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Epitome Of The Week

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Tuk Senate PU not in session on tho 6th In the House Mr. Boutelle (Me.) introduced a bíll Intonded to repuir the damage iufllcted upon the State jiroliibi tion laws by the recent decisión of the Supreme Court in the original paokage oase. Tho bill is in the shapo of a 8601 ion whu-h it is proposod to add to the interstate oommeroeaot-andreadsasfollews: "That nothing contuincd in this act shall be construed to authorize the sale or trafilo in intoxicaling hquors in any State contrary to the laws thereoí." A bilí, was introduced in the Senate on tho 7th to estublish in cvery county of the United States under the supervisión of the Department of Agricultor a public farm. The army bill and the military aeademy bill were roported, and the bill authorizlng the Issue of Treasury notes on dnposit of silver bulllon was discussed. A bill authorlzing the Secretary of War to deliver to tho State of Colorado the flags carried by the Colorado regiments during the war of the rebellion was passed In tho House the time was occupied in discussing tho McKinley tarifl bill. Thk President sent to the Senate on the 8th the iollowing nominatlons for the new Terrltory of Oklahoma : Oeorge W. Steele, of Indiana, for Governor; Robert Martin, of Oklaboma, for Seoretary, and Kilward B. Green, of Illinois, for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The House bill for the elassiüealion of worsted poods as woolens was passed. The pension appropriation bill ($97,090.791) was discussed Ia tho House a resolution was introduced to make eight hours a legal days' work. A bill was introduced imposiuR a duty of ten cents a pound on all suffar and milk imported. The tariff bill was furthcr debated. The pension and military academy bilis wcra passed in the Senate on the 9th and the army approptiation bill was considered In the House bilis were passed increasing the pension of Brigadier General Ayers to 75 per month and giving Mrs. Delia S. Parnell a pension of $50amonlh. A bill was introduced declaring that any person who shall descérate tho National flag, either by printing on said flag or attaching the same to any advertisement for public display, shall be guilty of a misdcmoanor. The tariiT bill was furthrr discussod. DOMESTIC. C. M. üii'.t and his bride, oí Fairñeld, Neb., rere suffooated by gas on the 6th in a hotel at Grand Island, Neb. They woro on thcir wrddin;? tour. Br.oKii: .Iamks BtÍKT, of New York, on the Oth socurod a verdict of $12.500 against the Boston Advertiser for libel. Tuk works of the Singei' Newinif-Machine Company at Elizabeth, N. J., were burned on the Oth, causing a loss of $3,000,000 and tkrowlng 3,5uo persons out of work. ÏHE town of r.atham, 111., was almost entirely destroyed by fire on the 6th. At the Le (rande Hotel in Chicago on tho Cth Alonzo Edwards and his wife, of Lako Villa, 111., were asphyxiated by gas. A. F. Ski rF.i!ii:i! was chosen treasuror and W. K. Aokorman auditor of the world's fair directora at a meeting in Chicago on the 6th. Reports recoived on the 6th from the "fruit belt" of Michigan wero totho effect tbat the coming peach erop was practically a total wreek. IAURA Gi;im, ag d 12 years, living at Alliance, O., was soized with hydrophobia on the Gth from being bitton by a dog Beven years ago. The British steamer Wingates, Captain Thompson, with a orew of thirty men, which sailed from Philadelphia March 2", bouml for Coponhagen, was given up as lost on the Oth. At Foxboro, Mass., a man namod Cromack shot and killed hls 18-y6ar-old daughter on the öth and then killed himself. Govkuxoi! Boies, of lowa, issued a proclamation on the Gth appointing May 30 as a holiday. and urging citizens to join in decorating the soldiers' graves. Fbom 12,000 to 15,000 coal miners, employés of the Northern Illinois operators, Btruck on tho Oth forhigherwages. BCxtS. Mai:y Pknx, of Huntsdale, Pa., fatally shot, her C-ycar-old daughter on the Gth bocauso she did not comply roadily with a request to do somothing. Tui: bilí to abolish capital punishment was doicated in the N'ew York State Senate on the Gth. Tuk reported lynchin of C. M. Jliles, the attorncy who killed Dr. Pritchard at Coldwater, Kan., was on the Gth found to be untrue. At Ashford, Neb., Charles Clark shot Miss May Mclntyre on the Gth because she would not marry him and blew his own brains out. ltoth were wealthy. FÈ&UE8 on the 7th at Middlesborough, Ky., burned the livory stable of C. 10 Clay, and twenty-six fine horses were crematcd. A YAfiiT containing twenty peoplo capsized in the Ohio river at Wheeling, W. Va., on the 7th andonlyten of them were rescuod. At Richmond, Va., the truck containing the statue of Oeneral Lee was hauled through the streets by ladics and children on the 7th. The world's record for twolve hours of heel-and-too walking was broken by John Meagher at Detroit on the 6th, when he made sixly-seven miles, with fifteen seconds to spare. Tho bost time previously was lü hours and 44 seconds. Anviir.s of thé '.'Ui uay tliat Montana eattlo shipments thlg yoar will reach nearly 100,000 head, an increase of at least 30,0;ü hoid over last