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HJlSOBTIC DIJtBOTOBV. A.ns ArborComm asdkrt, Xo. 13 mof! f. ml rneoday of eaob month, C. E. Hlaoook, E. C; John R. Mluer, Kecorder. tV.vsrrnvAv i'haim'kk, Xo. 6, R A. M.- vl -ms nrst tfonJay eaob month. J. L. sumió, H. I'.: Z. Boath, secretary. BUSINESS CAR DS. D. A.MacLachlan,M. D. DISBASES O TUK EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFiCE ASD RESIBEHCE, 26 SCÜT3 DIVISIÓN STREET HOUBS: 1 to I. ; n 1 1 ;:;:: lo 7:30 P. M. TOC3-EXj &""KERIr DEALKIt IV AI.!. K(NIS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN N. 9 K. Aun Ht„ Ann A rbor. V. W. I JiO!,K, DE1TTIST. Rooms Ovor Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VÏTALÏSSD AIE. AdrainlPteroil. It is nrt;oabte and oaiy to Uke, and no prostratlng eilect follow, whilc tccth are extraclcd without pain. WILLIAn IIERZ, IIouso, Sig-n Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Glazing, Gilding, and Caleiminlntr, and work of evory deecription douo in the beet stylc, and warrauted to givc aatisfactlon. Shop, No. 4 W. Washiniïton St,, Ann Arbor. o. iLJRTXisr, 'DK.ALKit IN CLOTH CÁSKETS, METALIC Anti Common Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or Ñlght. Kmbalmlng a speclalty. Storeroom on E. Washington street. Kesldenoe Cor. Liberty aud Fiftti. The Farmers' Sí Mechamos' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. STOPLUS $7,000. AiitioiialLialiilittesofStocHioliers S5O,OOO. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 BANKING DKl'AHTMKNT. Office of the Commissioners.J Wiierïas, by satlsfactory evldence preHented to the undersigned, lt has been made toappear that the Farmers' and Medíanles' Kank.ln thecity of na Arbor, In theCouuty of Washtenaw, State of .Mlcliimm, has complled wlth all the provlsions of the General Banking Law of the State of Michigan requlred to be complled wlth before a Corporation shall be authorized to continue the busineas of Banking. Now therefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, Commlasioner of the State Banking Department, do hftreby certlfy that by that the Farmera' & Medíanlos' Kunlt, afomaid, lsanthoriyed to continue the business ut banking as provlded in sectlon GO of the Gen'l Banking law of the state of Michigan. [L. 8.] lu wltuess whereof wltness my hand and seal of offlee at Iansing this á2d day of June, 18. t. c. snr.RWOon, Com. of the Banking Dept. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Bant havlngflled thelr certlflcate with the State Banking Department are now authorized to do business iik a Suvtngs Bank, aud iu purHiiance tliereof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings department on all deposita of $1 and upwards, interest paid June lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The savlngsdepartment Is open Saturday nights from 7 until S o'clock. Money to loan in sumsof $25 to $5.000 seMirod by unenctunbered real estáte or approved securilies. l J ItKCTlMtS ICi-uli-n Konijif. Ohas. '. lircdio, i; Dufly, Kiarney, Wm. :. sirvpiiN, W. F. Brcahfy. J. K. Mcal, John Burg, D. F. Sckairer. R. KEHPF, Pres. K. DUFFY, Vlce-Pre. F. 11. a-.lil.r 1W EVER MADE. Sj.Ifn-1" drive the Humor fromymir III 'Ji jCLsyntcm, nnd make your 6kii] ra '■■(.(.Kv.m aml smooth. Thum-lll ? '% 4%Ljehnyle Bnl1 Blothe en ,4 '', VV''11 mnr yur l'!'lyM Q o f. ' VvWare cnnscil by iinpurcU 1%, . 'e .L 'Lblood, mili can Uil .% ?'''L X.wlseaniluscll '4, i A.% ' Lthc Krentl I m The Dose is'V'V n?, % ITl 3 upoonfuU It la thcVf-f. %. ■ {„ . I llHst and cluapcslV o $.