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Dr.C.NIcLane'sCelebrated IJVER PILLS WILL CURE HIÉC1 A few doses faken at the rlght Urne will often savo a severa epell of eiokness. Prioo only 25 cents at anv drug sfore. Be sure and see that Dr. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED L1VER PILLS, FLEMINQ BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa.j Is onthobox. NoneotherisGenuine. TXso IVORY POLISH fop the Teeth, iEBPC5IK3 THE BkKATH. [OARTER'Sl ■PlTTLE ' CURE Sick Headache and rel ie vo all tho tronbleg Incident to a bilioua stato of tho systom, uch aa DizzinosB, Nausea, Drowsiuosa, Distresa after eating, Paiüin tho Sido, Ac. Whilo theirnioat romarkablo succobb has boon showu in curixig SICK Headache, yct Carfor's Littlo Llver Plllfl ara equally valuablo in Ckinstlpation, curlng and prevcntlng thlsannoylnRcomplaint.wliIlo thoy also correct all disordera oí thofltomac h .stimiilato tho livcr and regúlate tho bowols. Een ii they only HEAD Acbethoy wonldboalmostpriceloBstothoflowho Buffer f rom thls distreesing complatnt; bl f ortnnatoly theirgoodnoas does notond hcro.aml thoso trho once try them will ünd theso littlo puin valuable In somany ways that thoy will not bo willing to do without them. But af ter allsick hoa4 ACHE Is tho bano of so many llves that hero Is whoie viomike our great boaat. Our pilla cure it while othors do sot. Carter's Littlo LiTcr Pilla aro very small and Tery easy to tako. Oue or two pilla mako a doso. They are striotly vei;otablo and do not gripo or purgo, but by thoir gentle action pleaao all who uso them. Invlal9at25cents; ftvoforfl. SoM by druggists overywhero, or sont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE If You Have CONSUMPTION GOUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA "Wasting of Flech Or any Visease tejiere the Throat and Zunga art Inflamcd, lach of Strength or Jferv Tower, you can be rtlieved and Cared by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN ■" OF PURE COD LIVER OIL - With Hypophospliites. PALATABLE AS MILK. Aittfor Bcott'ë Emulsión, and. let no ex ptanation or êoticltation induce you V accept a tubstUute, Sold by all Drugglsts. 8C0TT & BOWNE.Chemlats, N.Y. SCVCH r EVEWTCTNB SrvCKTV To cure lüliousncss, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Llver Coniplaints, take the safe .and ccrtain rcmcdy, SBIITH'S BILE BEANS Usc the s M A 1,1. Sizc (40 littlc Beans to the bOttlc). TIIEY AKE THE MOST CONVENIENT. Snitable all Agoa. Frico of eitlicr wizo, 2.1c. per Bottle. ■m I WW I HU aili'd for 4 et, (toppers or itsmpn). J.F.SMITH&C0.Makersof"BILEBEAN3,"$T. LOUIS MO. Mortgage Sale. DEFADLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THB conditione of a certaln mortage executed by Chancey W. Riges to Rowana Rigs, dated the 9th day of Febrnary, A. D. 1880, and recorded in the ofhee of the Register of Deeds for the C'onnty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the 8tb day of October, 1S80, In Liber 53 of Mortgagcs on page 652, and which said mortgage wan duly apsigLed by deed of agslgnment, bv the eaid Howana Rigg. mortgagee, to Clara II. Riggs, jn the 18th ciay of April, 1835, which eaid aasigument of eaid mortEage is recorded in the office of the Regiter of Deeds in said County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan in Liber 8 of Aeslgnment of Mortgages, on page 472, hy which eaid defaalt the power of sale contained in eaid roortgagc has bcconie operatlve and no sultor proccedinga, in law or eqnity, having been inptituted to recover the debt eeenred by eaid mortgage, or aiiy part thereof, and the sum of $275.00, at the date of thls notice, beinu claimed to be due on eaid mortgage, notlce is therefore hereby givcn that said mortgage will be forecloaed, by a sale of the mortgaged premisos tberein depcribed, or eome part thereof, and that the premiseg are described in eaid mortgage as followe, towit: All thu' certain picce or parecí of land sitimted in the Townshlp of Sylvan in the Connty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and described as folIow8, to-wit: The south eaet quarter (U) of the nouth-east qnarter of section thirtyone In townehipnumber two south in range threo cast, at public vendue on the 16th day of May, 1890, at noon of sald day, at the north front door of the Court Hon"e in tbc City of Ann Arbor, In eaid County; That being the place of holding the Circuit Conrt in sala Couniy. Dated Feb. lith, 189?. CLARA H. RIQGS, A. J. Sawter, Aeaignce for the Mortgagee, Att'y for Aesigneo. Kowana Riges. v W'AO ËSgm Lf-Sr V. Nk THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. make all thclr shoes wlth fnstdo of heel Hnert wlth runtwr. This elinKR to tho shoe aud rrevcuu tho rubber fruiu ellpijlng off. Cal] fur thu "Coliliostcr" "ADHESiVt: COUNTERS." FOU SALE BY- WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON. AWIÍ ARBOR. Pkab's Is the purest and best Soap ever made. HE Grain-Saving, Time-Sar r' ing, Mor.ey-Saving Thre3her _ of this day and age. n AS More Points of Exclusive ; Superiority than all others combineJ. 3 VER Y Thresherman and Farmer is delighted with its marvelous work. aOT only Superior for all kinds of Qrain, but the only buccessful handler of all Seeds. 3NTIRE Threshing Expenses (often 3 to 5 times that amount) made by extra Grain Saved. HORKMANSHIP, Material, and Finish beyond all comparison. QI B R A T O R owners get the best jobs and make the most nNCONÍPARABLE for Simplicity, Efficiency, and Durability. "IJEYOND all rivalry for Rapid B w Work, Perfect Cleaning, and ha3 or Saving Grain. QEQUIRES no attachments or rebuilding to change from Grain to Seeds. 0BROAD and ampie Warranty givcn on all our machinery. ÖRACTION Engines Unrivaled in Material, Safety, Power and Durability. 0UR Pamphlet giving full information, sent Free. It tells about this great 0EVOLUTION in Threshing Machinery. Send for pamphlet. Address


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Ann Arbor Courier