year. PERSONAL ANO ToLITICAL, Ho'. C. F. ClArkSON, fathor of Assistant Postmaster-General Clarkson, and for twonty years apfricultural editor of the lowa State Register, dicd at Des Moines on the aged N0 yoars. TSBODOBB THOMAS, f New York, the well-known musioian. was mat ried in Chicago on the evening of the 7th to Miss Rose Fay, of that city. Tuk Demócrata of the Fifth district of Oliio on the 7th nominatod Fernando C. Layton, of Wapakonetta, for Congressman. Judge Edwakd F., of San Mateo County, Cal., diod on the 7th in his home at Kedwood City, aged 7'J years. Thouffh totally blind, ho had held the office of superior judge sinco 1879. TnE Republicans of Arkansas will moot in State convention at Little Rock on July 9. Dr. Joski'ii R. Cimmixos, tho venerable president of the Northwestern University at livanston, 111., diod suddenly on the 7th, aged 73 years. Tint Wiseonsin Prohibitionists will bold their Stato convontion at Madison on July 22. The marriage of Miss Lilly Rosecrans, daughter of General Uosocrans, U. S. A., retired, to Govornor Joseph Toole, of Montana, was solemnized in Washington on the 7th. The Pennsylvania Prohibitionists will hold their State convention at llarrisburg- on July 15. The Dolaware Prohibitionists in convention on the 8th at Dover nominatod William T. Kelhum. of Dover, for Governor, and Daniel M. Groen, of Nowport, for Representativo in Congress. The platform favors the Australian ballot system; denounces high license as a fraud, and favors prohibition through amendments to the National and State constitutions. The New Vork Legislatura adjourned sitie die on the 9th. Speaker Rkkd oxpressod tho opinión on the 9th that both housos of Congress would be ready to adjourn by July 4. FOREIGN. FRAMES on tlie öth dostroyed the insane asylum at Longuo Pointe, nine miles from Montreal, and of the 1,300 lunática in the building flfty were burned to death. The Germán Reichstag was opcned on the 6th by Emperor Willlam. In his speech he doclared himself in favor of peace. Frauds involving the sum of about $10,000,000 annually wore on tho 7th said to havo boen discovered in tho customs department at lïucnos Ayres. A men gold mine was discovored on the 7th in the western part of County Cork, Ireland, at a placo called Dunnode. Advices of the Tth say that 150 persons perished in the recent firo that destroyed the lunatic asyluin at Longue Pointe, Can. James Nasmytii, tho celebrated mechanical engineer and inventor of the steam hammor, diod in London on tho 7th, aged 82 yoars. A severe drought prevailed at Havana, Cuba, on the 8th, and many cattlo were dying and fires were doing groat damage. Duuino a tlmnder-storm in Paris on tho 9th tlie Eiffel tuwijr was struck by lightning six tiraos, bat no damago wa3 done. The question of tnking tho control of charitablo Institutions f rom tho priosts and placing it in tho hands of tho civil power was arousing bitter controversy in the Italiun Parliament on the öth. LATEST NEW5. The army ippvopriation bill and iS5 Individu.. r. .. ,ijv bllls were passed in the United States Sonate on the lOth. A bill was Introduoed amendinij the inter-State commerce law so as to permit railroads to give reduced ratos to commercial travolors. In the House tho time was occupiod in discussing the tarifï bill. Geoügk V. Crane & Co., of Topeka, Kan., printers and publislicrs, failcd on the lOth for 8120,000. Violent wind-storms on the lOth in Korthern Missouri destroyed many buildings and caused tho death of five persons. A fiue on the 11 th at Ellicottville, N. Y., destroyed one-half of the businoss portion of the village. A TEUiiiFic wind-storm at Dubuque, Ia., did much dam age on the lOth, and at Council liluffs houses were unroofed and others blown from tbeir foundations. The town of (reenville, Pa., was flooded to the depth of two feet on the lOth by a cloud-bwst. Flamks on the lOth in a large Government warehouse ut Willet's Point, L, I., destroyod proporty valued at $1,000,000. A cyci.onic on the lOth at Codar Valley. Kan., killed four persons, injured a dozen others and wrocked several buildings. Tuk Oxford Club stables at Cambridge: Mass., wero totally destroyed by fire on the lOth, and thirty blooded horses perishod in the fiamos. A OYCLONK swept through Akron, O., on the lOth, destroying over 100 houses and damaging as many more, and seriously injuringa numbor of persons. Thkek workmen were killed and several others injured by an explosión in a powder inill at Winton, Pa., on the lOth. A CTCLONE on the lOth near Oil City, Pa., killed Mr. and Mrs. Koah Jackson and twochildren of William Xunnemaker and wrecked houses, barns and other outbuildings. The Iron Car Cornpany, doing business at Carlisle, Pa., failed on the lOth for 8150,000. The percentages of tho base-ball clubs in the Players' League for the week ended on the lOth were: Chicago, .092; Boston, .687; Philadolphia, .!00; IJrooklyn, .400; Buffalo, .454; l'iUsbiirgh, .428; Clevoland, .41(5; New York, .:í."7. The clubs in the Kátíonal League stood: Philadelphiii. 648j f'liicuiro, .(15; Cincinnati, .000; Brooklyn, .''■''; lioston, .438; Cleveland, ,41; New 'jrk, .400; Pittsburgh, .:;."i7.


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