-!! lliiif.lir.ine. Try it, ando,, CW%, I lyouwlllliesatistled. % j 'Jv IH JU Cot It of Drugglst. v . w ö Don'i Wait. Get it at ONCEk jJ U If vou are guffcrlnpr from Kiclk III noy bUense, ml wpWh to Ure M II ola age, use SUtPHüB BITTEUS: I III Tbey uever íail U OUie. III SpikI 3 SMsent stamp to A. 1'. tmlwiiy & Co., Bobion. Mass.. ior best medical worit publUUcd W, F, LJODHOL2 IS OFFERIXG BARGAINS IMÏ1 AND mm LOOK AT THEM 5 lbs. i;.)l)l) JÍPAS IBA l.OO 7 Bars LltlNDKV SOAP 5 Hi:sT IIII'II. TEST OU., per gal. O7 SSDSI1 WATF.K WHITE, " " 8 8 Gana CHOICB to.uatoïs 25 3 'uu (HOK i: COKX 35 VKL.L.OW PEACIIESi wortli 5c. per Can, lor 18 PIE PEAOHKS, por Can 15 i'-ii:, iniXEn ito.iKTKu ooFFKK, per 1b 25 "Ol'K BK.41ITÏ" H.1IOK1XG TOBACCO, per lb O BKST IMKIMi 1'OU'DKK, in 1 Ib. Casa, er lb 25 .1EIXICU CAN1V, per lb 10 ALL COODS rRSSS AND WA&&A8TED ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH - VT. F. Z.ODBOLZ, 4 X O ItitO IHWAY, AX. AKOOR. IG38 HU O kil I Idllllw thispapei.crobtsin etimatos on advertising spaco when in Chicago, will find it on file at 45 10 49 Randolph Si , Hn M TUMIftC UwAdnftWngACMicyoi Llfltlf tt I llVnlRvP Since t is now a welNeafabllshed faot tlmt catarrh is a bluoil dfcease, medical men an; quite generally pre3cribing Ayef'a Sarsaparilla for that most loatli8ome compinlllt, and the result, in nearly every Inatance, nroves the wisdom of their advice. A Xebrnska editor hassummed itailup n the following pnragraph: "With fat cows selling at the enormous price of % and 2 cent a pound gro=s and bcefstake mly bringlng 12}. to lö cents a pound, our butchers can't aftbrd to advertise. Uut tliank God liver is still on the free iist and as long as such is the case editora win live ánd the moráis and Intelllgence of the conimunity will be carefully juarded. Give us this day our daily iver, etc.1' XTot aPimple oaSaby Raby ■!■ Yruroltl. liiiilulli Krzcma. llair all gnne. Noulp caverrd wlth riniiliiiiis. :i i r.l l, uti 11 ir . llalr gplendld and not a pimple on liim. Cured by Cuticura. I cannot sajr enougb In pralfe of the Cuticura 3e.mkdiks. Myboy, when oneycar of 8g;, was bo ad wit eczema that he lost all ol' hls hair. Bil scalp was covered wlth eruptions, wbïch tho doctcr sald was scall-head, and that Me luir mild never grow asain. üeepalrii g of a cure from ihysicians. I legan the use of theCUTIODBA Iïk.mkuiïe, and, I am happy to say, wlth the nyet perfect saccesK. Hls hatr la now xplendid, and there iïot a pimple on him. I reccomend the Cuththa ;kmi:íjies tomothersas the most speedy, econom";il. and Mire cure for at 1 fkiti diseases of Infante and children. and fcel that evcry motber who has au allllcted chlld will tliank me for so dolne. Mrs. M. E. WOODSUM, Norway, Me. Fever Sore Eight Years I must extend to you the thanks of ono of my cnstomers, who ha been cured by usinj the Curii -i!,v 1!ii:iiie?, of an old sore, caused by long spcll of sickness or fever elfht years ogo. ' He was nu bad he waslearful he woald have tobave hls le amputated, but is happy to say he is now entirely well,- sound as a dollar. He reqaests me to use lia mui, whlch Is H. II. Cason, merchact. JOHN V. MINOR, Druggtst, Gainesbro, Tenn. We have heen eelltng yonr CuTioirnA REgn:ES or ycari", and have the flret complulnt vet to receive früm a parchaser. One of.the worst case of ecrofula 1 ever saw was cured by tbem TAYLOK TA Y LOU, Frankfort, Kan. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin Pnriflerand purest and 3cst of Humor Remedies internally, andOuTicoBA the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap. an exquiiite hkin Beautifler, externally, eiieedily permanently and economically cure every dlgeose and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loes of ■hmr, whethcr itching, burning, scaly, pimply, pcrofulous, or hereditary, whon all other ruueïiis fall. Sold everj-where. prke' Coticura, BOc; Soap, 2c.; Resolvent, 81. Preparcd by the Pottkh DUUH AND CUSMKAI.COKPOHATION, Boston. %Sr Send for " How to Cure Skin Dlseases." 64 pages, 50 Illtielrations, and 100 testimoniáis. R A R Y' S."fin ?",d SMP Preserved and beauDnD I O tid.d by CuTicURi SOA1-. Aboolutely i'urt. Jgj EVERYMUSCLE ACHES. JMLv haff chei'' Dn" Pa'nes, Stralns, fvSik a"d "laknesses relie ved In one LJil IluÍS.b thu '"tlcura Antl■■- ■ aI" Iter. The flrst and only instautaneous paln-kllliDg strengtheulng piaster 'o cents.


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