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LETTING ,2&m DOWN FortheMonthofMay. Special .sale Black Silks and Black Dress Goods. Prlces that will draw the crowds. 23. inch Black Gros Grato Silks ni-tli ü. I.oo for 75c. '2 I-ineli ricli Black Gros (rain Silks worthS 1.25 for 5c. 24-inch elegant Black Gros Grain Silks worth $I.5O fur $1.00. 22-inch Pean De Soic Sllks north $1.40 for $1.00. 22-inch Black Faille Silks worth $1.00 for 75c. 24-inch Black Faille Silks worth $1.40 for $1.00. 20-ineh Black Surah Silks doublé warp wortli 75c for 55c. 24. inch Black Surah Silks doublé warp worth xi.oo for 75c. 'Jl inch Black Snrah Silks doublé warp worth $1.25 for 85c. We are sole ag-euts in Ann Arbor '"■ Haskell's guarantccd Black Silks. The best wearing Silks ever made. 38-inch Black Cashmere worth 37c for 25c, 40i nc h Black Cashmere worth 50c for 37 l-2c. 12-incli Black Henrietta worth 75c for 50c. 40-Inch Black Henrietta worth $ 1.00 for 75c. 40inch Black Henrietta worth $1.25 for 90c. 16-inch Black $2.00 Silk Warp Henrietta for 1.25. 46Inch Black Velvet flnished $2.25. Silk Warp Henrietta lor $1.50, bcautifiil qualitj. 40-inch Black Silk Warp Henrietta worth $1.25 for 90c. 42-inch Black Mohairs, óOc quality for 40c. 4-inch Black Mohalrs, 75c quality for 55c. 52-inch Black Mohairs, $1.00 quality for 75c. io-Iik li Black Serges, C.c (jiiality for 50c. 46 -inch Black Serges, $1.00 quality for 75c. Special low prices in Black 19-inch Silk. Yelrets at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 a 20 pieces colored Silk Velvcts worth $1.00 for 75c. New Wash Goods. 50 pieces "Soudan"Suitin)s worth 12 l-2c for c. 35 pieces Plaid and Check Ginghams for 5c. 30 pieces 10c Dress Ginghams for c. 20 pieces SG-inch ('liallïcs worth 25c for 15c. 25 pieces 36-iuch Bciges worth 25c for 12 1 -2c. 40 pieces Black Lace Drapery Neis, boaght very cheap. Will be placed on sale Thursday at special low prices. 4inches wide at 35c, 50c, 75c. $1.00 and 1.50 a yard. Big sale Ribbons No. 4 and 5, at 5c a yard. AU Slik Gros Grain Uibbons ■. 7, 9 nnd 12, worth 15c and 20c, all at 10c a yard. 50 dozcu Ladies' IMbbcd Tests 3 for 25c. 100 dozen all Llncn Towels, 20c quality for 12 I -2c 15 dozen Boys' and Girls' Fast Black Ribbcd Hose worth 1 5c, all at 9c a pair. ON SATURDAY We place on sale one hundred Gold and Silrer Handle, so-called $1.25 Fast Black Umbrellas for 75c each. Ahvays the Cheapest. Schairer & Millen. Great Anction Sale of Real Estáte. Th follnwhiK iiescribed pronerty will be sold to the highest bidder at the South door of the court house, on Saturday the lOth day of May, at 10 o'clock a. in. The store and land No. 4, E. Huron st. ; house and lots, Nos. 53 and 55, and house foundation and lot No..57 on Detroit st. The sale wili be for cash. A deposit sufflcient to secure bids will be rrquired. Deeds to be delivered and balance pald within one week after sale. J011N Ci.ancy. 1'hose imlmppy persons who Boffer froni nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pilis, which are made expressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic suflerers. Price 25 cents. GRAND OPERAWuSE ONE NIGHT 0'LV. FRIDAY, MAY 9th, '90. THE POSTAGE STAMP CO. In tlieir new and suceessful play k SOCIAL SESSfON 'mier the management of D. J. SPRAGUE. The funulest pluy everwntten. Replete with BlDglng, dancing and speclallies, wbich awaken nppluuse, admtratlon and soul-.stir ring laughler. A ('IMIKDJ WITH A I'LOT. In thls plot sltuations. In these Blluatione launhtcr. wlilch, as the plot and ituat ioiiM thlcken, developes luto one conti 11 nous roar. OUE FAU07S BLACK HUSSAR BAND! Magniflcentlyuniformedand eleganüy equlpped, rendering in an exqulslte mannera clacs üfiuusic uever before attempted byanyllke orKaiilation. THE REPRESENTMIVE TRAVELING BAND OFiAMERICA, Under tUe leadership Ol KUWAHD K. N1CKERS0N. IK STAK o l(( II 1 s Ut . EVERY MEMBKH A I KVERYSOLOIST AN SOLOIST. I ARTIST. Under the dlrection of PROF. EMILE POSski.t. Uur grand band parade taken place from the liotel at 12 o'clock sharp. Concert from 12:10 lo 12::, and from 7 to 7:30 in the evenlng. PEICES - I2,EC3-TJIjIï,. Seats on sale at Wahr's. Stabler A Co. HAVE Ol'F.XED UI' A JJVandPJJNÍ STOCK OF O ROOM MOULOIMG AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES At Maufactorers' Trices. No. 6 West Huron St. ONE DOOK EAST OP EXPRESS Ol'FICE. Stabler & Co.


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