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Mr. Babcoek has rentcd bis park for tennis courts. Judge Babbitt bas boe on the sick list during the week. Dr. W. B. Sniith has retorned frora his trip to Egypt. fl. Randall left for Boston yesterday a. ni. on a business trip. W1U Hayley, of L'insing is spending a few days at his home In this city. L. Gruner has been confineil to his home by illness since last Friday. Julius V. Seyler, of Detroit, was in tiie city over Sunday, vlsiting his parents. J. W. Knlght, K.-q., is lying quite seriously ill at his home on Williatn st. Judge Hooker, of Charlotte, was in the city yesterday, the guest of Judge Kimie. Eugene Mutscliel spent Sunday in Owosso, where Mrs. Mutscliel is rMtlng. Orla B. Taylor, of Detroit, was In the city Monday looking hale and happy as usual. Laurea Henion, wlio resides next door north of this office, is very sick with pneumonía. Mrs. Lizzie Baklwin, of Leadville, Col. accompanied by her two children, are at C. 8. JVlillen's. Miss Helen Morris, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wheeler, of W. Iluron st. Harry S. Higgins, of Poitland, Me., Sundaycd with friends in the city. He ftoes to Europe again in June. Mrs. S. Krause and Miss Mattie Otto left Monday for West l'oint Neb., where tbey will reinain for seyeral months. Homer Henderson, of Cleveland, Ohio, ia home for a short time, called here by the severe iilness of liis father, John S. Henderson. Clare Durand who has been in the American expresa office for some years, bas been obligeil to give up his position in the office on account of hU health. James Hobison and wife celebrated the lifth anniverary of their marriage Monday evening, man}' friends assisted them in making the event a very pleasant one. Lewis W. James, of Saratoga Springg, visitcd Ii Í3 cousin J. L. Babcock last week, reporting Saratoga all garnished and ready for tlieir usual rush of snnimcr pleasure seekers. Timotliy Josenbans ol' Seattle, Wasbington, is pending a few days witb bis brolber, Gerbard, on E. Ann st. Mr. Josenlians graduated frora tbe lit. department witb tbe class of '79. A letter to Philip Buch frotn E. B. Abel, States tbat be was to leave Asbville, N. Carolina, on Saturday, for tbe borne of bis parents at Auresville, N. Y. He does not appear to have been greatly benefited by bis soutbern trip. James Koss left last week for a sojourn at Salt Lake City. Just how long Mr. Ross will stay 9 merely conjecture. He is not a married man, and tbe temptations of Mormonism may be so dazzling to liim tbat be will become plural and remain in Mormondom. Wiioknows? Cbauncey F. Cook, ex-mayor of Hillsdule, was in tbe city tbis a. m. looking up hls fences for tbc democratie congressional nomination. He was cbaperoned by Ezra B. Norria wliile in tbe city, and it is said ran on to no less th:m four local democratie coDgressional ligbtning rods towering bravely up. Rey. Jolin Hhey Thompson, D. D., of Brookiyn, N. Y., preaches bcfore the Wesleyan Guild on Sunilay evening, May 25tb. There will be a meeting of the Ladies ]Iissionary Society of the M. E. church Frlday p. m., at 2:30 o'clock ia the church parlore. The ladies of tlie Bethleliem cliurch will give a social, at the residence of Mr. Herman Hutzel, on west Huron street, on Thursday eve, May 29lh, for the benelit of their new cburch. Admission 15 cents including ice creara and cake. Win. O. Doty has receivcd an invitation to deliver tlie annual address befure Manchester lodge F. & A. M., No. 148, on Sunday, June lat, at 2 p. m. The address to be delivered in the ceraetery, at the public exercises of decoruting deceased brotiier's graves. John Ryan, of Northfield, eveiybody about this section knew old John, died Monday, nt 5 o'clock p. m., of pneunioni:i. He will be buried to-day from tlie Northfield church, at 9 o'clock a. m. He was about years of age, and liad resided in Nortlifield gome SO years or over, taking up his farm from the government. The members of Anti Arbor Cotntnandery K. T. last eyening presentad Past E. C. Cbas. E. Hiscock wltli a beautiful K. T. charm, solld gold, heavily enameled, diamond studded. and mostcxfiuiaite in ma3onic design. The presentation speech was made by Past E. C. Win. G. Doty, in a very appropriate and pleaeing maiincr. There were 330 people In attendance itpon the K. O. T. M. banquet at the rink last Friday crcnln?, notwithstanding the exceedingly inclement weatber. It was an occasion not soon to be forfrotten by those present, for evervthing went merry as a marriacre bell, and not one present but enjoyed the allair. Tliere was no formal speech making, Dr. Breakey, however, entertained the nudtence for a time with remarks pertinent to the occasion. There being a considerable qoanttty of provisions left over, the same ws turned over to the Ladies' Charitible Union, who distributed it uiiODg the poor families of the city.


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Ann Arbor Courier