71. A party of young friends gurpriscd Miss Gertie Ware, daugliter of Ex-AUlcrraan Ware of the 5th ward, on Fridav evening last, that belng her seventh birthday. Gerhard Josenhans and family went to York Monday to attend the golden wedding of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonothan Josenhans. The family reunión was a notable one, and a happy one. John Remick left last week for Seattle, Washington, to take care of his brother 3arroll who is very sick. During his absence his wife and child will ue the guest of Mrs. C. R. Remick, of E. Catherinest. The following ofllcers of the new Fruit and Vineear Works were electeil Monilay evening last: .President- Chas. E. Greene. Vlce-presideot- L. Gruner. Sec'y and Treas.- F. H. Belser. Manager- O. F. Allmendinger. In the case of Berry Seaton, charged wlth burglarj', before the circuit court yesterday, the prisoner was given the privilege of pleading liis own case, which he dld but not in a very eftectlve manner, for the jury returned a verdict of guilty within ten minutes. Judge Kinnie eentenced him to Jackson for five years. ïherc were two additional cases agsinst him. Rev. T. C. Ourdner, at one time pastor of the M. E. churcli of this city, and later presiding eider of this district, aud a man very generally known and greatly respected tliroughout the state, died lust Sunday, at liis residence in Flint. A memorial service wlll be held in the chapel of the Methodist churcli on the evening of Wednesday, and the burial service will be read at his grave in the cemetery on Thursday morning, on the arrival of the 10:43 train from the west. Mr. Ganzhorn being intervlewed Monday, gave his opinión of the fruit pros. pects very fieely. He says that peaches look excellently well, and he has no fears of the frost, as he never knew peaches to be injured after blossoming. The cherry trees are full of blossoms aml eo aro tha huns. Apples may be a fair erop but not a large oue. Pears will be a üght erop the buds not being plentiful. In mail fruits 8trawberries will not be a ïalf-crop even. The dry weather inured the vines so last summer that there ire very few blossoms. Kaspberrics and lack berries look well.


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Ann Arbor Courier